Green Day Goes From Punk Rock Protagonists to Puking Propagandists
American idiots, indeed!
Are We Seeing Some Major Christian Conversions Here?
Two potential conversions to Christianity have many people talking.
Palestine Was Never a Nation?
“Be careful what rhetoric you use to argue against the existence of this or that nation in this world. You might find your logic being used against you one day.”
The Woke Grievance Cult is as Genocidal as Hamas Jihadists
“Woke Jihadists cheering on Islamic jihadism isn’t a surprise to those who’ve long been acquainted with the fine print.”
Forget Fatalism
“The ‘grin and bear it’ approach to life just does not get you very far. Nor does a dogged stoicism. And the ‘crap just happens so get used to it’ approach of Dawkins et. al., is not of any use either.”
Mental and Moral Clarity on Truth Versus Opinion
“…interfaith worship services – and interfaith marriages – can only really work when those involved do not take their particular faiths very seriously.”
Canavan Bill Demands Answers Over Labor/Green Confiscation of Christian Hospital
“The Queensland Coalition senator has tabled a bill asking how, and why, Calvary Hospital was forced to surrender its Christian ethos, and ownership to the Labor/Green cabal by the end of June.”
Northern Ireland Schools Forced to Adopt Pro-Abortion Curriculum
“…this could potentially mean a Drag Queen is allowed to teach biology in a secondary school, whereas a pro-life biologist is not.”
UK Teacher Banned for Pronoun Blasphemy After Saying ‘Well Done, Girls’
“Sutcliffe praised a group of students during a maths lesson, stating, ‘Well done, girls.'”
UK Far-Left Labour MP Suspended Over Remarks Inspired by ‘Only White People Are Racists’
“Some sanity has entered the hallowed halls of Westminster.”
No More Lies – We Must Proclaim the Truth, Even if It Costs Us
“If the world is against the truth, then I am against the world.”
Christians Blamed for Trans Terrorist Massacre
“Actual violence, racism, and bigotry are deployed against anything perceived to be violence, racism, and bigotry.”
UK Street Preacher’s ‘Misgendering’ Conviction Overturned
“The street preacher was found guilty by a Magistrates court, then made to pay a £620 fine and complete 80 hours of community service.”
Michael Caine Refuses to Apologise for 1964 Film Zulu After Leftists Label It “Right-Wing Extremism”
“The U.K. government’s counter-terror program also red-flagged The Dam Busters, Bridge over the River Kwai, and the Complete Works of Shakespeare, as ‘key texts’ for ‘Right-Wing Extremists.'”
Fury After “Extremist” Christians Gather for Prayer March in Response to Vulgar Jesus Joke
So, they can publicly mock Jesus’ death, but when Christians respond with prayer, it’s the Christians who are the extremists?
We Tried To Warn You
“Just how many things that we warned about have now come to pass?”
‘Anti-Social CCP’ Directive Bans TikTok From All U.S. Government Tech
“By the very fact two versions of TikTok exist – one for Chinese audiences, another for the West – it’s clear the Chinese Communist Party know TikTok is toxic.”
Judeo-Christianity? Should This Term Be Used?
“It is notable that traditionally the West was referred to as Christendom, not Judeo-Christendom, or Islamo-Christendom.”
Christianity, Eschatology and Terrorism
“Whenever you have the police and the media wading into the deep waters of theology, you know we are going to have a real hatchet job…”