Rev. Franklin Graham has warned the Equality Act will have “catastrophic consequences” for both religious freedom and women’s rights if it becomes law.
According to Life Site News: “The Equality Act would amend the 1964 Civil Rights Act to include ‘sex,’ ‘sexual orientation,’ and ‘gender identity’ among expressly recognized ‘non-discrimination’ categories in ‘public accommodations’ (the definition of which would be dramatically expanded); and force employers of 15 or more people to recognize their claimed ‘gender identity,’ forbid them from ‘discriminating’ based on ‘sexual orientation’ or ‘gender identity,’ and mandate transgender ‘access’ to sex-specific facilities.”
In the latest issue of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association magazine Decision, Graham warned, if the bill becomes law, Christian organisations “would lose all protections to hire people who adhere to their biblical statement of faith.
“Christians will be persecuted for their sincerely held beliefs as never before. The clear teaching of the Bible on the sins of homosexuality and abortion will no doubt be considered ‘hate speech.’ It will be a nightmare from which this nation may never recover.”