Police Shut Down Good Friday Church Service, Threaten Congregation With Fines and Arrest
“The police brutally exceeded their powers by issuing their warrant for no good reason, as all government requirements were met,” the church said in a statement.
John MacArthur: “It’s Too Late For the Nation, We’re Under Judgment”
“What’s our message to this nation? You’re under judgement. It’s too late. Judgement has been unleashed. You can hear, but not understand. You can see, but not perceive. Your heart may be attracted, but hardened by God.”
An Open Letter to Andrew Bolt
“Indeed, you seem to understand the Christian message better than many church leaders.”
Use the Promise of Freedom As a “Carrot” to Incentivise People to Take the Vaccine, CNN Medical Analyst Says
“If everything is reopened then what is the carrot going to be? How are we going to incentivise people to actually get the vaccine?” CNN’s Medical Analyst said.
Australian Government Considers Ban On Anonymous Social Media Accounts, Mandatory ID Proof to Use Facebook, Instagram
“The proposal will grant police access to Australians’ private social media and dating apps,” reports claim.
Mary, A Sword Will Pierce Your Soul
Here was a mother having her soul pierced as though with a sword, as her innocent son struggled to breathe in front of her on the cross. Here was a good son, worrying about what would become of his mother.
CNN Says There Is “No Consensus Criteria For Assigning Sex At Birth”
“It’s not possible to know a person’s gender identity at birth, and there is no consensus criteria for assigning sex at birth.”
Christians Concerned Anti-Extremism Bill Will Be Used To Stamp Out Religious Liberty
“France will win nothing in its fight against Islamic separatism by equating Christianity and Islamism.”
Don’t Miss the Irony of Feminists Calling on Big Brother to Restrain a Free-Sex Society
Feminism hasn’t delivered a utopia for women, it’s in fact bought them a ticket on the Titanic.
Politician Shut Down for Asking a Question London’s Mayor Couldn’t Answer: “Can Some Men Give Birth?”
“This is not Cancel Culture,” Sadiq Khan said. “What’s happened is, a combination of Conservatives, Labour, and Greens have sought to educate the ignorance spewing from that members mouth.”
WATCH: Pastor James Coates Gives His First Interview After His Release From Jail
Pastor Coates gave the exclusive interview with Sheila Gunn Reid of Rebel News on Monday where he detailed his time behind bars, his ministry opportunities while in prison, and his message to those responsible for his imprisonment.
Utah Moves to Ban Pornography on Phones and Tablets
Governor Spencer Cox said the measure would send an “important message” about preventing children from accessing explicit content online.
Aboriginal Rape Culture Ignored by the “Everything Is Racist” Political Class
Platitudes of justice for (alleged and factual) “historical wrongs” cost less, than loving those in the here, and now, by helping them help themselves through the messy task of healing wounds, tending scars, changing culture, untangling battered communities, and defending the defenceless.
‘Victim Blaming’: D.C. Mayor Tweets Tips On Preventing Auto Theft Following Mohammad Anwar’s Murder
On Sunday, rather than condemning the teens, the Mayor tweeted a video from the Metropolitan Police Department, providing tips on preventing auto thefts.
Teacher Accused of Blaspheming Islam Suspended, School Closed, Muslims Demand Criminal Investigation
What a woeful ideology it must be if it cannot survive without threats of fines and imprisonment, without public floggings or executions.
Batman vs Mao: Australian Gallery Removes Artwork Criticising China Because ‘That’s Racist’
China’s new ‘thing’ is to accuse the West of racism every time it attempts to criticise humanitarian violations and breaches of international law.
Canadian Pastors Urge Fellow-Ministers to “Stand Up, Defend” and “Open Your Church” In Powerful Video
“The men who are being persecuted and the churches that are being persecuted are asserting the supremacy of Jesus Christ over the church in a way that offends the government that wants to be supreme over the church.”
Veterans Lives Matter: Craig Kelly Calls for Royal Commission Into Veteran Suicides
The member for Hughes explained his disappointment at the Government’s handling of the Brereton report, stating that the LNP didn’t just throw Special Forces Veterans under the bus, they threw them under a tank.
The Death of Democracy in Western Australia
“As a refugee child from a communist dictatorship regime, I will not stop fighting to preserve the rights and freedoms of Australia’s constitutional democracy, founded upon the Christian heritage and principles of love to our fellow man. I will continue to do so in the future.”
The Conversion Therapy Bill Threatens Not Only Journalists and a Free Media but Also the Very Foundation of Democracy
Communism is the new black, and it’s finding its latest iteration in the West through the leftist agenda of sexual identity politics. But as with every other form of socialism, it is already manifesting the underlying totalitarian tendencies.