Airport security can take your phone or laptop, demand your passwords, and make a copy of the contents, says lawyer.
In an interview on the ABC’s Law Report, lawyer Zaahir Edries, revealed the Australian Border Force has the power to seize your mobile phone or laptop, search the contents, and even make copies of everything that’s on your smart devices. Mr Edries told host Damien Carrick, “What it means is that anything you have on your phone, as a passenger, is open to scrutiny or interrogation by ABF officers.” While Mr Edries admits empirical evidence indicating how often such searches take place is “not quite collated as well as civil liberties organisations might want,” from an anecdotal perspective, he believes…
WATCH: Justin Trudeau says, tolerance is not enough, we want acceptance and approval.
Once upon a time, there was a lot of talk about tolerance. That was the buzz word. But have you noticed that we don’t hear it so much these days? There’s a reason for that. It’s because, as R.C. Sproul Jr. rightly said, “tolerance was never the goal, approval is. We who give the former but not the latter will not be tolerated.” Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau confirmed that recently during a speech delivered in Yankee Stadium for 31,000 New York University graduates and guests. “I think we can aim a little higher than mere tolerance,” Trudeau said.…
Princeton University professor says, sex with dogs is harmless: ‘I know women who say it pleases them.’
Video has resurfaced, thanks to Mark Powell at The Spectator, of Professor Peter Singer, moral philosopher and ethicist from Princeton University, suggesting sex between humans and dogs is harmless provided the animal essentially consents. In 2010 Singer appeared on the ABC’s Q&A where he explained, “A woman has oral sex performed by her dog. I know women who have said this is something that pleases them. The dog is free to do it or walk away. There is no dominance over the dog. That seems to me harmless.” WATCH: When asked in another interview if he had similar thoughts regarding…
UWA cancels event with US pediatrician on grounds of safety after transgender activists protest.
An event featuring US academic and pediatrician Quentin Van Meter has been cancelled by the University of Western Australia due to safety concerns. The decision comes after the UWA’s social media pages were inundated with protests and petitions calling for the event to be cancelled. Dr Van Meter, president of the American College of Pediatricians, eminent doctor and academic with over 38 years of clinical experience, has gathered opposition lately for suggesting the transgender movement is based more on ideology than science. An unidentified source said, of about 200 tickets sold online, half are unidentifiable. “From Tuesday, ticket sales jumped…
Student suspended for wearing shorts, mother claims staff said the boy should wear a skirt and tights instead.
A 17-year-old boy has been suspended from a Victorian school for wearing shorts in winter. The student copped the suspension for violating the school’s winter uniform policy, which allows students to either wear long pants or a skirt with tights. But according to the boy’s mother, the shorts were worn due to a medical condition which can cause overheating and nose bleeds. A staff member allegedly told the boy’s mother that skirts and tights were ‘gender neutral’ and suggested he wear the pairing instead of shorts. “When a teacher tells me my son can wear a skirt and tights but…
WATCH: Tommy Robinson confronts journalist, Facebook censor the video.
Tommy Robinson has recorded the moment he confronted a Daily Mail journalist who traveled to his family’s holiday location for a story. “I don’t care what the media print about me,” Robinson said in a Facebook post. “The public don’t buy their fake news. I care about the invasion and harassment from the Daily Mail on my innocent family who live under threat from violence.” The video has had more than 500,000 views, but it appears Facebook is trying to prevent people from sharing it by marking it as spam. “Facebook are removing this video from people’s timelines,” Robinson said…
Rowan Dean says: ‘Assimilation has, for too long, been a dirty word.’
Rowan Dean: “To remain a successful melting pot into the future Australia must anticipate and avoid the mistakes of the kind made in Europe, where a failure to assimilate generations of immigrants has led to violent no-go zones, welfare hell-holes, lawlessness, mass unemployment, grooming gangs, virulent antisemitism, and radicalised communities around major towns and often in the heart of some European cities.” WATCH:
Christian baker to be dragged through the courts again, this time for refusing to bake a transgender cake.
