220 search results for "mandates"

“Reports have revealed that military leaders saw COVID as a unique opportunity to test propaganda techniques on the public. Who advised western leaders to use military-grade propaganda on their own people?”

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“Exposing Dr. Fauci and the unnecessary totalitarian response to COVID seems to be next.”

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“Being locked-out, instead of being locked-up is still a prison sentence. The former just means less pesky paperwork for tyrants. The state doesn’t have to house, clothe, and feed offenders.”

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“Within two weeks of that sign going up, our congregation almost doubled in size, on a weekly basis.”

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“The fact that The Greens can sit in that corner over there, mock, and laugh [at] the vaccine injured – these people are not anti-vaxxers, they believed what the government told them. You want to talk about trust and transparency, go to the vaccine injured and talk to them.”

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How Biden’s DoD is disowning America’s best.

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“The vast majority of churches in Australia, and indeed the world, sent two very clear messages: First, we are just as afraid of death as the rest of you. Second, we don’t see the public worship of God and religion as essential to society.”

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“…states psychologically manipulated individuals by deliberately scaring them with predictions of horrific mortality rates and agonizing deaths by suffocation, as internal government papers show and some governments have openly admitted. Distrust of others was promoted by portraying them as potential threats to life and limb. Such propaganda enables many states to impose policies that infringed on people’s rights and liberties in ways that previously seemed unthinkable in the ‘free’ world.”

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“The excuses heard over and over again for why there should be blanket amnesty is that no one knew what was going on in the early days. These folks claim we were all in the dark and none of us had any useful information to run with. This is patently false.”

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“In a moment of great anxiety, most of society threw away its principles. Now some are going to be, justly, made to pay for that.”

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“Oster would have hit a better tone if she acknowledged that for many victims, solutions start where restitution begins.”

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“We are owed not just plenty of apologies, but one can almost now talk about Covid reparations.”

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“I did not know that Emmanuel Macron was not vaccinated,” he said. “I did not know that most of the government members were not, and I did not know as many of my fellow MPs were not either.”

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“‘Get vaccinated for others’ was always a lie. The only purpose of the COVID passport: forcing people to get vaccinated,” Roos said.

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An estimated 1,200 active service members of the United States Coast Guard have filed a class action against the US government, arguing that “vaccine” mandates violated their religious freedom.

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“If the Bureaucratic caste can milk the manufactured side of the COVID crisis for all its worth, what’s stopping them from squeezing as much political profit from a ‘Climate Crisis’ smelted in the same fires and forged on the same conveyor belt of forced consensus, doom and gloom?”

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“The mandate is clearly not about readiness, it is about compliance, even if it violates a service member’s sincerely held faith.”

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“A brand new Declaration has just been released, urging believers to do more to stand against oppressive statism and to champion the cause of liberty around the world.”

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“Render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s!” But what is Caesar’s? “Obey Caesar unless it’s sinful” has become an almost universal interpretation of Romans 13. But is that correct? When the government says, “Jump!” do we say, “How high?”

In this episode of The Caldron Pool Show, Evelyn Rae chats with Anthony Forsyth, author of “Caesar and the Church,” to discuss our churches’ varied responses to government mandates and restrictions. Anthony helps us to understand what the Bible says about authority and how it relates to the relationship between the civil government and the church.

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“The green gendarme’s primary purpose will be to ‘fight against damage to the environment.'”

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