
Church forced to remove Christian teachings from its website.

The NSW Department of Education has reportedly forced a church to remove a biblical definition of sin from its website. Fellowship Baptist Church in Blacktown is approved by to offer scripture lessons in New South Wales schools, however concerns were raised when “controversial material” was uncovered on their website. The material stated: “Homosexuality (and every…


The NSW Department of Education has reportedly forced a church to remove a biblical definition of sin from its website.

Fellowship Baptist Church in Blacktown is approved by to offer scripture lessons in New South Wales schools, however concerns were raised when “controversial material” was uncovered on their website.

The material stated: “Homosexuality (and every other kind of sexual sin) is flourishing in our day, but many excuse their sin as a ‘chosen lifestyle’. Godless lifestyles have become popular and socially acceptable.”

According to the Brisbane Times, “the material was found in the Firm Foundations’ children’s edition books, which are ‘specifically designed’ for year 3 and year 4 students but ‘lessons may be adapted for a variety of ages’, according to the publisher’s description.”

The material also taught the wages of sin is death, saying “sin must be paid for by human life being given… They were sinners… just like us. They deserved death.”

A spokesman for the Department of Education said it “does not consider the material to be either age appropriate or suitable.

“The department has contacted the Fellowship Baptist Church in Blacktown to raise its concerns and they have advised the department that they do not use the material and will remove the reference from their website.”

Who would have thought? Scripture teachers were potentially teaching Scripture during Scripture lessons! Mind-boggling. One can only imagine the praise and approval they’d receive if they chose to run a Drag Queen story time instead.



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