New Habitable Worlds, Aliens, and New Organisms Existing in Interplanetary Space
“Here we have another effort of pagans searching for their own gods.”
Easter Sunday: The Power of the Resurrection
“Believing God can raise the dead is vital to being a Christian… but this belief did not begin with the resurrection of Jesus, it is even more ancient than that.”
Christ is King and Hate Speech: Have Conservatives Betrayed Their Christian Base?
“Christus Rex is a foundational belief that has underpinned Western Civilisation for the length of its lifespan so far.”
Evils Worse Than Islam In The West
“Anything that conserves the family and the nation is better than that which does not, even if it is not an ultimate good.”
Neither Safe nor Effective, and Yet… Police Charge Brazil’s Bolsonaro With Falsifying His COVID Vaccination Status
“If convicted, the 68-year-old politician could spend up to 12 years behind bars.”
How the Oligarchs Planned to Enslave the World
“According to these published targets, by 2030 they want you to be down to eating only 300 grams of meat or even zero grams if they can achieve it.”
Why Can’t Many Christians See Obvious Evil?
“Yes, Hamas did evil, but two wrongs do not make a right.”
Aliens Have Invaded Earth!
“Under modern paganism, all beliefs are equally valid except the views of the Creator as described in the Bible.”
‘For Freedom and Democracy’: A Million Brazilians March Against President Lula’s Authoritarian Regime
“The protests take place amid concerns that Brazil’s President, Lula da Silva, is currently installing a brutal authoritarian regime based on the radical suppression of basic human rights and freedoms.”
Serious Side Effects and Unlawful Mandates
“We suspect the ringleaders are hoping everyone just moves on and forgets.”
Scotland’s Stale State Church Finds Lively Baptist Buyers – Here’s How You Can Help
“Noble is among the few Christian leaders in Scotland – and around the world, who, during COVID, rightly condemned churches for putting authoritarianism over and above God’s authoritative moral law.”
Global Governance Is a Threat That Must Be Resisted
“…since the nation state has proved to be a stable foundation of democratic government and secular jurisdiction, we ought to improve it, to adjust it, even to dilute it, but not to throw it away.”
Marxist’s Own the Matrix: New Documentary, Hollywood Takeover, Shows How
“An ever-vigilant eye on Hollywood’s relationship with Communist China continues to expose its compromise with Communism.”
Activists Accuse Rowan Atkinson of Fuelling the Climate “Crisis” After Criticising EVs
“Despite being slimed as a climate-denying conspiracy theorist, Atkinson seems to have been vindicated by the general gist of the House of Lords report.”
COVID, Maoist Tactics and Consequences
“The objective was to produce a docile population by transforming almost every act and every utterance into a potential crime.”
We Must Be Aware of Yuval Noah Harari’s Brave New World
“His views of the future and how we can survive are not based on a belief in a good God working out his purposes but on the worldview of transhumanism.”
How the West Was Lost
“When I am weaker than you, I ask you for freedom because that is according to your principles; when I am stronger than you, I take away your freedom because that is according to my principles.”
Conscription: Make the Warmongers Do the Fighting
“The most war-hungry people are often those who would never lift a rifle for themselves, but who live in a state of near-constant fear or alert about the world, and who therefore want as many people as possible to go and fight what they are afraid of so they can live in peace.”
Post-Davos Argentina’s Milei Holds the Libertarian Line: “There’s No Plan B”
“I will not be allied with Communists.”
A Crime Against Humanity: False Propaganda and Deadly Covid-19 Policies in Brazil
“…the government has decided to engage itself in a compulsory vaccination program based on false and misleading propaganda about the efficacy and safety of mRNA vaccines.”