220 search results for "mandates"

“He said he feared I might refuse another order again under similar circumstances…”

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“The absence of remorse from churches for blindly going along with the government, as if it never gets anything wrong, was shameful, he stated.”

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“We suspect the ringleaders are hoping everyone just moves on and forgets.”

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Evelyn Rae chats with R. Davis Younts, a former lieutenant colonel in the Air Force reserves and a JAG lawyer representing military personnel who lost their careers due to the mandates.

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“Let’s get real here [these mandates] are not something that is based on evidence or based on science it’s based on exercising power over other people.”

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“I turned down 9 million because I didn’t want to get that **** jab.”

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Healthcare workers in Illinois who lost their jobs or were otherwise impacted by their hospitals’ COVID-19 vaccine mandate are set to receive a $10 million settlement following a lawsuit challenging the rule.

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“Why should people choose between a job they need and a shot they don’t want?”

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“An important lesson drawn from COVID-19’s vaccine mandates is the cognitive distortions they expose.”

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“Instead of being at the front of this issue, having roundly condemned evil from the start, the Church sat on its haunches and cuddled up to the world, submitted itself to the mandates, stayed quiet about their injustice, and in some instances even enforced them in their spheres of influence.”

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“…this product should be taken by an individual without threat, deception or coercion (i.e. the right to bodily autonomy).”

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The Caldron Pool Show, featuring Former Queensland Premier and Liberal Democrats Senate Candidate for Queensland Campbell Newman.

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“As for fourth and fifth, let’s wait and see how this goes. Being vaccinated saves lives,” the Premier said.

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“I believe nobody should ever be forced to inject their body with anything, against their will…”

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“Twitter users were reporting the Freedom Convoy had grown to 70 kilometres long.”

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“Although limited, the legal win for the Seals offers hope to the broader American public concerned about government coercion trumping citizen consent.”

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“We’re losing good nurses, doctors, police officers, firefighters, aged care workers, and more. But this is where exemptions are offered? Tennis?”

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“…our governments and media have waged a psychological campaign against the people to pressure, coerce, and “incentivize” an action many would have otherwise not taken. You’re only allowed to be treated as an equal, you’re only capable of rising to the highest tier of society, you’re only permitted to maintain your employment, friendships, and family if you take the vaccine, once, twice–no, thrice, maybe more.”

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“What we have seen in this crisis is that civil rights and liberties have been transformed from fundamental rights to privileges that governments grant or revoke as they see fit.”

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