Caldron Pool is proud to support The Australian Creed for Sexual Integrity.
This is a united statement of faith with bold intentions.
The Australian Creed’s primary strength is the potential legal protections it offers Christians against the “biology is bigotry” worldview.
Such a formal stand is necessary because we live in an era where Eros is rapidly eroding free speech and religious freedom.
The creed is, in this context, a necessary loving “no” to the rising tide of LGBTQ+ lawfare, free porn, legislated lies, child sexual exploitation, and ‘forced speech.’
Gathering significant support since going public on October 31 – Reformation Day – the Australian Creed’s effective purpose is to assert Christ over chaos.
Written over the span of two months, and drafted by a list of 100 representatives from multiple denominations, this is a multi-authored catechism.
As such, the Australian Creed is deliberately brief.
Only 225 words long, the statement of faith can be used in churches, bible studies, seminaries, schools, NGOs, boards, or for private devotion.
To enhance reach and usability, there’s an explanatory guide, Bible Study, PDF posters, and a logo designed to invite a wider ‘global audience.’
For example:

The stated aim of the Australian creed is to preserve and express sound biblical doctrine in the area of sexual identity, sexual sin, disordered love, and distorted sexuality.
In other words, the creed puts sin back before the liberating, transformative power of the cross.
Like the Nicene correction of AD 325, which countered Arianism, The Australian Creed for Sexual Integrity counters, what its authors called, ‘sexual heresies.’
‘The church has not been immune to these errors,’ they wrote.
‘We believe – therefore, that – the time has come for a new creed.’
One that ‘affirms the timeless teachings of the church regarding sexual integrity, and that articulates God’s glorious design for sex and marriage as revealed in Holy Scripture.’
Explaining the need for the creed, Kurt Mahlberg via Clear Truth Media stated,
‘A Christian today might endorse the Apostles’ and Nicene Creeds but have compromised on same-sex marriage, transgenderism or so-called “gender-affirming care.”
The Australian Creed fills a gap the Apostles, and biblical scholars in Nicaea could never have anticipated.
With a ‘work of prose rich in both truth and beauty,’ Mahlberg added, the creed rejects ‘sexual heresy’ by way of its clarification, and reaffirmation of sexual integrity.
Although the Creed is named after Australia, the hope is – that like the Nicene Creed – ‘it will go global, and become an emblem for Christian orthodoxy worldwide.’
That hope isn’t misplaced.
This is a Commonwealth of Christ affirmation of sexual integrity, over against the ‘affirming care’ appeasement of the sexualising spirit of the age.
Since late October, myself, Bill Muehlenberg, alongside Caldron Pool’s founder – and now kids book author extraordinaire – Ben R. Davis, have all signed it.
As has writer, and Reverend Mark Powell, Dads 4 Kids CEO Warwick Marsh, Church and State director, Dave Pellowe, Kurt, Youth for Christ national director, Cindy McGarvie – and more than 1,433 others.
The FULL Text:
We believe in one God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, who designed sex as part of His loving plan for humanity, and whose will for sexual integrity is clearly revealed in Holy Scripture.
We believe God created each person in His image as male or female, and any person’s attempt to deny or change this distorts God’s good design.
We believe God blesses sexual intimacy solely between a man and a woman within the holy covenant of marriage, a life-giving mystery that reflects Christ’s love for His church.
We believe God calls a husband and wife to be fruitful and multiply, that every life is sacred, and that children are precious to God and must be protected from sexualisation.
We believe God calls all people to the joy of living a chaste life, by celibacy in singleness and faithfulness in marriage, and that His commands are given for the common good.
We believe sexual activities outside these bounds are sins which grieve God’s heart, injure others, and enslave people to idolatry.
We believe our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, that Christ calls and empowers us to repent from all sin, including sexual sin, that His mercy abounds to forgive and restore, and that by living with sexual integrity we glorify God and humbly embrace His wise and loving plan for human life.
Please consider praying over, then signing The Australian Creed for Sexual Integrity here.
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