557 search results for "free speech"

“When the history books recount this event, let it be said that Bernie Finn was dumped by a ‘conservative’ party for expressing conservative views in the great, free Australian tradition of larrikinism.”

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“This is a clear message to conservative voters that the Liberal Party doesn’t want them,” Finn said.

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“With the added cancellation of projects from Kendi, and Markle, Netflix appears to have heeded the ‘go woke, go broke’ axiom.”

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“A politician who will not lead according to what is right, even if the majority, at the time, disagreed with him, is more of a liability than an asset.”

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“We need a Royal Commission into the madness and tyranny endured over the last two years.”

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“With the help of Hollywood, the historical evils of the ‘anti-fascist’ red horde have flown under the cover of Hollywood’s one-eyed portrayal of Nazism as the epitome of evil.”

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“Antic warned the Senate that the organised and well-funded WEF, which promotes globalist issues, including climate change, so-called systemic racism and sexism, and online digital identities, is really an anti-capitalist, anti-free market organisation that seeks to subvert Western values and political processes.”

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“During war, the con man is given his best possible market: a populace that frowns upon critical thinking, along with governments and media that together stoke up hatred for the enemy and a spirit of ‘Let’s just do something,’ because nothing is worse than not doing something, so doing something becomes doing anything, and certain businesses just happen to be able to find a way to monetize those somethings and anythings.”

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Byrne has long opposed the mandates on theological and bioethical grounds, with her attorney, Christopher Ferrara of the Thomas More Society, stating, “she can have nothing to do with abortion-connected vaccines.”

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“…when Christian leaders refuse to speak up about the things that matter, then God may very well raise up secular stones to get the job done.”

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All this turned to pessimism, as we slowly watched the Christian Prime Minister bow before “post-Christian” pagan culture. Morrison went from being strong on words to being weak in everything else.

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“If we are told to ‘trust the science’ then that means being told the whole story, not just the parts which suit a particular narrative.”

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Kamel’s detention was just extended by 45 days. The second extension this year.

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Christine Anderson (MEP) said the government’s response to the virus is not about “breaking the fourth wave,” but instead, “it is all about breaking people.”

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“The first thing we need to do is cancel, cancel culture. It needs to eat itself. They’re coming after The Muppets, Dr. Suess, The Dukes of Hazard.”

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Applying overbearing COVID-19 restrictions, as inspired by Chi-Comm totalitarianism, in order to fight an alleged “climate change crisis,” will be the death knell for constitutional representative democracies.

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“For a proposed law to not be debated properly, to be rushed through parliament, for it to violate several individual human rights at the same time as being the harshest ‘pandemic response’ laws based on a ‘potential pandemic’- there is only one thing left: Federal intervention based on section 109 of the Constitution – inconsistency.”

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“My creeping assumption is that this government and all other governments like it, need to be reminded that they exist to protect human rights, not blackmail us with them.”

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Trusting too much in government is un-Christian and it always results in oppression and tyranny.

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“In Taipei’s response to Beijing, Taiwan’s foreign minister, Joseph Wu, fired back saying the nation was preparing for war.”

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