Who Is Peter Dutton, and Will He Fight for Freedom and Reclaim the Line?
“As hopeful as Dutton’s election is for centre-right Christians and classical liberals, until they see proof of the new LNP leader’s resolve, and effectiveness, Dutton’s election will mean diddly squat.”
Breastfeeding Association Fires Counsellor For Using the Word ‘Mother’ on Social Media
“These extremists deny science and reject reality. Mothers deserve better than radical activism when they are seeking support to nourish and grow their precious babies.”
Netflix Halts Woke Content, Tells Activists the Company “May Not Be the Best Place for You”
“With the added cancellation of projects from Kendi, and Markle, Netflix appears to have heeded the ‘go woke, go broke’ axiom.”
BLM’s “Defund the Police” Burdens Black Americans With Record Crime
“Since George Floyd’s death… African-Americans have been ‘disproportionally affected by a 43% increase in murders compared to the previous 10-year average.’”
School Cancels Support of Children’s Charity After One Complaint Accusing Founder of “Homophobic” Christian Beliefs
“This is another in a long line of cancel culture stories where the pressure of an ideological LGBT lobby has forced people in charge into submission because they are scared to resist.”
Chris Pratt Targeted in Cultural Marxist Witch Hunt, Again
“Chris Pratt would never be replaced as Star-Lord but, if he ever was, we would all be going with him.”
After Denouncing Online Bullying Washington Post Writer Doxxes ‘Libs of TikTok’
“They think doxxing me is going to intimidate me into silence. I can assure you, that’s never going to happen.”
Disney to Air PSA Warning That Opposition to Childhood Gender Transitioning Is ‘Tearing Families Apart’
The move comes just weeks after leaked videos were posted to Twitter, in which Disney officials explain that teams in the company have implemented an openly “gay agenda,” and will work towards making a minimum of 50 percent of characters LGBTQIA and racial minorities.
The Second Coming of Christensen: The Bane of the Mad & Mild Left to Join One Nation
“The more I queried One Nation’s policies and looked at their constitution, their core beliefs, the things that Pauline has been campaigning on recently, just about everything aligned with my views.”
Christians Arrested in Egypt on Terrorism Charges After Peaceful Protests
“Each protester was blindfolded, handcuffed, then interrogated without lawyers being present, while their families were denied information about their fate or whereabouts.”
Expressing Biblical Beliefs Is Not “Hate Speech”: Finnish Court
“It is not for the district court to interpret biblical concepts,” the judges ruled.
Lauren Southern: “Putin Takes the Left’s ‘Punch a Nazi’ to a Geopolitical Level”
There’s an apparent quest to transform Ukraine into a mythical land of enlightened, “power-fisted” unicorns and (LGBTQ+) “rainbows”.
Disney Includes Homosexual Kiss Scene in Upcoming Kids Film ‘Lightyear’
“Creatives within the studio have been working for years to incorporate LGBTQ identity into its storytelling in ways big and small.”
Militant Trans Activists Force Evacuation of Texas University Guest Speaker
“They separated me from my police escort and I ended up hiding in a janitor closet.”
Latham’s Parental Rights Bill Comes Out of COVID-Stasis
“What’s most to like about Latham’s bill is that it stops parents from being written out of the education system, and ends political indoctrination in schools.”
The Ukraine-Russia Crisis Is a Scapegoat for COVID-Mad Western Bureaucrats Looking to Shift Blame for the Economic Crisis They Created
“Don’t be fooled by legacy media and their paymasters in politics trying to use Ukraine as the fall guy, hoping that the link between the economic crisis and two years of crazy COVID policies magically disappears.”
With, For, or Against Christ: Forging a New Militant Ecumenicalism
“New battle lines are being drawn around these issues, and Christians who stand on the wrong side should no longer be seen as being ‘for Christ.'”
‘Digital Licence’ Program for Kids Could Potentially Allow the Government to Control the News Your Children Read Online
Keep the government out of the parenting role.
The Pending Russian Invasion of Ukraine Reflects the Biden Administration’s Incompetence
“Joe Biden’s apparent optimism is a smokescreen for the arrogant under-estimating of the Russian president, and an over-estimation of the abilities of his own administration.”
Inclusion Inquisition Says Christians Have No Place In Politics
As is often the case, those who talk most about love, inclusion, and acceptance tend to have a zero-tolerance stance for diversity in thought, belief, and opinion.