George Christensen’s Final Scorching Speech to the Federal Parliament
“Our democracy is one that should be from the people up, not from the globalists down.”
Kyle Sandilands Says He ‘Conned’ the Public Into Getting Vaccinated Through ‘National Campaign’
“I’m fit and proper to do the national campaign to con everyone into getting vaccinated.”
UN Accuses Australia of Contributing to “Mutually Assured Destruction” for Not Rapidly Phasing Out Coal
“Full of newspeak, Guterres’ speech is a glaringly obvious example of the UN’s utter irrelevance.”
Unvaccinated Police Officers Dishonourably Discharged
“…one of the more devastating aspects of this blanket directive is watching the heartless treatment of long serving sworn officers, some on the verge of complex PTSD from all they have seen and done for us.”
Facebook to Expand Its “Fact-Checking” Apparatus for Australian Federal Election
“Meta still has what amounts to a gag order on a sitting member of the Australian parliament. Thus, inadvertently giving the member’s political opponents a clear advantage.”
‘COVID Army’ To Go ‘Door to Door’ Testing Symptom-Free Australians
“Hundreds of residents in Belmont, Bassendean, Claremont, and Melville are set to be among the first to be visited by teams conducting the testing, which has not yet been approved by the Therapeutic Goods Administration.”
The AHPRA Inquisition Against Australian Health Professionals
“Without question, health care in Australia is now under the dark cloud of totalitarianism.”
Premier Says Mandatory QR Check-Ins and School RAT Programs Were Only a Media Stunt to Counter the Fear Campaign: “No Science Behind It at All”
“There was no science behind it at all… We actually brought it back for one reason only, to instil confidence so that people would go out using QR codes.”
Shane Warne’s Death and Eternity
If we’re honest, the reality of our death is probably the reason we Australians pack our lives with as much leisure, luxury and relaxation as possible. We are scared to death of the day we must face our greatest fear: death itself.
Petition to End All Vaccine Mandates In Australia Closes Soon
“…this product should be taken by an individual without threat, deception or coercion (i.e. the right to bodily autonomy).”
Terminally Ill Mother Told Children Can’t Visit Her In Her Final Days Because of COVID Restrictions
The new restrictions mean the mother of five can only be visited by approved ‘essential visitors’ or those with exemptions.
Latham’s Parental Rights Bill Comes Out of COVID-Stasis
“What’s most to like about Latham’s bill is that it stops parents from being written out of the education system, and ends political indoctrination in schools.”
#BoycottWoolworths Trends After Unvaccinated Staff Are Fired
“Woolworths have terminated me for not being vaccinated… but I can still go into the store barefoot and unvaxxed tho.”
The Caldron Pool Show: Former Premier of Queensland Talks COVID Mandates and Restrictions
The Caldron Pool Show, featuring Former Queensland Premier and Liberal Democrats Senate Candidate for Queensland Campbell Newman.
Senators Seek Answers From the AFP After Freedom Protesters Report Unexplainable Burns, Blisters, and Nausea
“Pictures circulating on social media from around the time of the peaceful protests appeared to show the Australian Federal Police deployed with and standing next to, what was either a Long-Range Acoustic Device or Active Denial System.”
Channel 9 Deletes Report Suggesting the Queen Could Use Ivermectin for COVID Treatment, Implying The Drug Is Secretly Being Used In Hospitals
Senator Gerard Rennick claims a number of whistleblowers have told him Ivermectin is being used to treat Covid patients in Australian hospitals.
NSW Set to Mandate Unlimited Booster Shots Under Vague “Stay up to Date” COVID-Smart Edicts
“Minister Mitchell refused to rule out a quadruple vaccination employment mandate for NSW teachers.”
State Government Accused of ‘Falsifying Data’ After Admitting They ‘Skewed’ Hospitalisation Numbers
“If you were 22 years of age, you had Covid three weeks ago, you recovered from that, fell off your bicycle, broke your arm, and came to hospital, we would count you as a Covid admission.”
If I Were Given the Stage In Canberra, Here’s What I’d Say…
The walls we build to protect ourselves today may well become the walls of cells that confine us and our children for generations.
The Canberra Rally for Freedom Is a Massive Game-Changer
There is one thing that will always be with us: those who want to tyrannically rule over others. But there is also this: those who will resist such tyranny.