21 search results for "russia collusion"

“This is a defiant reminder from the former President that he isn’t going anywhere, and the DNC, Hillary Clinton and company, are not going to get away scot-free.”

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“The documents also imply Biden and his DOJ were ready to fight a Civil War.”

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“The lawsuit alleges the Biden State Department is actively intervening in the news-media market to render disfavoured press outlets unprofitable.”

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“Nothing like this has ever happened in America before. They illegally spied on my campaign, attacked me with a totally fake ‘dossier’ funded by the Clinton campaign, and the DNC. Impeached me twice [and lost], and failed on the Mueller Witch Hunt – there was no Russian collusion.”

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So why should the ABC change? They have the power and there’s nobody even pretending to try and take it away from them.

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Democracy is a very old word. It comes from the Greek words demos meaning ‘the people’ and kratos meaning ‘power’. The opposite of democracy is aristocracy, the power of aristos, your ‘betters’ or, in other words, the nobility. History has repeatedly been shaped by the endless struggle between the strong who abuse power and the weak who resent it. In the 1800s, for instance, France had a people’s revolution. The commoners rioted. They killed a whole bunch of nobles. They burnt things. Overall they successfully de-fanged their aristos, thus ushering in a new era where the government would be for,…

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Since releasing a redacted version of the famed Mueller report, America’s current attorney general, William Barr, has been at the centre of much speculation and contention. The drama centers on the fact that Barr has so far refused to release an un-redacted version of the Mueller report. Barr, 68 and a Roman Catholic, was nominated by Donald Trump in December and confirmed as Attorney General in January, after a grilling Senate vetting process involving both Democrats and Republicans. He isn’t a novice to how politics works. Given the divisive, ravenous dissonance of the “hate Trump, love trumps hate” modus operandi…

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“By all appearances, this new indictment is about crushing political opponents, not balancing the scales of justice.”

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“Our findings and conclusions…are sobering… Neither U.S. law enforcement nor the Intelligence Community appears to have possessed any actual evidence of [Russian] collusion in their holdings…”

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“Profits from the song will go directly to helping families of those held for political reasons regarding January 6.”

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“For those who don’t know about the potential Biden/Harris 2020 election killing discovery, a new film presented by Breitbart hopes to fill in any gaping holes left open by the political Left’s gagging of the subject.”

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Not only did the FBI have past knowledge about the documents in question (they’ve known since 2019 and did nothing), Trump’s passports were illegally taken, and he had been cooperating with authorities for months prior to the shock home invasion.

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“The unsurprising news highlights greater concern about who polices the thought police in a world where subjectivism replaces truth, and feelings replace facts.”

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“This war is not a border crisis between a major power and minor power. It is a war between a regional power and the global aggressive empire, with the minor power caught in the middle.”

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If NSA spooks are running illegal surveillance operations against traditional allies, and everyday American citizens, it’s not outside the NSA’s assumed prerogative to apply the same treatment to Donald Trump, MAGA supporters or anyone the Democrats recklessly label as ‘domestic terrorists.’

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Without a doubt, interference in the United States election was a four-year long campaign to manufacture the 2020 election result, on a ‘whatever it takes’ to payback Trump for dethroning Hilary Clinton basis.

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It’s worth pondering: Why would technocrats silence dissent, analysis, free and open debate, if the alleged Democrat “win” was legal?

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Legitimate alternative media is formed by a gathering of discerning citizens who understand that the fight we fight is about truth vs. falsehood. It isn’t about left vs. right, black vs. white, us vs. them.

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In his latest fireside chat, Dennis Prager addressed the politicisation of hydroxychloroquine.

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George Soros sent in a brief letter to the Financial Times, calling for the removal of Facebook’s CEO and COO, Mark Zuckerberg and Sheryl Sandberg. Soros claims that Zuckerberg, who hasn’t followed Twitter in banning all political advertising, is helping Donald Trump’s 2020 re-election campaign in a ‘kind of mutual assistance arrangement with D.T.’ Soros goes on to demand Facebook take action stating, ‘Mark Zuckerberg should be removed from control of Facebook.’ The F.T. posted a copy and paste transcript of Soros’ proposition yesterday. Notably absent from the article was the lack of an introduction and commentary from FT staff.…

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