Jack Phillips, a Christian baker from Colorado, will be dragged through the courts again, this time for refusing to create a transgender themed cake. The request for a transgender cake came after the US Supreme Court ruled in Phillips’ favour after he refused to bake a custom wedding cake for a same-sex couple. What’s next? These militant leftists will keep coming for him now, and it won’t end with Phillips. They’ll move to the next person and then the next until everyone who opposes their political and religious view is run out of business. WATCH: READ: Colorado Defies Supreme Court…
U.S. Army base sees more than 1,800 soldiers turn to Christ in less than six months.
A U.S. Army base in Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri has seen more than 1,800 soldiers come to faith in Jesus Christ in less than six months. Fort Leonard Wood military Chaplain (Capt.) Jose Rondon said, “Since March 11 2018, we have seen 1,839 Soldiers coming to Christ. God’s doing an unbelievable work through our military at Fort Leonard Wood, MO.” Retired Major General Doug Carver, executive director of chaplaincy for the North American Mission Board, has told the Baptist Press, troops are increasingly hungry for truth and relevancy in their lives. “The current spiritual awakening at Fort Leonard Wood is…
Tragic: Couple murdered by ISIS after setting out to prove, ‘evil is make-believe’ and ‘humans are kind.’
An American couple in their 20s have been killed after riding their bikes through an Islamic-State claimed territory in an attempt to prove “humans are kind.” Last year Jay Austin and Lauren Geoghegan both quit their jobs to document a yearlong journey around the world. Throughout their travels the couple set out to demonstrate that human beings are inherently good. “You read the papers and you’re led to believe that the world is a big, scary place,” Mr Austin wrote on his blog. “People, the narrative goes, are not to be trusted. People are bad. People are evil.” “I don’t…
Church forced to remove Christian teachings from its website.
The NSW Department of Education has reportedly forced a church to remove a biblical definition of sin from its website. Fellowship Baptist Church in Blacktown is approved by to offer scripture lessons in New South Wales schools, however concerns were raised when “controversial material” was uncovered on their website. The material stated: “Homosexuality (and every other kind of sexual sin) is flourishing in our day, but many excuse their sin as a ‘chosen lifestyle’. Godless lifestyles have become popular and socially acceptable.” According to the Brisbane Times, “the material was found in the Firm Foundations’ children’s edition books, which are…
YouTube almost bans Stefan Molyneux after mass false flagging campaign.
YouTube came close to removing Stefan Molyneux’s channel with more than 800,000 subscribers after his videos were apparently mass false flagged. In a statement released on Twitter and retweeted close to 5,000 times, Molyneux explained: Apparently, I had ‘violated community standards’ by publishing a short video last year entitled ‘The Death of White Males,’ which discussed the decline in life expectancy for white males, in part due to the opioid crisis. The next day, Wednesday, I awoke to another strike, this time for a discussion I had with UK journalist Katie Hopkins. Now, as I write this, two other Freedomain…
Alex Jones banned from Twitter after posting a video about censorship on social media.
Alex Jones has copped a seven day ban on Twitter for sharing a video about censorship on social media. The video titled “Trump Must Take Action Against Web Censorship” apparently “violated Twitter’s rules against abusive behavior.” The ban comes one week after InfoWars was permanently mass-banned from Facebook, Apple, iTunes, YouTube, Spotify and other social media platforms. Whatever you think of Alex Jones and InfoWars, his enemies sure know how to make a martyr out of him. Hi @jack – your website has been ruined by brigades of professionally offended mobs who abuse the platform to silence anyone they disagree…
Senator Fraser Anning uses the words ‘final solution’ and our politicians and media desperately want you to be outraged.
Our politicians and media like to control the people. They’ll tell you what causes to support, what comments to be outraged at, what we can and what we cannot talk about, and which people ought to be socially rejected. Take Lauren Southern’s recent Australian tour for example. Almost every media outlet in the country had something to say about the alt-right, far-right, right-wing, homophobic, transphobic, white-supremacist, fascist, anti-feminist, Nazi, racist 23-year-old Canadian. But even Joe Hildebrand noted, “most of the news articles I’ve read don’t actually outline what her ideas are. Instead she is typically just referred to as racist,…
Greens candidate says, SEX with dead bodies is ‘harmless and should be allowed.’
