64 search results for "disney"

“Disney you have a problem, you call others what you yourselves are, you do and are the things you tell others not to do or be,” she said.

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“Disney adopting wokeness for an economic model is a perilous business move.”

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“Musk posted the ABCDs of Disney’s DEI Inclusion Standard for General Entertainment Content, labelling it, ‘mandatory, institutionalized racism and sexism!’”

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“After being impregnated by the Devil, a reluctant mother and her Antichrist daughter attempt to live an ordinary life in Delaware,” IMDB states.

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“The blatant disregard for their own politically correct caste etiquette is a new low for Hollywoke hypocrisy and arrogance.”

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The move comes just weeks after leaked videos were posted to Twitter, in which Disney officials explain that teams in the company have implemented an openly “gay agenda,” and will work towards making a minimum of 50 percent of characters LGBTQIA and racial minorities.

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“If corporations decide to go woke, there must be competitors who assure that they will go broke. And we hope to fill that gap. We only hope others will follow our lead.”

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“We watch quietly as our beliefs come under attack from our own employer, and we frequently see those who share our opinions condemned as villains by our own leadership.”

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“How can Disney claim to support ‘family values’ if it rejects the objective biological basics which give life and meaning to the very word, family?”

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“Creatives within the studio have been working for years to incorporate LGBTQ identity into its storytelling in ways big and small.”

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“I get it, Peter Dinklage is the biggest dwarf actor, probably of all time, but that doesn’t make him king. It doesn’t make him king dwarf.”

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Barry and Randall are the adoptive parents of Maya Leibowitz-Jenkins, a 14-year-old activist who is “extremely mature for her age” and “relentlessly marches to the beat of her own drum.”

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The updated version, which will be released on Disney+ under the more appropriate title, White Privilege and the Seven Persons of Short Stature, will replace the controversial scene with the prince patiently waiting for Snow White’s consent.

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Trigger happy Disney is adding trigger warnings to the release of classic episodes of ‘The Muppet Show’.

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Disney has accused itself of racism by slapping warnings on its classic films such as Peter Pan, Dumbo, The Aristocats, Lady and the Tramp, Song of the South, and The Jungle Book.

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“We really wanted to make this demon realm feel like home, and just had to figure out how to do it.”

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Disney Pixar released a short film for young viewers on Friday, featuring the company’s first homosexual main character. The story, titled “Out”, follows a homosexual adult male named Greg as he struggles to tell his parents that he’s in a relationship with another man. After his parents pay a surprise visit to his apartment, Greg frantically tries to hide the evidence of his homosexual relationship, only to realise that he shouldn’t have to hide who he truly is. According to NBC News, Walt Disney Studios, the parent of Pixar and a subsidiary of the Walt Disney Company has been stepping…

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Disney-Pixar’s latest animated release “Onward” has been censored in Russia, banned in some Middle Eastern countries, and boycotted in the U.S. after introducing the first openly gay character in an animated feature film. The character, voiced by actress Lena Waithe, appears in just one “vital” scene in the middle of the film. During the scene, the female character, named Specter, makes mention of her lesbian girlfriend. However, according to a report from the Russian film website Kinopoisk.ru, the Russian dubbed version changes the word “girlfriend” to “partner.” “Presumably, Disney’s Russian branch tried to avoid unnecessary problems with the anticipated project’s…

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Disney Pixar will feature their first openly LGBTQ character in an animated movie in the upcoming film Onward. The film, set to release March 6, is set in a suburban fantasy world and introduces a gay cyclops cop named Specter. The character, voiced by actress Lena Waithe, reportedly appears in just one scene in the middle of the main characters’ quest, however, the character is said to be “vital” to the storyline. According to Yahoo Entertainment, the scene shows “Officer Bronco” complaining about his girlfriend’s kids and the difficulty of being the new guy in their mother’s life. The lesbian…

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It doesn’t matter if the ideology you oppose isn’t explicitly communicated in the first two films. If the train is destined to crash, then we ought to kill off any and all allurements back to the excitement of the carriage as quickly as possible.

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