DeSantis Vetos ‘Unbalanced’ Bipartisan Ban on Kids Using Social Media, Avoids Parental Rights Landmine
“Parents, and not bureaucrats, are the adults responsible for partnering with kids to police online use.”
We Must Be Aware of Yuval Noah Harari’s Brave New World
“His views of the future and how we can survive are not based on a belief in a good God working out his purposes but on the worldview of transhumanism.”
They Already Have a Foot in the Door – Don’t Give Them More!
“What we are witnessing…is the destruction of the once-Christian culture that made the Western democracies great.”
Where Have All the Angry New Atheists Gone?
“A young man who wishes to remain a sound Atheist cannot be too careful of his reading.”
Merchants of Death: Global Oligarchs and Their War On Humanity
“…the COVID-19 pandemic has conveniently facilitated an authoritarian decision-making environment and created an unsustainable welfare state while crushing the independent sectors of the global economy.”
We’re Back in the USSR
“Once laws prohibited the government from propagandising the public. But now all out propaganda and censorship is the norm. Of course, this is all done to save democracy. What else could it be for?”
UK Bible College Axed Theology Professor After Activists Whinged About Him Affirming Biblical Doctrine
“In sum, the Bible College argued that Edwards posting about sound Biblical doctrine, was a breach of the biblical institution’s social media policies.”
Hegelian Dialectic in the Gaza War
“We need to learn to look beyond the red team/blue team paradigm and we’ll see that the Hegelian dialectic is being used to start the wars and keep them going until a Solution is found.”
U.K. Council Member Cancelled for Criticising PRIDE Speaks Out
“Any Christian, especially those holding public positions, should be concerned by what has happened and anyone who cares about free speech in the UK.”
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Ditches the Dems
“A polarised nation is easy prey for corrupt powers.”
Multiculturalism Has Failed: U.K. Home Secretary
“It’s a basic rule of history that Nations which cannot defend their borders will not long survive,” Braverman said.
Californian Doctors’ Lawsuit Seeks to End Political Takeover of Medicine
“For a doctor to have their licence renewed, they must be Intersectionality approved.”
Real Champions of Freedom Are in Every Age Hostile to Pornography
“There are all kinds of legitimate and necessary restrictions on every kind of liberty man has, and these are necessary for the maintenance of liberty, because liberty cannot be equated with anarchy.”
Finnish DOJ’s Persecution of Acquitted Bible Quoting Legislator Is a Massive Waste of Taxpayer Funds
“Christians in the West need to wake up. You’ve got to understand what’s going on, and what’s happening. This is an absolute strategy designed to take away rights, and the outlawing of Christians would be the end product.”
Can We Legislate Morality?
Morality is… precisely “the only thing you can legislate.” That’s what legislation is.
Orwellian Nightmare Ahead for Australians
“On George Orwell’s birthday, the Australian federal government declared it would trample over freedom of speech by giving a government agency new powers to combat what it deems as ‘misinformation’ and ‘disinformation’ online.”
NSW Politicians Snub Parental Rights in Education Forum
“Their lack of response is cause for concern. Particularly considering the importance of the event and the issues discussed.”
We Are the Communists Now
“We are the Communists now. We now live in the anti-free world. We now live in the world that rejects national sovereignty, and promotes globalized empire. We now live in the world that rejects political speech, but promotes degraded speech and calls it free speech. We now live in the world where Christianity is under increasing attack and is being increasingly sidelined.”
Three Years Jail for a ‘Bigoted’ Facebook Post?
“Social media giants, with all of their billions of dollars, have demonstrated that wrong-speak cannot be policed with either a fair or consistent approach. A prevailing ideology always ends up punishing religious dissent while pardoning the sins of their own.”
‘Whiteness’ Crisis Disinformation: Biden Continues to Spread Lies
“The hypocrite in chief, who has weaponised law enforcement against political opponents, said, he stands for ‘rejecting political extremism and rejecting political violence.'”