Five years ago Tom Raue was calling for sex with corpses to be made legal in Australia. The year before that he was allegedly advocating bestiality. Now he’s a Greens candidate in Summer Hill. The article titled, Drop Dead Gorgeous: Tom Raue Sexes Dead People, appeared in Honi Soit, a student newspaper, in March 2013. In the piece Mr Raue argued, “If a person gives permission for their corpse to be used for sex, and the family has no issue with it, then what’s the harm? F–k it.” “Necrophilia is one of the most taboo sexualities in almost every society. In…
BREAKING: Man arrested after plowing car into pedestrians outside Parliament.
BREAKING: A man has crashed a vehicle into a security barrier outside the House of Parliament, Scotland Yard. According to BBC News there have been a number of injuries, but police do not believe anybody is in a life-threatening condition. An eyewitness said the driver’s actions appeared deliberate. WATCH: BREAKING: There has been an incident outside of Westminster. Police are urgently clearing the area. More updates to follow. — Good Morning Britain (@GMB) August 14, 2018 #Westminster BREAKING: A vehicle has crashed into the security barriers protecting the Houses of Parliament #SW1. Multiple armed response units from the Met’s…
ABC cancels ‘Tonightly with Tom Ballard’: ‘It is now time for a fresh approach.’
The ABC have reportedly cancelled the very unfunny satirical daily news show Tonightly with Tom Ballard. Yes, that’s the show that mocked Anzac Day, thanked men for spiked drinks, rape and domestic violence, said “we love celebrating the day Jesus got murdered,” and called Australian Conservatives candidate Kevin Bailey a “c-nt.” In a statement released by the ABC, a spokesperson thanked the Tonightly team, but said “it is now time for a fresh approach.” Cory Bernardi praised the decision saying, “Common sense prevails. Let’s hope the new ‘C’ word at the ABC is Conservative.” The final episode of Tonightly will be aired…
BREAKING: Sweden erupts. Around 90 cars reportedly destroyed by about 60 violent youth in what seems to be a coordinated attack.
Reports coming out of Sweden this evening suggest coordinated arson attacks have been carried out in at least eight different locations with about 90 vehicles reportedly set ablaze. Swedish freelance journalist Peter Imanuelsen said, “Sweden is on fire tonight as youth gangs coordinate mass unrest in several different cities a the same time.” Swedish police have also been attacked, with masked rioters pelting authorities with rocks and projectiles. Footage of the assault was uploaded to social media and can be viewed below. To summarize what has happened in Sweden tonight. – Unrest in 8 different areas / cities– Some 90…
Disney cast their first gay character in a kid’s film, but LGBTQ activists still aren’t happy.
Disney has reportedly cast their first openly gay character, but LGBTQ activists aren’t happy. Actor Jack Whitehall will play the role of the “hugely effete, very cramped and very funny” gay man in Dwayne Johnson’s upcoming film The Jungle Cruise. But there’s just one problem, according to angered fans. He’s just not gay enough. Last month Scarlett Johansson sparked a similar backlash when it was announced she would star as a transgender character in the film Rub & Tug. Eventually, Johansson was forced to pull out of the project. “Hollywood is so f–ked up,” trans actor Trace Lysette said. “I…
WATCH: Bill Maher defends adult who had sex with a 12-year-old child.
A 1998 clip has resurfaced of talk show host Bill Maher essentially defending an adult who had sex with a 12 year old child. Mary Letourneau was “in jail because she was in love,” Maher explains. “That’s how I view it. I admit that it’s unorthodox. She is 35, the boy is 14 – he was younger when they started… but she is pregnant with the second child by this boy.” “So, basically they’re having a family and they’re keeping the mother in jail because she won’t conform to what society feels should be the perfect American family.” A woman…
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