UK Labour MPs Help Smear New Opposition Leader as White Supremacy in Blackface
“Critical Race Theory’s end game isn’t a win for identity politics, it’s ethnic cleansing.”
Candace Owens Cancelled
“She appears to have done the impossible and united Israelis and Palestinians around a common cause: gagging a black mother of three because ‘racism!'”
Full Metal Meltdown: Matthew Modine Smears Trump, Stanley Kubrick’s Daughter Pushes Back
“I feel very confident he would be a Trump supporter and would forgive using FMJ incongruously if it helps the cause of freedom!”
Why Nearly Everything You Assume About Colonialism and Slavery Is Wrong
“How did attitudes about the British Empire change so quickly?”
Students at “Inclusive” Christian School Told to Remove “Offensive” Christian Crosses
“As is almost always the case in the West today, all worldviews, beliefs, religions, and ideologies are just fine – except Christianity.”
On Religious Political Parties
“Religion will always be a part of social, cultural and political life… But not all religions are equal, and some are far more conducive to preserving and promoting the values and goods of the West than others.”
Is Russophobia Justified?
“Like many Americans, most Russians believe in their nation’s uniqueness and rich Christian heritage. This is something that deeply infuriates the Western woke elite, hence their naturally Russophobic feelings.”
Avi Yemini Announces Mission to Meet Middle America
“Yemini’s objective is to connect with at least 1,000 Americans, in an attempt to engage with grassroots America.”
DeSantis Launches Independent Investigation Into Second Trump Assassination Attempt Citing FBI DOJ Conflict of Interest
“An executive order issued on Sunday, launched an immediate, and independent investigation, to ensure transparency and accountability.”
Over 100 Dignitaries Sign Open Letter Condemning Brazil’s Illegal War on Free Speech
“The fight for freedom of speech isn’t even close to being won, it’s only just beginning.”
Can Common Values Hold in Australia?
“Values cannot be held in common if beliefs are too far apart.”
On the Chicago DNC
“The pro-death religion being seen so clearly at the DNC should be enough to convince any sensible person, any moral person, and certainly any Christian, what a demonic group of people these really are.”
The Problem With Multiculturalism
“What happens when an imported culture that doesn’t subscribe to the ideals of multiculturalism begins to gain dominance over the host culture, either through mass immigration or a higher birth rate?”
When the West Sides With Its Enemies
When we bend over backwards to defend those who detest the West, while slamming our own achievements and accomplishments, things will not go very well.
Far-Left UK PM’s Fearmongering About the Far-Right Is Marxist Misdirection
“This all portrays a Leftwing movement with no real idea how to respond to the crocodile they’ve politely fed for decades, hoping it’d never eat them.”
“Island for Christendom”: Calvin Robinson Crowdfunds Purchase of Island for Christ
“It would be wonderful to expand this into a religious community/monastery in the future, with monks growing local produce and producing alcoholic beverages for Britons, as in times gone by.”
Contempt for Christians Is on the Rise in Once-Christian Scotland
“Of the Christians who participated in the survey, 70% believed spite and hostility towards Christians is increasing.”
The Marxian-Woke Weaponisation of the War on Terror Comes for Tommy Robinson
“Left-wing governments have turned the war on terror against the very people and culture it was designed to protect.”
Yes, There Is a Spiritual War Going On
“Be not deceived, God is not mocked.”