Climate Catastrophiser Prince Charles Calls for a “War” on Apocalyptic Climate Change
Applying overbearing COVID-19 restrictions, as inspired by Chi-Comm totalitarianism, in order to fight an alleged “climate change crisis,” will be the death knell for constitutional representative democracies.
Romanian EU Representatives Expose Culture of Silence on Vaccines, Big Pharma Deals and Vaccine Mandates
“What we have seen in this crisis is that civil rights and liberties have been transformed from fundamental rights to privileges that governments grant or revoke as they see fit.”
Victorian City Councillor Rips Into Daniel Andrews Over Vaccination Segregation
“My creeping assumption is that this government and all other governments like it, need to be reminded that they exist to protect human rights, not blackmail us with them.”
Pro-surfer Health Nut, Kelly Slater, Labelled an Anti-vaxxer for Defending Informed Consent
Another pro-health professional athlete has been defamed as an “anti-vaxxer” after defending informed consent.
Popular Australian Cartoonist Axed for Criticising Mandatory Vax
“When the only allowable opposition is what the Left approves as opposition, we are no longer dealing with reasoned debate, but a manufactured narrative and its badly constructed religion.”
Jordan Peterson: “I’m Not Impressed by This Creeping Authoritarianism in the Name of Public Safety”
For Peterson, forced vaccination is a “sign of the failure of the ‘vaccine’ arguments. To use political and police force to insist is only going to increase distrust, and drive resistance.”
COVID-19 Required a Scalpel, the Government Used a Bat
“By forcing our hand, the government has turned my family’s strong resistance to vaccine mandates into a fight for survival.”
Children Matter More Than Their Carbon Footprint
There’s nothing selfish in saying “no” to yourself, in order to care for the young through the joyful embrace of saying “yes” to life.
Australian Academic Freedom Test Case Defeat Is a Win for Courage Culture
“Important principles were established, and this case was always about principles. So, we lost on some legal technicalities, but won the moral and strategic ground.”
The Firing of Australian Doctor for Social Media Posts Exemplifies the Political Takeover of Medicine
“Barred from seeing his patients for two years and counting, Dr. Jereth’s trial isn’t expected to start until 2022 where the Medical Board will likely seek a permanent ban on him practising medicine.”
Texas Follows Florida, Bans Vaccine Mandates and Vaccine Passports
“Requiring vaccine passports for taking part in everyday life would create two classes of citizens based on vaccination; it is necessary to protect the fundamental rights and privacies of Floridians and the free flow of commerce within the State.”
Daddy Government Does Not Equal Father God: The NSW Premier Must Ditch Vaccine Mandates and Passports
Perrottet has the chance to be a Ron DeSantis. To follow or borrow his example, leading, not only NSW but also Australia away from its COVID communist trajectory.
Biden to Send Financial Aid to Afghanistan as the Taliban Rejects His Offer of Counter-Terror Cooperation
“After how the Taliban saw the Democrat American president’s gobsmacking mishandling of the American withdrawal in August, it’s easy enough to speculate that the Taliban probably don’t want Biden anywhere near them, or their counter-terrorism plans.”
Australian Tennis Legend: “Government Doctors Are on the Payroll, Be Wary of What They Preach”
“I do my research. I’m not having a politician or TV doctor who’s on the payroll tell me what I should and shouldn’t be doing with my health,” said tennis legend, Pat Cash.
“War Is Real,” Says the CCP, as It Invades Taiwanese Airspace With Nuclear-Capable Aircraft
“In Taipei’s response to Beijing, Taiwan’s foreign minister, Joseph Wu, fired back saying the nation was preparing for war.”
Protesters in New York Chant “Save Australia” at Pro-Freedom Rally
Seeing protests against medical mandates happening within New York, a large, and long-held Democrat stronghold, isn’t just encouraging, it’s illustrative of the widening gap between the people, COVID cultism, and CCP-19 propaganda.
Polish MPs Blast Australian Governments for Breaches of Human Rights
“Australia has unsubscribed herself from the International Community; the community of civilised nations. We, therefore, demand that the Warsaw Government condemn what is happening in Australia. We are also ready to rush help and legal aid to organise the evacuation of Polish dual citizens, as refugees from the People’s Republic of Melbourne.”
A Fake White House for a Feckless President: Biden’s Vaccine Booster Sale Fail
Remember, these are the people who want us to trust them.
Thousands of Australian Workers Are Set to Strike in a United Protest Against “No Jab, No Job” Mandates
Future generations will note how today’s public health orders created tomorrow’s public health crisis.
The “Conservative Project” Is a “Counter-Revolutionary One”
Pointing to Cancel Culture, censorship, one-sided political indoctrination as opposed to representation, and the corruption thereof, Hemmingway said, “if more people don’t stand up and fight hard, the nation is going to die.”