Royal Academy of Music Set to ‘Decolonise’ Artefacts With Links to Slavery
“There is no end to the stupidity and destructiveness of Cultural Marxism,” David Kurten, Heritage Party leader said.
Kellogg’s Releases LGBTQ-Cereal With Room for Kids to Write Their Pronouns on the Box
“Leave the boxes for cereal,” Kellogg’s said.. “You’re too awesome to fit into a box.”
COVID-19 Measures Are Killing Cancer Research
“If cancer research can be halted, and risk being sent backwards, for a virus that’s become more about politics than healthcare, it can be halted for other political reasons.”
Activists Plan To Protest Church Event Because Christian Speakers Are Former LGBTQ
The aim of these particular activists and their sympathisers is to permit no one to air opinions different to their own.
Pauline Hanson on Vaccine Passports: “Don’t Accept This Dictatorship”
“Please don’t sit back and accept this dictatorship, because that’s what it is. We have rights and under the Constitution, they have no right to stop any person being able to move across borders freely,” Pauline Hanson said.
Palmer Signs Folau, Speaks Out Against Christian Persecution in Sport
“I’ve got some resources, and if it got down to a legal battle, I’m sure anyone opposing someone on the basis of religious persecution would go down very seriously, and they’d have to pay a lot of damages.”
Virtue Signalling LEGO Unveils LGBTQ Set, Angers Fans By Marking It 18+
“Is there a particular reason this set is labelled as 18+?” a fan tweeted. “Pretty sure there’s no ‘mature content’ in the pride theme set.”
Disney to Introduce Interracial Homosexual Dads and Adopted Activist Daughter in Reboot of Children’s Cartoon
Barry and Randall are the adoptive parents of Maya Leibowitz-Jenkins, a 14-year-old activist who is “extremely mature for her age” and “relentlessly marches to the beat of her own drum.”
IKEA to Introduce Homosexual Friendly Parking Signs and Gender-Neutral Toilets
The labels include, “Family Gender Mixed,” “Family with Pram Gender Women” and “Family with Pram Gender Men.”
Specsavers Brilliant Response to Ridiculous “Let’s Do London” Campaign Artwork
The Mayor of London has been ridiculed on social media after unveiling the artwork for the city’s latest #LetsDoLondon campaign. Sadiq Khan shared the campaign imagery through Twitter on Wednesday, prompting many users to question whether or not the artwork was a joke. “Brilliant work from David Hockney in Piccadilly–the first of a series of major art projects we’ve commissioned as part of our brand new #LetsDoLondon campaign,” Khan tweeted. “Lots more to come very soon!” Brilliant work from David Hockney in Piccadilly—the first of a series of major art projects we’ve commissioned as part of our brand new #LetsDoLondon…
‘I Never Thought Giving a Sermon on Respect Would Lead to Me Being Accused of Being a Terrorist’
Dr Randall, with the support of the Christian Legal Centre, is taking Trent College to court for discrimination, harassment, victimisation and unfair dismissal.
Australian Senate Passes Motion to Include Christian Heritage in the National Curriculum
“Our children need to know who we are and where we came from, appreciating that much of what we have comes from Judeo-Christian heritage.”
Thousands Join March for Life Queensland in a Stand for Good Government Against Lethal Legislation
On this firm basis, good government should push to emphasise curing disease, not killing people. Good government should seek to ease their suffering, not erase their humanity, nor the humanity of genuine healthcare providers.
Chinese Military Document from 2015 Discusses Weaponizing Coronavirus: “A New Era of Genetic Weapons”
“Biological weapons will not only cause widespread morbidity and mass casualties, but also induce formidable psychological pressures that could affect combat effectiveness,” the document states.
School Reports Chaplain to Anti-Terror Unit for Telling Students They Can Disagree With LGBT Ideology
According to The Mail on Sunday, the program urged teachers to chant “Smash heteronormativity” during a training session; required students to adopt gender-neutral uniforms; and discouraged pupils from referring to each other as “boys” and “girls.”
WATCH: Pastor Arrested for Holding ‘Illegal’ Church Services
According to a statement from Calgary Police Service, both men have been charged with organizing an “illegal in-person gathering, in addition to ‘requesting, inciting or inviting others’ to join them.
Anthony Fauci Is Funding Experiments on Aborted Baby Scalps and Livers
“These shocking revelations form part of an ongoing trend taking place in the once-Christian West. We have abandoned our conviction that every precious life is made in the image of God, and instead believing that unborn babies don’t have the same moral status as the rest of us.”
Christian Leaders Face Six Years In Prison For Quoting the Bible on Homosexuality
Rather than reaffirm the legitimacy of their arguments, I’m more convinced than ever that “love is love”, was, and still is a lie. Their goal was domination, not “equality.”
Facebook Permanently Bans LifeSiteNews
“We have known this day was coming for months now,” Marketing Director Rebekah Roberts said. “Facebook has been silencing any voice that goes against their beliefs and agenda.”
Yale Academic Claims Christian Homeschooling Is Breeding White Supremacy
“In the end, the contempt for Christian homeschoolers isn’t about people, it’s about politics, sex, and power.”