817 search results for "COvid"

“What we are witnessing…is the destruction of the once-Christian culture that made the Western democracies great.”

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“There’s been a cultural shift towards the idea that if there is a problem to be solved, or if life is to get better, the people in [government] will do it for us.”

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“Politicians by their very nature distort and contradict any true science. They always manipulate it for their own purposes.”

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“Holding the line is hard in a world where the World Economic Fourth Reich, its subscription culture – ‘you will own nothing and be happy’ – and associates seem to dominate.”

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“Her alleged crime was criticising Woke Disney’s decision to cast a black American as white, red-headed Ariel in a live remake of The Little Mermaid.”

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“To this day, I don’t know anyone personally who died of Covid, but I do know, or knew, too many people who have since, suddenly and unexpectedly, died of something else, or been diagnosed with life-changing chronic illness.”

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“Imagine you put your money in a bank for safe keeping and 65 years later its value is only 2% of its initial value. This is total theft. Daylight robbery! And they do it without shame.”

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“If you’re a public health person…You attach zero value to whether this actually totally disrupts people’s lives, ruins the economy, and has many kids kept out of school in a way that they never quite recover.”

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“Without accountability, and truth and reconciliation commissions, and terrible, commensurate levels of justice served to suit the crimes committed, as South Africa, Sierra Leone, Rwanda and Germany have all learned to their cost, there is nothing at all to ensure that the exact same crimes won’t be committed again.”

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“…the COVID-19 pandemic has conveniently facilitated an authoritarian decision-making environment and created an unsustainable welfare state while crushing the independent sectors of the global economy.”

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“Once laws prohibited the government from propagandising the public. But now all out propaganda and censorship is the norm. Of course, this is all done to save democracy. What else could it be for?”

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“The world needs to know that Brazil today has more than 1,000 political prisoners who face much harsher sentences than those of rapists, drug traffickers and murderers.”

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“The lawsuit alleges the Biden State Department is actively intervening in the news-media market to render disfavoured press outlets unprofitable.”

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“Such an apology – and compensation to boot – seems long overdue.”

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“People in old times had convictions; we moderns only have opinions. It needs more than an opinion to erect a Gothic cathedral.”

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“A Christless ‘Christian’ Western restoration has no future.”

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“…it is as if a veil is covering the eyes of most of the world, and that especially seems to be true among many in the Church.”

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“A clear majority of Americans consider the Biden administration to be taking the country in the wrong direction.”

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“The fundamental values of the liberal tradition were in fact exemplified, formulated, and wrought into the texture of Western society by Christianity, not only as a school of thought but as a way of life and feeling: as a religion, in short.”

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“Woke Jihadists cheering on Islamic jihadism isn’t a surprise to those who’ve long been acquainted with the fine print.”

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