Lidia Thorpe Humiliated by Alex Antic
“Someone who can deny the legitimacy of the Senate while continuing to sit in it and take a pay check clearly has some super-special level of logic that us poor plebs have yet to approach.”
The Caldron Pool Show: #11 – Senator Alex Antic
Evelyn Rae chats with Liberal Senator Alex Antic about vaccine mandates, the possibility of Long-Range Acoustic Device weapons being used against protesters at the Canberra freedom rally, and recent events unfolding in Ukraine.
Disney Airs Animated Series About Satan Impregnating A Reluctant Mother Who Births the Antichrist
“After being impregnated by the Devil, a reluctant mother and her Antichrist daughter attempt to live an ordinary life in Delaware,” IMDB states.
WATCH: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez says, being morally right is more important than being factually correct.
OKAY, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is an easy target. And she’s had a lot of cringe-worthy moments. But could this one take the cake? During a recent interview on 60 Minutes, Anderson Cooper highlighted the fact that the Washington Post had criticized Ocasio-Cortez for misstating statics about Pentagon spending. Ocasio-Cortez responded: “If people want to really blow up one figure here or one word there, I would argue that they’re missing the forest for the trees. “I think that there’s a lot of people more concerned about being precisely, factually, and semantically correct than about being morally right,” she added. WATCH: OH MY GOD. ?THIS…
Coalition of Senators Call for Accountability Inquiry Into Government’s COVID Response
“An Australian coalition of six senators is pushing to establish an official inquiry into Australia’s pandemic prison rules.”
Team Deeming Takes on Canberra
“We are standing against a legal regime that’s going all around the world. It’s utterly destroying not just sex-based rights in law and culture. It is destroying every other democratic right since the Magna Carta.”
New ACL Boss Slam-Dunks CPAC Speech
“Who would have thought, that Australia could become a society that persecutes Christians, or other faiths, for simply adhering to their fundamental beliefs on gender, and life.”
Over 700 Babies Left to Die After Botched Abortions in Australia
“A national scandal.”
Australians Slam Proposed “We’ll Be Your Single Source of Truth” Legislation
“The legislation would bestow on the government the absolute power to silence political opponents.”
Australian Government Ruled COVID Wrong-Think ‘Domestic Terrorism’
“The former Morrison government, under domestic terrorism response protocols, sought out cyber censorship of COVID related content 4,213 times.”
Did ASIO Spy on Covid Critics?
The question came in light of recent reports that the British army spied on lockdown critics, including high-profile journalists during the ‘pandemic.’
Christian Senators Annoy Marxist Abortionist With Pro-Life Bill
“Our most vulnerable are simply left to die… that in a single year, 33 babies aborted after 20 weeks gestation were born alive in Victoria while, in Queensland, 204 babies were born alive as a result of abortions over a 10-year period.”
Greens Mock Workers’ Rights, Vote Against Informed Consent
“The fact that The Greens can sit in that corner over there, mock, and laugh [at] the vaccine injured – these people are not anti-vaxxers, they believed what the government told them. You want to talk about trust and transparency, go to the vaccine injured and talk to them.”
The Day I Realised Pragmatism and Unprincipled Politics Killed the Party
“A politician who will not lead according to what is right, even if the majority, at the time, disagreed with him, is more of a liability than an asset.”
WATCH: Australian Health Department Can’t Define “Woman”
“It’s a question so simple, a kindergartener could answer it. Provided they’re attending a kindergarten in Florida… or the 1990s.”
Australian Senator Warns WEF Is Penetrating Governments Around the World, Subverting Western Values, Introducing Marxist Authoritarianism
“Antic warned the Senate that the organised and well-funded WEF, which promotes globalist issues, including climate change, so-called systemic racism and sexism, and online digital identities, is really an anti-capitalist, anti-free market organisation that seeks to subvert Western values and political processes.”
Senators Seek Answers From the AFP After Freedom Protesters Report Unexplainable Burns, Blisters, and Nausea
“Pictures circulating on social media from around the time of the peaceful protests appeared to show the Australian Federal Police deployed with and standing next to, what was either a Long-Range Acoustic Device or Active Denial System.”
Middle Management Morrison Should Be Banished by the LNP to a Desk Job
All this turned to pessimism, as we slowly watched the Christian Prime Minister bow before “post-Christian” pagan culture. Morrison went from being strong on words to being weak in everything else.
“Australia Is in a Dark Place,” Says Senator Forced Into Quarantine Detention Under Guard
“The fact representatives like Antic, Christensen, Roberts, Kelly and Rennick are seemingly being railroaded by a bloated bureaucracy, and big media, suggests they’re hitting a raw nerve, and are perhaps closer to the truth than Australia’s political class wants them to be.”
Senator Critical of Government Overreach Detained in Quarantine Hotel, Says He’s Been Targeted by “Bureaucratic Overlords”
“They’re not really after me, they’re after all of us,” the Senator said.