817 search results for "COvid"

The Obamas are making a stand. Let’s support them in their resistance!

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NSW One Nation leader Mark Latham described the move as “just another government grab for power and control over our lives.”

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“Doctors elsewhere report similar surges, with children — some as young as 8 — deliberately running into traffic, overdosing on pills and otherwise self-harming.”

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“The ADF’s primary role [is] protecting the nation against external enemies and not an elected government from its people…”

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“While it is a comforting idea to believe the government is our only source of truth, a superficial dig below the surface reveals this is not the case.”

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The time to speak up is before, not after, they take your tongue.

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“It’s genuinely bewildering that the only time some individuals and community leaders have spoken up during a time of crushing, unprecedented government overreach, is to protest against those protesting crushing, unprecedented government overreach.”

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Understanding and dialogue needs to replace any further police state tactics.

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The purpose of this article is to show you why other human beings will make a different choice than you, even with the same information. With any luck, it will give you some insight into the complexity of human decision-making, and enable you to respect, rather than belittle, the choices that other people make.

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The 2-minute clip, which comes a week after he lamented the spread of medical misinformation online, shows Fauci flip-flopping on the matter of face masks as a method of combatting coronavirus.

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Spurrier said those people had not been consulted over the move, but that it was being done because of great concerns about those “super-spreader” sites,” the publication stated.

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In the post-modern era, there’s an extremely thin line between an “expert” and an activist.

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Officers have already charged 57 people and issued more than 90 infringement notices, many to protesters for not wearing masks and for travelling outside their local government area.

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“I’ve covered most lockdown protests in Melbourne and this was the biggest one I’ve ever seen,” Avi Yemini of Rebel News told Caldron Pool.

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Have you been gagged, raped, beaten? If mask-wearing is a trigger for a prior traumatic experience, you must now carry proof of that trauma with you at all times in the form of a medical letter “confirming” your condition.

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“It would be outrageous if the executive were to attempt to prevent any Member of Parliament attending this House to represent our constituents without first undergoing a medical procedure.”

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Black Lives Matter Incorporated, and Cuban Communists are another example of real oppressors masquerading as the oppressed.

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“There would need to be a requirement incorporated with QR code information that if you want to travel on public transport, airlines, enter venues, shopping malls, restaurants, and cafes, you will need to show you have been vaccinated.”

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“By the end of September, were all over-18s have had the chance to be double-jabbed, we’re planning to make full vaccination the condition of entry to nightclubs and other venues where large crowds gather,” Johnson said.

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