The “Conservative Project” Is a “Counter-Revolutionary One”
Pointing to Cancel Culture, censorship, one-sided political indoctrination as opposed to representation, and the corruption thereof, Hemmingway said, “if more people don’t stand up and fight hard, the nation is going to die.”
The Ongoing, Unjust Detention of Coptic Christian Activist, Ramy Kamel, Is a Warning to the West
“The ‘domestic terrorism’ and ‘misuse of social media’ charges against Ramy Kamel, are proof that these labels can be easily used by abusive governments, ecclesial, and civic leaders, to squash dissent, in order to avoid accountability, reasoned opposition, and the truth.”
“The Political Takeover of Medicine and the Patient/Doctor Relationship Must End”: The Physicians Declaration vs. COVID Cultism
“We cannot sit idly while patients are forced to go home and sicken in place. These policies may actually constitute crimes against humanity.”
Powerful Australian Trade Union Protests for Freedom Over Medical Tyranny
The Australian flag being thrown to the ground along with the woman is a small, but powerful metaphor that illustrates the contempt Australia’s overbearing, bloated bureaucracy has for the people they’re paid to serve.
The People vs. The State: Australian Vaccine Mandates to Be Challenged in the Supreme Court
There are currently four cases challenging forced vaccinations before the Supreme Court.
Professor of Public Ethics: The Vaccine-Hesitant Are as Evil as Climate Change “Deniers”
For all the vitriolic claims about “anti-vaxxer and climate change deniers” all being nut-cases and conspiracy theorists, Hamilton is guilty of his own tin-foil hat nonsense.
Beware of Those Sowing the Seeds of Full-Blown Socialism
“The Ezekiel Declaration is the Church wielding the Gospel, reminding the State wielding the Sword, that it must radically reverse any and all policies that serve to enslave and harm, rather than liberate and heal.”
Australians Slam “Love Your Neighbour, Just Not the Unvaxxed” Tone-Deaf Hypocrisy of Its Political Leaders
Acknowledging that Australians are not OK, and encouraging them to speak up, while at the same time blocking comments, only served to make the Prime Minister look like a cold-shouldered, indifferent hypocrite.
Melbourne Synagogue Faced With Over $500k in Fines After Celebrating Jewish Holiday
“When was the last time in history police surrounded a Synagogue for holding ‘illegal services’ on Rosh Hashanah? Nazi Germany,” Avi Yemini said.
Mandatory Vaccinations Turn the State Into Master and the Citizen Into Slave
“The door that allows Government to get away with mandating medical procedures under threat of losing your livelihood, gives them the power to mandate the theft of your land, your house, your savings, your kids, and your property.”
10 Life-Giving Hacks for Living Within Lockdown Limits, Without Having to Die by Them
“In sum, it’s not what you’ve got, it’s what you do with what you’ve got, that counts.”
Australian Senator: Government’s Are Playing Politics With the Virus
“Power has gone to the heads of our elected leaders and unelected bureaucrats, who are exercising powers yet do not feel the consequences themselves.”
Is COVID Communism the New State Religion?
“Whether it be a vaccine, euthanasia, or aborting life in the womb, I am opposed to forced or coerced medical procedures.”
Public Health Orders Are Creating a Public Health Crisis
If you wouldn’t support businesses demanding that those with HIV not enter their stores, don’t support “no shot, no shop”.
Christensen Condemns Police for Shooting Civilians Protesting for Freedom
“We demand that our freedoms be restored and I demand that peaceful protesters patriotic freedom-loving men and women never ever be fired upon in this country ever again.”
Joe Biden Castigated by UK Parliament After Going AWOL on Afghanistan
“Joe Biden’s atrocious, inhumane, mishandling of the American withdrawal from Afghanistan is read by many to be an abandonment of America’s allies.”
There’s Something Rotten in Society When Caring for Others Makes Me No Better Than a Domestic Terrorist
The “we’re all in this together” crowd appear unconcerned with how their requests for neighbour to police neighbour cause paranoia, division and hatred.
Another Australian MP Breaks With Totalitarianism in a Bold Stand for Freedom
“Davies, and her diverse, but like-minded supporters within the ranks, are putting themselves and their careers between the public and the rise of totalitarianism.”
Domestic Vaccine Passports Exalt the Ignorant and Enslave the Free
“We should be raising ANZACs who are well informed enough to turn away from ungodly, unchristian, and anti-Western governance.”
MacArthur: “The Greatest Threat to Truth and Virtue in This Country Is the Government”
“So we are beginning to see persecution from government. This is the most formidable persecution: COVID, LGBTQ, transgender, social justice—all these new ideologies are now going to become the only acceptable moral standards. And if you don’t accept them, you’re going to be the enemy of the government. Truth, the Bible, Scripture is going to be cancelled. The government’s taking control; they want to take control of absolutely everything. The church has become the main enemy of the government—nothing new.”