Is Google Watching You? Here’s How You Can Find Out
The feature, called Federated Learning of Cohorts (FLoC), runs through your browser and will send your FLoC identification to every website you visit at their request.
Schools Urged to Avoid Using ‘Mum’ and ‘Dad’ to Improve Inclusivity for LGBTQ+ School Children
The organisation has warned about the dangers of using gendered language in the classroom to describe individuals, such as mum, dad, husband, and wife.
Influencers Offered “Thousands of Dollars” to Post Selfies While Getting Vaccine
“I received two vaccine campaigns paying thousands of dollars to go and get the vaccine and record it and take a selfie while getting the vaccine,” Rife said.
Thousands Flee Volcano, But Only the Vaccinated Allowed to Evacuate On Cruise Ships
“The chief medical officer would be identifying the persons already vaccinated so that we can get them on the ship,” the Prime Minister said.
Pentagon Unveils Microchip Implant to Detect COVID-19
Yet another “told you so” moment for the “conspiracy theorists” we’re no longer mocking.
Lyle Shelton Replaces Fred Nile as Head of the Christian Democratic Party
With Nile handing the CDP baton to Lyle, along with John Anderson returning to the fold, a new and interesting era in Australian politics has begun.
Christians Continue to Gather As Massive Numbers of Canadian Police Fence off Pastor Coates’ Church
“There have also been unconfirmed reports posted to social media, noting that the same police-state crackdown isn’t being applied to Mosques…”
Reports 200 Heavily-Armed Police Move In On GraceLife Church After “Outside Agitators” Pull Down Fence
GraceLife Church released a statement following the incident, stating congregants were not involved in Sunday’s rally and that the church advocates for peaceful protest.
No Jab, No Job: Jacinda Ardern Says “If They’re Not Vaccinated, They’re Moved On”
So, I guess it’s ‘My Body, My Choice’ until the government says otherwise.
Over 56k Australians Sign Petition Opposing Vaccine Passports
Federal MP George Christensen voiced his support for the petition on social media, warning that digital vaccine passports may be used to deny service and employment to Australians because of their private and personal medical decisions.
WATCH: Australian Media Suggests Punishing People for Refusing Vaccine, Censorship of Opposition
Political Editor, Mark Riley said, “When all these nut-case theories are being propagated on their platforms they should pull them down.”
European Rights Court Backs Compulsory Vaccinations for Children
According to reports, Thursday’s ruling is the first time a European rights court has ruled on compulsory vaccinations.
Police Raid Canadian Church, Install Fences Around Building
Police vehicles and unmarked SUVs blocked the entrance to the church around 8am on Wednesday as authorities erected chained fencing around the building’s perimeter.
Is Jordan Peterson the Red Skull or Captain America?
“So, let me get this straight. Peterson is a Nazi simply basically because he exhorts young men to take responsibility and clean their room. Yeah…I still don’t get the link?”
Christian TV Channel Fined for Airing “Harmful” Claims About the Pandemic
The program allegedly described the pandemic as an event “planned” by the “deep state,” and labelled the vaccines as a “sinister” means of implanting “nanochips.”
Charles Barkley Says, Politicians Are Stoking Racial Tensions to Maintain Power
“I think our system is set up where our politicians, whether they’re Republicans or Democrats, are designed to make us not like each other so they can keep their grasp of money and power. They divide and conquer,” Barkley said.
In 2017 Dr Fauci Predicted the Trump Administration Would Face A “Surprise” Infectious Disease Outbreak
“…there will be a challenge to the coming administration in the arena of infectious diseases… there will be a surprise outbreak,” Dr Fauci said in 2017.
WATCH: Pastor Throws Police Out of Church After They Interrupt Easter Service
Artur Pawlowski, Pastor of Cave of Adullam Church in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, shouted down the officers who he accused of entering the premises without a warrant.
Police Shut Down Good Friday Church Service, Threaten Congregation With Fines and Arrest
“The police brutally exceeded their powers by issuing their warrant for no good reason, as all government requirements were met,” the church said in a statement.
John MacArthur: “It’s Too Late For the Nation, We’re Under Judgment”
“What’s our message to this nation? You’re under judgement. It’s too late. Judgement has been unleashed. You can hear, but not understand. You can see, but not perceive. Your heart may be attracted, but hardened by God.”