Category Archives: Australia

It doesn’t get any more viciously Leftist than abortion, euthanasia, identity politics dividing people by ethnicity under the Darwinian myth of race, and Victorian Labor refusing to build new dams, under the “advisement” that we’re all doomed because of ‘apocalyptic Climate Change’, so what’s the point, dams won’t work anyway. This surrender to the ‘apocalyptic climate change’ narrative is epitomized by Victorian Water Minister, Lisa Neville, who used climate change as a reason to stand by the decade long Victorian Labor ban on building more dams. Ean Higgins from The Australian wrote that the minister claimed, ‘climate change means not…

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ABC Fact Check, in this article, have decided that information regarding a 39% increase in late-term abortions in the years since 2008 is WRONG, although the data they sourced from our website at Real Choices Australia was demonstrated to be correct with only one year, 2000 being queried. I received this query a few days ago in an email from Ms Fact Checker, in which she let me know that all the figures in this table had been cross-referenced with the CCOPPMM reports and found to be correct except for the year 2000, which Ms Fact Checker was having difficulty…

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Sometimes you’ll hear a federal politician claim abortion is just a state issue. Yet in the lead up to this year’s federal election, the federal Labor Party announced a national abortion policy that sought to make abortion easier and completely tax-payer subsidised. They threatened state health funding if abortion wasn’t available in all public hospitals, promised to build an abortion facility in Tasmania, and “encouraged” NSW to liberalise abortion laws. Although Coalition politicians refused to be drawn on the controversial issue, the Australian Christian Lobby and Cherish Life campaigned against Labor’s policy. Labor lost the election, and Labor MP Ed Husic…

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Thousands of pro-life families gathered at Sydney’s Hyde Park on Sunday afternoon to take a stand for the lives of the most vulnerable members of our society. The ‘Stand for Life’ rally, which reportedly attracted 10,000 people, was organised in response to one of the most radical abortion bills in the country. The Reproductive Healthcare Reform Bill 2019, as it’s euphemistically named, will legalise abortion on demand, by any method, up to 22-weeks. Beyond that point, right up until birth, all that is required for an abortion is the consent of two abortion doctors. The bill even prevents an aborted…

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The South Australian butcher accused of vilifying Muslims with a “Non-Halal Certified” sign has refused to remove the signage from the shopfront window. The Advertising Standards Community Panel ruled earlier this month that the Adelaide-based business breached the Advertisers Code of Ethics by informing customers that their food products were not halal certified. According to the Ad Standards Panel, the sign incites hatred and contempt of Muslims and would have been less likely to breach advertising standards if the message said, “Unfortunately, non Halal.” The panel also took issue with the fact that the wording was accompanied by imagery of…

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LifeChoice Australia has captured a mob of pro-abortion advocates in Sydney parading their utter disdain for human life. In a 20-second clip uploaded to social media, the crowd of pro-abort protesters can be heard chanting: “We will fight. We will win. Put the fetus in the bin.” Once upon a time, pro-aborts used to pretend they thought abortion was ugly but at times necessary. Keep it safe, legal, and rare, they’d say. Now they unashamedly celebrate the slaughter of the unborn, push for easier access to kill babies, and publicly #shoutyourabortion as though killing your own child is a badge…

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A Victorian teacher who was allegedly unwilling to adhere to a Christian school’s Statement of Faith which defined marriage as a union “only between a male and female” is suing her former employer for discrimination. Rachel Colvin, a former teacher at Ballarat Christian College, has lodged a complaint with the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal, alleging the school forced her to quit after she refused to adhere to the school’s policy opposing same-sex marriage. According to the Weekend Australian, the school updated its Statement of Faith following the legal redefining of marriage back in December 2017. The amendment outlined the…

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An Australian-British couple, have been arrested in Iran for allegedly flying a drone near Tehran, without the required license. Jolie King and Mark Firkin have been imprisoned for 10 days without trial, with no sign there’ll even be a trial. The couple were vlogging their attempt to drive from Australia to Britain. As Ben Doherty and Kate Lyons of The Guardian reported, ‘diplomatic efforts, to keep their cases from public attention [failed] when the pair was named overnight on social media.’ Doherty and Lyons said that the Australian Government has been ‘quietly negotiating their release since they were arrested.’ What the Guardian…

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A butcher in South Australia has breached the Advertisers Code of Ethics by marking non-halal approved food products as “Non-Halal Certified,” according to the Advertising Standards Community Panel. The panel was in agreement with a complaint that argued the sign, which appeared on the shopfront window, “pokes fun” at Muslims and “perpetuates a culture of vilification towards religious minorities, that results in harm towards them.” The Adelaide-based business said the sticker was not intended to offend, but to inform shoppers that their food products are not halal certified. Responding to the complaint, the business said: “The sign is only stating…

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A Victorian MP is pushing to broaden the state’s anti-vilification laws in an effort to crack down on unapproved speech. Victorian upper house MP Fiona Patten, leader of the Reason Party — formerly known as the Sex Party — proposed the amendments to the Racial and Religious Tolerance Bill 2001 to include gender, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity and sex characteristics. The changes would also include substituting “race” with “protected attribute” and substituting “incites” with “likely to incite hatred against, serious contempt for, or revulsion or severe ridicule of, that person or class of persons.” According to Patten, “Hate speech…

