Millions Sign Petition To Recount Presidential Election
Millions of people have signed a petition calling on a “recount or revote” of the entire 2020 U.S. Presidential election.
Biden’s Message of Unity and Healing is Contradicted by Leftist Hate
The party preaching “unity and healing” is not a party united behind the “unity and healing” message.
What if the Polls Were Meant to Be This Way?
Regardless of who finally wins the US Presidential election, one thing is for sure, the polls got it wrong. Again! Or, did they?
Democrats Are Not a Party of “Unity and Healing” but Bullhorn Propaganda
When the Democrats call themselves the party of “Unity and Healing” don’t believe the hype.
World Leaders Congratulate Joe Biden, Mexico’s President Says Not Until All Legal Proceedings Are Concluded
As world leaders congratulate former vice president Joe Biden for ‘winning’ the 2020 U.S. election, Mexico’s President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador has said he will not congratulate a winner until all legal proceedings are concluded.
Hey Pollsters, Maybe It’s Time for a Career Change
It’s everyone’s nightmare scenario: an electoral stalemate; two men all but claiming the presidency; and a likely legal battle that may extend into December.
The U.S. Election Debacle Is the Result of Democrat Disaster Porn
Under the shadow of Democrat encouraged civil unrest, and Covid-19, the 2020 election was always going to be a close call.
Top Ten Problems with Joe Biden
Many people are saying that they can’t vote for Donald Trump because of his character, implying that Joe Biden is completely upstanding.
Why John Piper’s Abandonment of the 2020 U.S. Election Misses the Point
John Piper’s ambiguous words this week missed the point.
Ten Problems with Being ‘Woke’
2020 has been an incredibly difficult year. But of deeper concern, than even COVID-19, is the growing threat that Critical Race Theory—popularly expressed as being ‘woke’—has had upon much of Western society.
Is Kamala Harris Presidential Material?
Mike Pence’s gentlemen’s applause for Kamala Harris’ selection as Joe Biden’s number two takes into account the fact that Harris would be the first female Vice-President, and potentially the first female President, in U.S. history.
WATCH: Cory Booker Asks Amy Coney Barrett, Mother of Two Black Children, to Denounce White Supremacy
Senator Cory Booker has asked Amy Coney Barrett, a mother of two black children, if she condemns white supremacy, saying it is a “necessary” question the Supreme Court Nominee needs to answer directly.
Mike Pence = Peak Masculinity
How Mike Pence conducted himself in the recent vice-presidential debate with Kamala Harris has reaffirmed my confidence in Western democracy.
Yelp to Mark Businesses That Have Been “Accused of Racist Behavior”
The move has been slammed on social media for its potential to be abused and weaponized, and the risk of bankruptcy it poses to businesses that may be unfairly targeted for personal, political, or other reasons.
Ignored Warnings, Catastrophic Californian Wildfires and Big Government’s Forest Mismanagement
“The wildfires are a reminder of an unpleasant reality: governments are poor stewards of the environment.”
God is God, Politics is Not
I’ve noticed something, and I’m sure you have too. We’re facing a time of major cultural upheaval across the Western world.
Why We Should Pray for the President
This week’s Presidential debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden signalled a new nadir in public discourse.
US Attorney General Calls the National Media a “Collection of Liars” for Sugar Coating BLM Riots
William Barr has hit out at the collective mindset, and organized myths which permeate what the mainstream media now call journalism.
Jihad of the Womb: The Rampant Islamist Abductions of Egyptian Coptic Christian Women
It’s stating the obvious to say that the persecution of Christians isn’t taken seriously by elites and the general public in the West.
Ten Things You Should Know About RBG
Ever since Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s providential passing, the radical doctrinaire feminist has been receiving—even from conservatives—something approaching an encomium of praise.