School District to Run Week-Long BLM Program for Students: Affirming Transgenderism, Disruption of the Nuclear Family, Dismantling the Patriarchy
School students across Ames, Iowa are set to participate in the Black Lives Matter at School Week of Action next month, which promises lessons in affirming globalism, queer ideology, transgenderism, disruption of the nuclear family, and the dismantling of the patriarchy.
Newly released video shows 7-year-old James Younger affirming his biological gender: “I am James. I am a boy.”
A newly released video uploaded to social media this week shows 7-year-old James Younger affirming his biological gender, stating: “I am James. I am a boy.” The video, which was recorded in May, was released in a public Facebook post on Thursday by an individual claiming to be a friend of the Younger family. According to the post: “Before the boys had to go home, James asked me if he could have my mobile phone. I said… what do you want to do with it? “James said he wanted to do a message for my son. I gave him my…
Parents Could Have Their Children Removed if They Refuse to ‘Affirm’ A Child’s Gender Identity Under Newly Amended California Bill
“…courts would be given the authority to remove children from their homes if their parents refused to accept LGBTQ+ ideology.”
Schools Can Secretly “Gender Transition” Children Without Parental Consent
“There may be circumstances in which students wish or need to undertake gender transition without the consent of their parent/s (or carer/s), and/or without consulting medical practitioners,” the state government website says.
NHS Admits Most ‘Transgender’ Kids Are Just Going Through a ‘Phase’
“The proposal comes in light of a sharp increase in referrals to gender identity services, from just 250 in 2011-12 to over 5,000 last year.”
Medical Groups Call On Biden’s DOJ to Investigate Opponents of LGBTQ+ Gender Therapy
They want to stifle dissent, suppress speech, and criminalize opposition.
Teacher Jailed After Refusing to Use Gender-Neutral Pronouns for Transgender Student
“I am here today because I said I would not call a boy a girl,” he told the judge before his jailing.
Australian Senators Standing Up to the Transgender Agenda
“When you get to the heart of the transgender debate, you realise that you and I are being expected to abandon objective truth.”
Putin proposes constitutional amendments affirming God and traditional marriage
Russian President, Vladimir Putin proposed a series of constitutional amendments on Monday to affirm God and traditional marriage. The president, who last month vowed to defend traditional family values for as long as he’s in the Kremlin, first proposed amending the constitution in January during a state-of-the-nation speech, claiming it was necessary to bolster democracy. The amendments would see God enshrined in Russia’s constitution, as well as a definition of marriage as the union of man and woman. As it currently sits, the constitution makes no mention of God or marriage as an institution. However, Putin’s opponents have suggested the…
Female astronaut breaks women’s record; NASA, WaPo, ABC inadvertently affirm there are only two genders
NASA’s social media news feeds were flooded with images of astronaut, Christina Koch, today, as NASA celebrated her return to earth. The American astronaut landed safely via the Soyuz MS-13 capsule in Kazakhstan. Koch, 41, spent a record 328 days in space, marking the longest ever spaceflight achieved by a woman. U.S. Navy Captain and former Astronaut Scott Kelly broke the men’s record in 2015, spending a total number of 340 days on the International Space Station. On her official Twitter page yesterday, before leaving the I.S.S, Christina said that the thing she’ll miss ‘the exquisite beauty of the planet…
Paid leave for transgender staff who want reassignment surgery, students told to use each person’s preferred pronoun.
A Melbourne University has announced a gender initiative for its transgender staff members. Employees of Deakin University will be awarded up to ten days of paid leave while undergoing gender ‘reassignment’ surgery. Chief operating officer Kean Selway said, “The paid leave is backed by a new gender transition policy which provides security and clarity around the process for Deakin staff who are undergoing a gender transition. “Fostering a genuinely inclusive environment affords all our staff and students a sense of belonging and an equal chance of success whether it be through study or work.” The Deakin Gender Transition Procedure, states: “The…
American Academy of Pediatrics urges parents to accept their children’s preferred gender.
The American Academy of Pediatrics is urging parents to be accepting of their children’s gender of choice. In a policy statement entitled ‘Ensuring Comprehensive Care and Support for Transgender and Gender-Diverse Children and Adolescents,’ the group recommended “gender-affirming” health care for all transgender and gender-diverse minors who do not identify with their birth sex. This includes surgical intervention, gonadotrophine-releasing hormones to delay puberty up to age 16 and prevent the development of some sex characteristics such as breasts. The National Review reports: “The AAP’s statement cites statistics showing transgender individuals are more likely to suffer from depression, anxiety, eating disorders,…
Trump Takes First Steps Towards Ending the LGBT Takeover of Medicine and the Military
“Trump has abolished every DEI office within the Department of Defense and the Department of Homeland Security.”
Exclusive: Dr Jereth Kok’s Tribunal Transcript and the Implications for Free Speech and Religious Freedom in Medicine
“If the scientific community isn’t watching Dr. Jereth Kok’s case closely, it should be.”
Pilgrims and Propaganda
“Eventually, the ruse will be revealed, and everybody will see our current cultural trend for what it is: a rotting corpse.”
The Muzzled Majority Must Speak Up
“Since postmodernism has convinced generations that the highest ethical and moral good is individual happiness the majority have held their tongue and made allowances for the bizarre sexual proclivities of the few. Now the majority stays silent because they are scared to speak up.”
Lawyers Fear Californian Trans Bill Could Enable Kidnappers and Predators
“Effectively, the state of California would be able to deny a parent’s rights by stopping a concerned father or mother from contacting, speaking to, or intervening in their alleged ‘trans’ child’s ‘gender reassignment’ surgery.”
Inaugurations and Revivals
“What we need above all else is a powerful move of God to wake up the church and shake up the world.”
Bold New Creed Rejects “Biology Is Bigotry” Sexual Heresies in the Name of Sexual Integrity
“Such a formal stand is necessary because we live in an era where Eros is rapidly eroding free speech and religious freedom.”
Why Christian Nationalism Beats Conservatism
“If we want to change society for good we need a compelling vision. Only Christian Nationalism gives a compelling answer to modern progressivism and its relentless pursuit of Marxist goals.”