220 search results for "mandates"

“Scott Morrison is literally preaching the ‘God over Government’ message he refused to support when protestors gathered in Canberra in the name of freedom.”

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“Wickedness wants others to have guilt on their hands, because those who have a guilty conscience often find it harder to stand up in boldness, because they are already defeated in their own mind.”

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“Sure, we might call that a ‘choice,’ but it was the government that reduced their options, like an armed robber demanding his victim either hand over their cash or get shot.”

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“I don’t want to live in a society where you’re one wrong word from going bankrupt.”

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“Increasingly we are being vindicated. Barely a day goes by when we do not learn even more about just how wrong so much of the ‘science’ was, how dictatorial and totalitarian our governments were, and how much medical fascism was allowed to take place.”

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“Never before in Australian history has a politician’s maiden speech to parliament been banned from YouTube.”

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“After the past few years of mandates and now emerging injuries, this topic is crucial and the timing critical.”

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“Facts instead of fear, education instead of indoctrination, law and order over rioting and disorder.”

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“The former Morrison government, under domestic terrorism response protocols, sought out cyber censorship of COVID related content 4,213 times.”

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Canadian Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, has claimed he never forced anyone to take the Covid vaccines after his government implemented one of the world’s strictest vaccine mandate policies.

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“What this turn towards 1984 looks like, is a seditious scheme to replace parents with parenting professionals.”

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“His alleged crime? Kneeling to offer a 15-second, quiet personal prayer in the centre of the field after three games.”

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“Drawing the U.S. into the conflict draws us closer to a hot war between the world’s two largest nuclear powers.”

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“We were being asked to do something which is not in step with the gospel and which Paul would have condemned. He would have opposed us for segregating the Churches.”

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Novak Djokovic’s ban on entering the United States has been met with the derision the Biden decision deserves.

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Of course, for daring to suggest that medicine had been politicised and much of this was simply a grab for more power and control by our petty dictators, we were mocked, scorned, vilified and treated like scum. But finally, it seems almost on a daily basis now there are some who are willing to put up their hands and admit that we got things wrong – massively.

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“It’s time to hold the Christian leaders who pushed that lie accountable,” said U.S. Former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defence.

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“As it turns out, many are quicker to denounce others than to apologise for their own mistakes…”

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How did this article pass into the mainstream media despite its heresies?

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“The coronavirus crisis was a unique opportunity for politicians. They get to seize absolute power, silence opponents, gag freedom of speech, and have the populace applaud them for doing so.”

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