Category Archives: World

“An ever-vigilant eye on Hollywood’s relationship with Communist China continues to expose its compromise with Communism.”

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“Despite being slimed as a climate-denying conspiracy theorist, Atkinson seems to have been vindicated by the general gist of the House of Lords report.”

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“The objective was to produce a docile population by transforming almost every act and every utterance into a potential crime.”

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“His views of the future and how we can survive are not based on a belief in a good God working out his purposes but on the worldview of transhumanism.”

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“When I am weaker than you, I ask you for freedom because that is according to your principles; when I am stronger than you, I take away your freedom because that is according to my principles.”

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“The most war-hungry people are often those who would never lift a rifle for themselves, but who live in a state of near-constant fear or alert about the world, and who therefore want as many people as possible to go and fight what they are afraid of so they can live in peace.”

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“…the government has decided to engage itself in a compulsory vaccination program based on false and misleading propaganda about the efficacy and safety of mRNA vaccines.”

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“Ripcurl has replaced a woman – a genuine heroine – with a man dressed as a woman, in order to advance women in sport.”

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“Politicians by their very nature distort and contradict any true science. They always manipulate it for their own purposes.”

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“Over time so many once-great Christian institutions are now just institutions. Some of them still give at least nominal recognition to their Christian past, but they often seem to be doing their best to play it down or ignore it altogether.”

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“When the monarchy was at its best, it was the champion of the ordinary man and woman, and it would chip away at the power bases and privileges of the nobles to advance the rights and concerns of the average citizens of their realm.”

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“By controlling anyone’s access to money through central bank controlled digital wallet system, the oligarchs could potentially control everything you spend your money on. And if you speak out against their tyranny they simply withhold your money from you.”

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“The plight of Alverez and the Nicaraguan church in general speaks volumes about how misinformation/disinformation laws can quickly deteriorate into weapons of forced speech and mass censorship.”

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“The series follows Charlie Morningstar, the daughter of Lucifer, who’s upset by God’s violent solution to kill off demons to deal with an overpopulation issue in Hell.”

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“Red pill men, though ultimately stuck in a poisonous ideology (the male equivalent of feminism) have some basis for grievances against society.”

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“What is fascinating, and perhaps not surprising, is that so much of that music comes from his confusion, disorientation, and pain. Is that not often what brings out the creative soul of humanity?”

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Here are some examples of how the church helped build our great civilisation.

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“Who controls the money can control the world.”

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“Her alleged crime was criticising Woke Disney’s decision to cast a black American as white, red-headed Ariel in a live remake of The Little Mermaid.”

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