
Salvation Army Signs on With BLM, Tells White Donors All Whites Are Racist

In a push to ‘embrace the ideas of Black Lives Matter’, The American branch of The Salvation Army has announced that they will be ‘demanding white donors apologize for being racist.’

In the words of Darrell B. Harrison “racism is big business.”

What he means is that anti-racism is a lucrative, growing multi-million-dollar industry, whose future rests squarely on keeping racists in the game and their victims in a box.

In short, racism is the sole product of so-called anti-racism.

Just as climate catastrophisers need natural disasters in order to keep the fear funding flowing (and the bigger, more dramatic the collateral damage is, the better), anti-racists need racists, or the wealth of their entire anti-racist empire is built upon dries up.

To quote rapper Zuby and the Hodgetwins paraphrasing the great Thomas Sowell:

Racism has been on life support for a long, long time. They’re just shocking it, and shocking it, trying to keep it alive. It’s almost like what I call a lot of the woke stuff; I just call it neo-racism. A lot of what they call anti-racism is just neo-racism. They’ve just inverted it slightly and you know changed the target…


The Hodgetwins added:

 I think Critical Race Theory (CRT) is more like Creating Racial Tensions. CRT is out here to divide us. It’s going to make black people feel like their inferior…that whole white privilege term, everyone’s got privileges. Barack Obama’s kids are privileged. Privilege doesn’t have a “race.”

[45:00 – 47:03]

This is the factivism behind Tom MacDonald’s line in ‘Fake Woke,’

They knew that race war would be the game they need to play;
For people to pick teams, they use the media to feed the flame.

Look back to Anthony B. Logan’s plea in June 2020 for white people to stop appeasing the narrative pushing “White Guilt.”

[Melanin] doesn’t matter if you didn’t do anything to somebody, why are you apologising? Don’t feel any guilt if you’re white, black or whatever. My personal take on white guilt is there’s no need for it. You didn’t hurt me, so you have nothing to be worried about; nothing to be apologising for.

Logan pinpoints the self-serving heart of the “anti-racist” industrial complex and its white guilt cash cow.

Almost comically, these well stated, fact-based opinions and many more like them, haven’t stopped the march of woke supremacism.

In a push to ‘embrace the ideas of Black Lives Matter’, The American branch of The Salvation Army has announced that they will be ‘demanding white donors apologize for being racist.’

By aligning with CRT and Black Lives Matter, the Christian charity organisation will be supporting a blatantly Marxist organisation.

The Tennessee Star explained that The Salvation Army will now be fighting to “dismantle white privilege” and “disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure.”

According to The Daily Wire, a new Salvation Army resource called “Let’s Talk About Racism,” ‘claims that Christianity is inherently racist and calls for white Christians to repent and offer “a sincere apology” to blacks for being “antagonistic… to black people or the culture, values and interests of the black community.”

The resource’s study guide also verbosely affirms the BLM, CRT racist statement that “all white people are racist.”

Australian journalist Rita Panahi noted, “They essentially want to you to hand over your money and also apologise for your white privilege. This is just bizarre stuff for a group that relies on the generosity of its donors.”

Criticising the initiative, Newsweek cited author Kenny Xu, president of Colour Us United, who said: “In some aspects, the materials are indistinguishable from the ‘anti-racist’ programs of any multinational corporation, or the expounding of critical race theory at a major university.”

Xu is pushing for the Salvation Army to remove the curriculum, in a ‘stand against the insertion of politically charged racial ideologies into The Salvation Army’s good work.’

He said, “Here’s the thing with The Salvation Army that’s so crazy—these people spend their entire lives serving the poor. There is absolutely no reason to even suggest or insinuate repentance for their supposed complicity in racism.”

Xu approached the SA on Twitter, writing: “I call on Salvation Army U.S., to provide some direct evidence about “the damage racism has inflicted upon… the Salvation Army.” You make an extremely bold claim, yet for the life of me I can’t find where you back it up. How is The Salvation Army racist?”

The phrase “Go woke, Go broke” seems as apt as recalling Darrell B. Harrison and Virgil Walker’s reminder that genuflecting to ‘Black Lives Matter’ is straight-up idolatry.

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