
Domestic Vaccine Passports Exalt the Ignorant and Enslave the Free

"We should be raising ANZACs who are well informed enough to turn away from ungodly, unchristian, and anti-Western governance."

Threats of medical segregation via vaccine passports have exposed a critical societal weakness.

Medical segregation is a consequence of a greater segregation between those conscious of their rights, and those ambivalent towards, or unaware of those rights.

There is a divide between those who know what and where their rights come from, and those who’ve never been taught the basics.

This illiteracy separates civic-minded citizens from those who either choose to ignore or are taught to ignore civics and theology.

In this context, medical segregation is a lot less concerning than the divide between those who know their rights and those who don’t.

The greatest tool to subdue a once politically savvy, theologically literate population is to encourage a culture that prides itself on leaving politics to the politicians and throwing theology into the dustbin of history.

Australians learn very little about the history and contemporary application of civics and theology.

From accounts about Australia’s newly proposed curriculum, we’re set to learn even less.

Corrupt bureaucrats benefit from this ignorance.

A poor understanding of civics and theology, or no interest at all in them, makes for a bloated bureaucracy.

It fills the ranks with educated elitists controlling a docile public, while you pay them well for the privilege.

A people ambivalent towards politics and religion are a people easy to hide corruption from.

A public ignorant of their roots, nation, and the richness of their heritage are easily abused. 

A people unaware of their rights, and where those rights come from, are easier to control.

They’re also easier to influence, and easier to govern.

It’s no surprise then, that brothels, liquor stores, and fast-food restaurants remain open despite lockdowns.

An intoxicated, overweight polis is no threat to the sword, should the State choose to wield it against its own people.

A people uninterested in politics and religion will be governed outside their interests.

Consequently, a people left uneducated by an over-educated elite, are fodder for whatever sinister desires fat cat career politicians want to impose on an otherwise free people.

A corrupted bureaucracy benefits from a people who avoid talking about politics and religion as if doing so was a civic duty; even obedience to God.

There’s no need for me to run-on about how many times Romans 13 has been employed to justify ungodly compliant subservience, instead of Godly servanthood leadership.

With what’s currently unfolding in Afghanistan largely thanks to Joe Biden’s horrifying example of bad leadership teaches:

Governments will not govern in our interests if we don’t take an interest in how they govern.

Governments will not govern well if we don’t care who, or why they are governing.

Governments will govern outside the law if we don’t know or care about what freedoms exist that allow those being governed the right to hold bad governments accountable.

They serve the people; the people do not serve them.

Society, liberty, and individual responsibility cannot thrive on a “we only know what’s best for you” – and we in the bureaucracy get to determine this – basis.

One consequence of a people either uninterested or uneducated enough (if at all) in their rights and responsibilities, has been the quick formation of a COVID “vaccinated” class and their separation from the “vaccine” hesitant.

No sane, loving person chooses to embrace segregation.

No sane, loving person chooses to embrace oppression.

No sane, loving person welcomes their neighbour’s executioner.

Yet there seems to be those in society who want to do all three.

On this side sits life-destroying lockdown advocates.

On one other side, those who understand lockdowns, but choose to stand for life, light, and liberty.

There is a divide in society.

This divide isn’t between the haves and have nots, it’s between those who know their rights, and those who don’t.

It may sound cliché, but the answer is education.

Regardless of melanin, minority, or material wealth, Australians should be raising the next generation of ANZACs: mindful of civics and theology; God, Queen, and country.

Mum’s and dads educating their kids as far as they possibly can, wherever, and whenever it is in their power and ability to do so.

This should happen long before parents march their kids off to an industrial education complex, where they are less exposed to education, and more, and more exposed to Caesar’s vacuous, mind-killing indoctrination.

We should be raising ANZACs who run towards self-sufficiency for themselves and their families, and away from the cold, bony fingers of Government.

We should be raising ANZACs who are prepared, if necessary, to run towards the fight for life, light, and liberty, not away from it.

We should be raising ANZACs who are well informed enough to turn away from ungodly, unchristian, and anti-Western governance.

We should be raising ANZACs who will see through falsehoods, and walk towards truth without regard to how dampened their spirit is, or despondent, and demoralised they are.

The greatest tools used to subjugate a people are fear and ignorance.

Civics and theological illiteracy are a pox on the West.

This plague separates a free people from those who’d rather the false promises of government dependency.

For them, it’s easier to bury their head in the sand than draw a line in it.

They do this because they’ve either never been taught why, where, when, or how to draw it; or because they’ve been conditioned to show no interest in doing so.

This is a detriment to our society, its future, and the children who will inherit it.



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