140 search results for "double standard"

“Surely, the mass killing of Christians in a Nigerian church by extremists is deserving of the same solidarity, support and sympathy, as the mass killing of Kiwi Muslims in a Christchurch Mosque?”

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“Reproductive rights end where parental rights begin, and those rights begin at conception.”

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“They think doxxing me is going to intimidate me into silence. I can assure you, that’s never going to happen.”

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“We watch quietly as our beliefs come under attack from our own employer, and we frequently see those who share our opinions condemned as villains by our own leadership.”

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Smith, of course, went on to receive a standing ovation from his peers. But are we really surprised by the hypocrisy? Hollywood reeks of it. We can all imagine the pearl-clutching and feigned outrage if Rock was assaulted by a white actor. But this sort of selectivity has become standard.

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“How can Disney claim to support ‘family values’ if it rejects the objective biological basics which give life and meaning to the very word, family?”

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“Meta still has what amounts to a gag order on a sitting member of the Australian parliament. Thus, inadvertently giving the member’s political opponents a clear advantage.”

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“Where Goldberg gets an inclusive, easy ride, conservatives Gina Carano, Rosanne Barr, and Mel Gibson, were thrown to the wolves.”

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“Not allowing legitimate alternative scientific thought from the ‘narrative’ on COVID should make everyone wake up.”

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“The fact representatives like Antic, Christensen, Roberts, Kelly and Rennick are seemingly being railroaded by a bloated bureaucracy, and big media, suggests they’re hitting a raw nerve, and are perhaps closer to the truth than Australia’s political class wants them to be.”

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“Both my wife and I are in education and will lose our jobs. I can’t even bring this up at church because the expectation is that we follow the government orders. There is no empathy or understanding as to why we wouldn’t ‘just get the jab’.”

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“Simply imagine if the media did a similar hatchet job on someone else who became a Premier, be they a Buddhist or a Muslim. Would they even dare to attack his or her faith? Would they dare to say these folks are disqualified because of their religious beliefs? Would they even think about focusing on how many kids they have, or do not have?”

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“So, unless you want boosters every five months indefinitely, despite key vaccine advisors stating boosters are too great a risk, the threat from the unvaccinated is highly questionable.”

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“Clearly, our Health Department thinks that going to the beach is essential and a blind eye should be turned to any transgressions of Health Orders by beachgoers but ordered outdoor church services are a great risk to public health.”

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“Yet every morning 30–40 people travel from across Greater Sydney to tightly congregate and listen to a daily sermon delivered from the pulpit of the 11am press conference. An activity banned for those of a religious faith but approved for the political class.”

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“Whether it be a vaccine, euthanasia, or aborting life in the womb, I am opposed to forced or coerced medical procedures.”

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The scaled-back birthday – said to have been cancelled – wasn’t as small as the Obama’s pretended it would be.

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The Obamas are making a stand. Let’s support them in their resistance!

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If Big Media and Big Tech aren’t protecting an approved globalist narrative, why would Reuters not allow an accomplished, high-profile doctor the right to balance out an attack on his character, and his medical views?

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“The government saying that potentially life-saving counter-COVID treatments can hurt us while shoving an untested vaccine down our throats doesn’t make a whole lot of sense.”

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