John Cena’s Apology Is a Symptom of a Greater Problem: The CCP’s Power Over Hollywood
While Hollywood fought their pretend war against a pretend enemy, they continued to align themselves with real ones.
The Forgotten Menzies
‘The Forgotten Menzies’ is a timely reminder about the role of good government in an era desperately in need of conviction politicians, and straight-talking leaders, not (to quote Janet Albrechtsen), ‘therapists fretting about our feelings.’
COVID-19 Measures Are Killing Cancer Research
“If cancer research can be halted, and risk being sent backwards, for a virus that’s become more about politics than healthcare, it can be halted for other political reasons.”
The New False Religion of Antiracism
“At the epicentre of the coming evangelical catastrophe is a new religion—or, more specifically, a new cult…”
Titania McGrath’s Insane List of Things Now Deemed “Racist”
“Brave social justice activists such as myself are working tirelessly to expose *all* the racist elements within our society,” the parody account tweeted in the thread, initially created in July 2020.
Mass Anti-Israel Protests Celebrated While Pastors Are Arrested for Holding Church Services
People can’t do Church. They can join a mass protest to hate on Israel because it’s part of the approved narrative – COVID rules need not apply.
IKEA to Introduce Homosexual Friendly Parking Signs and Gender-Neutral Toilets
The labels include, “Family Gender Mixed,” “Family with Pram Gender Women” and “Family with Pram Gender Men.”
“Hate Whitey” Is Racism
Many on the Left are so far up their own version of racial purity, and “moral superiority”, that they can’t grasp the fact that they are creating the very thing their anti-white racism fears the most. Then again, perhaps that’s the plan? Manufacture an enemy, and exaggerate the threat, in order to maintain political power, and social relevance?
Yale Academic Claims Christian Homeschooling Is Breeding White Supremacy
“In the end, the contempt for Christian homeschoolers isn’t about people, it’s about politics, sex, and power.”
Racist Tender Stopped After Senator Confronts Australian Human Rights Commission
Racism, Stoker said, ‘is completely unacceptable in modern Australia, but ideas like Critical Race Theory, only lead to greater racial division.’
They Censor Because They’re Scared Of Truth
This overthrow of elected representatives raises some important questions about where we go from here.
Dr Seuss Enterprises Threatens to Sue The Babylon Bee
“Your article, satire or not, is a copyright infringement and breaking multiple defamation laws. Remove this or we will proceed accordingly.”
John Cleese Mocks Hank Azaria, Apologises for Making Fun of White English People
“I would like to apologise on behalf of Monty Python for all the many sketches we did making fun of white English people,” Cleese said.
Lyle Shelton Replaces Fred Nile as Head of the Christian Democratic Party
With Nile handing the CDP baton to Lyle, along with John Anderson returning to the fold, a new and interesting era in Australian politics has begun.
Cancel Culture Can Only Be Stopped By Courage Culture
Heed Chavura’s call, because he’s right: “Courage is the only way forward.”
Karl Marx’s Promethean Monstrosity Is a Mass Murderer
The overbearing weight of being governed by a government that has confused the Creator with the creature is inevitably unjust, corrupt, and self-destructive.
Is Jordan Peterson the Red Skull or Captain America?
“So, let me get this straight. Peterson is a Nazi simply basically because he exhorts young men to take responsibility and clean their room. Yeah…I still don’t get the link?”
Aboriginal Rape Culture Ignored by the “Everything Is Racist” Political Class
Platitudes of justice for (alleged and factual) “historical wrongs” cost less, than loving those in the here, and now, by helping them help themselves through the messy task of healing wounds, tending scars, changing culture, untangling battered communities, and defending the defenceless.
Cancel Culture Is About Control, The Grammys Just Proved It
Cancel Culture is not about censoring offensive content. It’s about control.
The Evangelical World’s Oprah Resigns From the SBC
Despite the SBC’s flaws, it’s not Beth Moore’s theology that’s outgrown them, it’s her apparent compromise with the zeitgeist, allowing the post-Christian culture, not Christ to determine the way forward for the Church.