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A Melbourne TAFE has suspended a number of teachers for sharing an ‘Islamophobic’ quote that left a Muslim student feeling “disempowered.” The offending quote appeared on a lecture slide from a subject on diversity and was taken from American conservative author Brigitte Gabriel, who had suggested that while “most Muslims are peaceful”, up to “300-million people are radicals who want to destroy and murder us.” Ms Gabriel was raised in Lebanon until, at the age of ten, radical Islamists blew up her house, burying her under the burning rubble. Miraculously, Ms Gabriel survived the attack but spent the next two-and-a-half…

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To use an old Labor slogan, ‘It’s Time’. It’s time that all of the MP’s in NSW who claim to be religious but support the killing of unborn children should be asked to leave. They’re obviously not going to go of their own accord, so it’s especially beholden upon the likes of Anthony Fisher, the Catholic Archbishop of Sydney, to excommunicate them. Yes, it really is that serious. The My Community Partnership grants will be released this week. And there will be dozens of photo opportunities for proud MP’s to have their pictures taken outside various sandstone buildings. But if…

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Vermont Senator and Democratic presidential candidate, Bernie Sanders, has suggested he strongly supports the idea of Americans paying for women in third world countries to kill their unborn children in an effort to curb population growth and address climate change. During CNN’s climate town hall, an audience member addressed the Senator saying: “Human population growth has doubled in the past fifty years. The planet cannot sustain this growth. I realise this is a poisonous topic for politicians, but it’s crucial to face. “Empowering women and educating everyone on the need to curb population growth seems a reasonable campaign to enact.…

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In August 2019 the NSW parliament tried to rush through a misnamed Reproductive Health Care Reform Bill. It was hardly reproductive as it was designed to aid killing, not the nurturing of human life. Nor did it have much to do with health care, especially not for the babies. Finally, ‘reform’ implies improvement of some kind but this was a big step backwards. To its disgrace, the Legislative Assembly passed the bill which had an unprecedented fifteen co-sponsors. Yet it was the dismissal of various amendments which indicated just how dark Western society has become. Tanya Davies moved an amendment…

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A Kenyan immigrant who attacked two policewomen and then boasted that he would get away with it because he was black has been released from jail. Yak Dut attacked the two officers in February 2017, roundhouse kicking one of the women in the face, head and shoulder, forcing her to have surgery. Following his arrest, the 22-year-old reportedly threatened to find out who the “bunch of girls” were who arrested him, happily kick the “s—dogs in the head” and shoot them with their own guns. Dut, who went on to boast that no magistrate would lock him up because he…

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Last month, thousands of people gathered in Sydney to protest the New South Wales government’s extreme abortion bill that will essentially allow children to be killed for any reason right up until the final moments of pregnancy. The turn out was truly amazing, but there is still work to be done! On Sunday, September 15 at 2:30pm, pro-lifers will gather again for the second Stand for Life Rally to peacefully protest this radical proposed legislation. Organisers for the event have said, “This is our last opportunity to fight against this extreme Bill. We need you there.” For those wishing to…

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I remember saying before the federal election that the biggest issue for Christians should be abortion. ‘Who will kill the most babies?’ We would expect the more conservative of our politicians, especially those who identify as Christian of any sort, to be against any escalation of the death toll from abortion. Yet here we are in NSW, with a Liberal government that has worked behind the scenes to encourage and promote a bill that allows abortion on demand and full-term abortion with the approval of 2 doctors, co-sponsored the bill on the floor and tried to speed its progress through…

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When you hear secularist or atheist progressives in the media and academia appeal to separation of church and state to deny the church’s role in politics do not fall for their arguments or believe their lies. They don’t believe in the separation of church and state, because they can’t. It’s a fundamentally Christian doctrine. Secularists and atheists do not believe that God ordained the state and the church to be vitally important spheres of power within different aspects of peoples lives (spiritual and civil), because they deny Jesus Christ is Lord and they hate or are indifferent to the church.…

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Like many, my heart has become heavy over the past several weeks as legislation which sought to decriminalise foeticide was pushed through the NSW Legislative Assembly (the lower house) and was successfully passed 59-31. While it must pass the Legislative Council (upper house) in order to be enacted into law, it is immensely likely that pass it will. The sadness that I, and many others, feel however isn’t solely restricted to the Reproductive Healthcare Reform bill in of itself, but what it is representative of. Namely, the moral—or rather immoral—state of current society. We’ve not only moved away from the Judeo-Christian…

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Sonia Hornery MP launched an extraordinary attack on a local church this week when the evangelism they’ve been doing most weekends for several years coincided with an LGBTIQAX+ Pride Festival. The state MP for Wallsend, just West of Newcastle, NSW, accused the church of “hate speech” because they were preaching the Gospel to people attending the festival. Last weekend, Newcastle celebrated diversity at the Newcastle Pride Group Page Festival. Unfortunately, members of a local church thought it appropriate to put out hate flyers targeting people attending the festival. These flyers were handed out to people attending the Festival and placed all over cars parked…

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