
Five Ways You Can Support Israel Folau

It’s clear that Israel Folau is the latest target of media elites, intellectuals, and woke corporate executives. Just take a look at Mark Powell’s recent post and you’ll get a glimpse of how far their attacks have gone. While many support Folau’s right to express his convictions, what’s not clear is how we are supposed…

It’s clear that Israel Folau is the latest target of media elites, intellectuals, and woke corporate executives.

Just take a look at Mark Powell’s recent post and you’ll get a glimpse of how far their attacks have gone.

While many support Folau’s right to express his convictions, what’s not clear is how we are supposed to go about doing this.

Here are five practical ways you can be supporting Folau and his family at this time:

1. Pray for Israel, his family, and those who are persecuting him

We ought to be praying for our brothers and sisters in Christ; particularly those who are suffering (Hebrews 13:3).  What greater opportunity to bring our concerns before the God who hears our cries than this?

What should we pray for?

  • Pray that Folau and his family may remain faithful in this time of testing (1 Peter 1:7-9).
  • Pray that God would change the hearts of those who are persecuting Folau (Matthew 5:44).
  • Pray for the authorities, that they would fear God and allow for the proclamation of the Gospel (1 Timothy 2:2).

2. Financially support Israel

Giving a monetary gift to Israel Folau is not primarily about the money.

Giving is an act of solidarity that demonstrates your support for Folau and his family, and your partnership with him in this battle.

As Martyn Iles argued, the Folau case will set a legal precedent for future cases regarding your religious freedoms.

For all we know, you — or your church — might be the target of the next attack, and so we must stand with Folau by putting our money where our mouth is.

You can financially support the ACL as they support Israel Folau at their website.

3. Raise the topic with your friends and colleagues 

Not only does raising this issue with your friends and colleagues provide a great opportunity to explain why Folau needs our support, you’ll also get the chance to share the good news about Jesus with them.

After all, what better conversation starter than to ask your friends, “What do you think about the recent Israel Folau case?”

4. Share helpful resources via Social Media

Most people have at least one social media platform, and so I would encourage you to use it to share what is happening.

Here are just five great resources to share: Number 1, Number 2, Number 3, Number 4, Number 5.

Just think about it —  if you have 500 friends on Facebook — and you share a resource on the Folau issue, 500 people will get the chance to read your resource.

Just as the secular elite encouraged Facebook users to overdub their profile photos with rainbows, use your platform to support Folau.

5. Preach the Gospel

The greatest way — and I am confident Israel Folau would agree with me — you can support him is to preach the same Gospel he preaches.

Our ultimate concern is not to protect religious freedoms, or even to see Israel Folau reemployed by Rugby Australia.

Our greatest concern is that people would hear the gospel — the good news that Jesus died to save sinners like you and me from eternal judgment in hell (Romans 10:14-17).

The Bible teaches that unless we turn from our wicked ways and trust in Christ, we will stand condemned by Him (Mark 1:15). Our mission in life is to snatch others out of the fire that awaits them by sharing the wonderful news of Jesus with them (Jude 1:22-23).

So let’s get around Folau — let’s give him all the support we can. And let’s practice what it looks like to stand together as Australians.



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