544 search results for "god over government"

“Europe today is almost as pagan as it was back when Saul was head-hunting believers.”

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“We need to learn to look beyond the red team/blue team paradigm and we’ll see that the Hegelian dialectic is being used to start the wars and keep them going until a Solution is found.”

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“A Christless ‘Christian’ Western restoration has no future.”

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“…it is as if a veil is covering the eyes of most of the world, and that especially seems to be true among many in the Church.”

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“By all appearances, 8371 is a pretence for a ban on religious freedom, period.”

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“The White House wants harsher sentencing for those already doing time in Biden’s J6 gulags.”

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“The People have manifested their voice!”

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“Woke Jihadists cheering on Islamic jihadism isn’t a surprise to those who’ve long been acquainted with the fine print.”

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“The year 2032 will be 100 years since Huxley published his book. Maybe the UN is emulating a ‘Brave New World.’”

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“When societies have God-honouring people within them, they literally become more humane.”

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“Let the celebrations begin.”

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Pastor imprisoned for keeping his church open during the 2021 lockdowns has charges dropped.

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“Who would have thought, that Australia could become a society that persecutes Christians, or other faiths, for simply adhering to their fundamental beliefs on gender, and life.”

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“At both the beginning of life and at the end of life humans are being murdered en masse.”

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“Even if the death penalty is only an OT matter if it is in fact morally wrong – as some believers seek to argue – then we have real problems since it is God himself who initiated it. So was God immoral or mistaken in doing so?”

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“We need this external frame of reference so that we can test our hearts against that which is First, that which gives meaning to life that is more than mere animal survival instincts.”

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“Were the Danaans related to the Danites? Some of the evidence indicates that this may be the case.”

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“They’re coming for Country Music because it’s in the way of them coming for you!”

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“There are all kinds of legitimate and necessary restrictions on every kind of liberty man has, and these are necessary for the maintenance of liberty, because liberty cannot be equated with anarchy.”

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“Climate changes! It is driven by the sun, not human activity. And even if you believed humans, with their cattle grazing and farming practices make a contribution, it is infinitesimal compared to the effects of the sun on climate.”

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