
“Yes23” Media Falsely Accuses Indigenous Elder of Spreading Misinformation

"Yes23’s referendum loss was death by double standard."

Yes23’s landslide loss in the Voice referendum was death by double standard.

Dissect the loss.

Yes23 celebrated an Indigenous Voice, while at the same time pushed to deny a voice to Indigenous Australians who didn’t vote the Yes23 way.

With one hand, Yes23 supporters unquestioningly cheered on the concept of a Voice, then with the other hand, they mocked, jeered, and, recklessly labelled opponents as “colonisers, d***heads, and racists.”

As the adage goes, the proof of the pudding is in the eating.

Yes23 wanted a particular kind of Voice.

Yes23 hiding the Communist tenets behind the document, and emotional outbursts against No23’s campaign, reveal a group of activists who wanted an Indigenous Voice that could be controlled.

They wanted a Voice that would echo Far-left wing talking points, not a Voice that would be free to offer dissent.

A case in point was The Guardian, and Crikey’s hit pieces on South Australian Narrungga Elder, Kerry White.

The Guardian dismissed White as unhinged.

They then wrote off her statements made during the Ex-Candidates podcast on October 1, as misinformation.

White’s bluntness busts narratives.

Especially when discussing current Aboriginal affairs, and history.

For example, White told Steven Tripp and Adam Zahra, “There are two groups of Aboriginal people in Australia. There’s the bush mob, and the city mob.”

No one should speak of the two as one unified voice, she asserted.

In sum, White’s “wrong-think” makes her the wrong kind of Aboriginal.

Fact-checking The Guardian wasn’t hard.

She was right to question the Yes23’s – repeatedly false – claim that 80% of Indigenous Australians supported the Voice.

Australia’s biggest “No” Votes came from electorates with the biggest number of Aboriginal Australians.

The Northern Territory landed the second biggest “No” count of the nation at a whopping 65%.

White was also right about the United Nations tie-in with the Voice.

Former Greens, gone rogue Independent Senator, Lidia Thorpe (an Indigenous “no” voter) called for a Treaty to be backed by legislating the United Nations, “Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People,’ adopted in 2007.

There’s a reason Thorpe wants to legislate it.

The U.N.’s declaration demands an ‘urgent need to respect and promote the inherent rights of indigenous peoples, such as their right to their lands, territories, and resources.’

Proving White right, a Yes23 win would most likely have led to a rendition of Western Australia’s ditched Cultural Heritage Laws.

The 60-page document also makes war on the factual notion that some cultures are superior to others.

Any contrasting of cultures – according to the U.N. – is ‘racist, legally invalid, scientifically false, morally condemnable, and socially unjust.’

In what would get the Narrungga Elder arrested under Voice legislation echoing the United Nations Indigenous Declaration, she proclaimed, “white fellas – Christian missionaries – saved us.”

Triggered, Kerry White’s criticisms of the so-called “stolen generation” drew rehashed accusations from The Guardian, implying she was a liar.

In context, the South Australian Aboriginal Elder was criticising the prevailing narrative.

Indigenous children were removed with the intention of rescuing them, not stealing them away from their families, White argued.

Stigmatism perpetuated by the Rudd government’s “Sorry” had complicated the process of helping Indigenous families, especially kids caught up in a bad situation, she added.

Speaking of her own experiences working in child welfare, White described how the “stolen generation” mythos, had paralysed any ability to remove, rehabilitate, or restore Aboriginal kids caught up in dysfunctional homes.

Hinting at confirmation bias, the Pro-Yes23 Guardian missed White’s prescription for progress.

Asked about what would better serve the Aboriginal community, White said, put an end to the activist army’s “gravy train.”

“Start with a Royal Commission into where all the money set aside for Indigenous Australians is going.”

“Get rid of the [Aboriginal] organisations that are doing absolutely nothing, except for draining the taxpayer’s purse,” White advocated.

“Politicians need to come out and sit down with us in the dirt, and have a conversation with us elders individually in each community that is having problems. That’s the only way it’s going to get solved.”

Helping Aboriginals has to come from a grassroots level, not the ivory towers of corporatism, the bloated bureaucracy, or inner-city activist groups, who are “getting rich off of the misery or real Aboriginal people of this country.”

White demanded accountability in regard to government funding for Indigenous Australia.

Overall, The Guardian’s selective outrage concluded White’s words to be “all disinformation, man.”

Yes24, left-wing trumpeters at Crikey were just as dismissive.

They went after the Aboriginal elder, stating that her concerns – particularly about white people paying rent to land councils – had no factual basis.

Like the Guardian, Crikey seemed incapable of – or simply unwilling to -join the obvious dots between the U.N Declaration of Indigenous Rights, and Yes23’s ultimate – Communist origins – agenda.

There is a relationship between the Voice, Communism, and the dangers of legislating the aforementioned contents of the 2007 United Nations declaration.

A key win for both sides of The Voice Referendum was the promotion of Indigenous Australia to the forefront of contemporary debate.

The huge No win was a massive:

“Yes-you-can overcome welfare dependency, ideological servitude to “hate whitey” political narratives, and work with us to Advance Australia Fair.”

As revealed by The Guardian and Crikey, Yes voters gave, and are giving a “no-you-can’t, not without me” to Indigenous Australians.

In the coming days, NO voters will need to be louder than the Left, in reminding Aboriginals that One and Free means us with them, not only some, and me.  

The optics suggest that those on the Left consider Aboriginal Australians disabled, child-like or patronisingly worse.

Yes23’s referendum loss was death by double standard.

Advocates de-platforming an Aboriginal Elder’s voice, while simultaneously platforming an Aboriginal Voice to Parliament, says it all.

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