Trump Takes First Steps Towards Ending the LGBT Takeover of Medicine and the Military
“Trump has abolished every DEI office within the Department of Defense and the Department of Homeland Security.”
UK Police Apologise to Bristol Pastor Arrested for Blaspheming Islam & the LGBTQ
“We see the police acting differently towards the Christian than they do everyone else.”
Finnish Bureaucrats Pursue Pro-LGBTQ+ Prosecution of Bible-Quoting Grandmother for a THIRD Time
“It clearly shows how vague ‘hate speech’ laws allow government to weaponize the legal process as a punishment for opposing views.”
Boycott Backlash: Ripcurl on the Run After Replacing Women’s Ambassador With LGBTrans-Surfer
“Ripcurl has replaced a woman – a genuine heroine – with a man dressed as a woman, in order to advance women in sport.”
Biden’s LGBTQ+ Safetyism Proposal Potentially Bans Christians From Adopting or Foster Parenting
“Potential parents of orphans, or foster children, will have to agree to create an approved LGBTQ+ ‘safe space.'”
Franklin Graham Laments Church of England’s LGBT Capitulation
“It’s a sad day for the Church of England,” Graham wrote.
Finnish Free Speech Win: Päivi Räsänen Declared Not Guilty of Blaspheming the LGBTQ+
“The grandmother of 11 and former MP was criminally charged for ‘hate speech’ in 2021 for publicly expressing her Christian convictions.”
Kirk Cameron Calls Out Scholastic for Pushing Explicit LGBTQ+ Content Onto Kids
“Cameron said Scholastic was behind a flood of material appearing in school libraries, which contained age-inappropriate content.”
Australian Pastor Goes Viral After Warning of Coming Clash Between Christianity and “LGBTQ+ Sex Religion”
“Our culture worships the god of self. It’s the gospel of self-love, self-discovery and self-expression,” he said.
LGBT ‘Conversion Therapy’ Lawfare’s First Victim Is Ex-LGBT: Born This Way vs. Born Again
“Conversion therapy lawfare claims its first victim with Maltese police criminally charging a former homosexual under Malta’s 2016 ‘conversion therapy’ laws.”
A Little Town’s Christmas Tree vs The Christian-Hating LGBT
“I found out today that my beautiful library will not have its Christmas tree this year. Zero explanation. When I asked, I was told, ‘People were made uncomfortable last year looking at it.'”
Christian Schools Rally to Scuttle NT Government’s LGBTQ Lawfare Legislation
“I can’t understand why someone who does not have Christian beliefs would want to work in a Christian school. If political parties and football clubs can choose who they want as members, why can’t Christian schools?”
Medical Groups Call On Biden’s DOJ to Investigate Opponents of LGBTQ+ Gender Therapy
They want to stifle dissent, suppress speech, and criminalize opposition.
UK Veteran Arrested for Posting Meme Criticising LGBTQ+ Lawfare
“If you criticise the new woke ideology, you criticise the Pride movement, you end up in cuffs. Know that citizens of Great Britain; whether you have served this country and have long medals for distinction and good service, you will end up in cuffs for expressing a perfectly legal view,” Fox said.
Christian Schools In Victoria Banned From Firing or Refusing to Hire LGBTQ+ Staff
“Fundamental to the Christian faith is the belief that Jesus is Lord over everything, not just Biblical studies. Math, history, science, biology, art, and everything else, are all grounded in this basic, long-held Christian confession.”
LGBTQ+ Activists Revive Anglican Synod Civil War Potentially Splitting the Anglican Church in Two Over SSM
“Kanishka Raffel’s proposals have since been ‘thwarted’ (to quote the SMH) with bishops voting 12-10, vetoing Raffel’s support for the Anglican Church to reaffirm the science-backed Biblical teaching on marriage and sex.”
Pastor Wins Discrimination Case After Being Forced Out of Job for Warning Against LGBTQ Pride Events
“For sending one tweet, that raised genuine concern for children, he was vilified, threatened, and hounded out of his employment.”
London Street Preacher Arrested for “Hate Speech” Cleared of LGBTQ+ Blasphemy Charge
Sherwood’s alleged blasphemy against the LGBTQ+ political religion was simply reading from 2,000+ years of Biblical Christian teaching.
Daily Wire Steps up to Compete With Disney LGBTQ+ Inc.
“If corporations decide to go woke, there must be competitors who assure that they will go broke. And we hope to fill that gap. We only hope others will follow our lead.”
Non-leftist Employees Appeal for Neutrality After Disney Is Shanghaied Into Joining the LGBTQ+ Activist Army
“We watch quietly as our beliefs come under attack from our own employer, and we frequently see those who share our opinions condemned as villains by our own leadership.”