Tag Archives: Abortion

“Our greatest foe in this fight is the pro-life industry,” Pastor Durbin said.

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“This is why it is a false premise to believe that such a procedure is truly safe,” Dr Luis Durand said.

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Federal MP George Christensen has proposed a bill to ensure children born alive during a botched abortion will receive the same life-sustaining medical treatment that would be afforded to any other baby.

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A New York art gallery featured a pro-abortion exhibition this week, displaying artworks from a range of feminist-activists hoping to “dismantle the stigma” attracted to the brutal practice of baby killing. The Abortion is Normal exhibition was described as “an emergency art show”, designed to provoke a “resurgence of energy and enthusiasm” about the topic of abortion. Jasmine Wahi, Co-curator of the event told Bloomberg, the show is important because it continues the fight to ensure women are permitted to freely end the lives of their unborn children. “The reason this show is important, aside from, I guess, the obvious,…

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There are those amongst us who present themselves as heroes, often view themselves as heroes, and expect others to account them as heroes. Movies are made about these people. News articles talk about them as if they were the great liberators of the modern age. Actors and Actresses in Hollywood lionize these people. Who are they really though? They are the intersectional “heroes”. Tearers-down of power structures and they are obsessed with power politics. What do I mean by this? Intersectional thought is a realm of discourse that deals with people’s intersecting identities and ranks people’s access to power and…

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Abortion was the leading cause of death in 2019 and resulted in more deaths than the combined total caused by cancer, disease, HIV/AIDS, traffic accidents, smoking, and alcohol. Statistics compiled by Worldometers indicated that more than 42.3 million babies were killed world-wide in 2019 through abortion. In contrast, 8.2 million people died from cancer during the same period, 13 million from disease, and 1.7 from HIV/AIDS. Worldometers’ website states: According to WHO, every year in the world there are an estimated 40-50 million abortions. This corresponds to approximately 125,000 abortions per day. In the USA, where nearly half of pregnancies are unintended…

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Conservative commentator Allie Stuckey testified before a Congressional hearing on Thursday, saying that as a mother, a woman, an American and a human being, she is horrified by the violence that is carried out against the defenceless unborn. In her opening address before the U.S. House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, Stuckey said: “I am here today as a mom, fighting for a future for her kids in which rights are not dependent on whether a person is wanted, but upon their humanity. I am here as a woman, who believes that female empowerment, equality and freedom are not…

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One of the best and brightest conservative commentators, Rita Panahi, said something unusually absurd on Twitter – and that’s saying something. Worse, leftist abortion-without-limits apologist Leah Torres called her on it, and she has a point. Here’s the conversation’s context. Past Pellowe Talk guest, Dr Ash Saleh challenged Dr Torres which scenario necessitated an abortion at 8 months gestation. Dr Torres claimed, “The medical scenario of ‘I’m 8 months pregnant and my life is in danger if I continue this pregnancy.’” She also complained that the doctor described ending a living human’s life as “killing” – evidence it’s hard to win the Dumb Tweet of…

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When a woman in South Korea found out that she was two-months pregnant, she decided to have an abortion. Not long after undergoing the procedure, the woman realized the abortion had failed. She was still pregnant, and her unborn baby had survived the botched abortion attempt. The woman decided to give birth to the baby and Josiah Presley was born, but not without a severely maimed arm, now a constant reminder of his own mother’s failed attempt to have him killed in the womb. When Josiah was 13-months old, he was adopted by a loving family in the United States.…

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Dr Michael Brown is the special guest speaker at the Church And State Summit 2020 in Brisbane and host of a daily, live radio show syndicated across the United States during which he takes calls, interviews guests and tackles the big controversies facing Western culture. He’s seen and heard it all and has a gift for graciously yet unflinchingly offering truth with love. You could say it’s hard to shock him, and harder still to make him cry. But he was moved to tears when he interviewed the Founder and Chairman of Liberty Counsel, Mat Staver,  about his organisation’s legal defence of Sandra…

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The Deputy Premier of Queensland is hosting an abortion party to celebrate the state’s one year anniversary of the decriminalisation of abortion. Labor MP Jackie Trad invited her Facebook followers to “come party” and “celebrate” 12 months since it was made legal for mothers to kill their unborn babies up to 22 weeks and beyond that point with the approval of two abortion doctors. The Abortion Law Reform last year also established safe zones around abortion clinics, preventing pro-lifers and side-walk counsellors from reaching out to women seeking to abort their babies. Trad created an official Facebook event for the…

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A woman in the UK has been awarded financial compensation for the “wrongful birth” of her son after the NHS allegedly failed to test her unborn baby for Down’s syndrome. According to her lawyer, Edyta Mordel is set to receive a six-figure payout after claiming she was deprived of the opportunity to legally kill her son, Aleksander, before he was born. The 33-year-old’s Barrister, Clodagh Bradley QC, said, Mordel and her partner would have aborted the child had they known he had Down’s syndrome. Despite the hospital’s ultrasound reports system recording that Mordel declined the screening test, the judge, Mr…

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An abortion doctor in Phoenix, Arizona has been arrested after pulling a gun on a pro-life minister who was peacefully protesting outside an abortion facility. Footage released by Apologia Studios last week showed the moment Dr Ronald Yunis exited the Acacia Women’s Centre and pointed his weapon at Elvis Kesto, a pro-life minister who was demonstrating in the area. Despite viewing the video evidence, the police who were called to the scene initially refused to make an arrest. Apologia Studios later uploaded the footage to social media and urged members of the public to contact Phoenix Police and demand Dr…

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Thousands of pro-life Australians turned out in Melbourne this month to protest Victoria’s extreme abortion laws and show support for mothers and their babies. This year’s ‘March For The Babies’ marks the 10th anniversary of the protest, which has been held annually since the decriminalization of abortion in Victoria. Avi Yemini of TR News, who has said he does not hold a strong opinion on the issue of abortion, also attended the event. During the march, Yemini interviewed folks on both sides of the debate, and the contrast between the two groups couldn’t be starker. Following the protest, Yemini described…

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The New South Wales health minister has posed for a photograph with a baby born at 29 weeks, less than a month after backing an abortion bill making it legal to kill the same child in the womb. The Reproductive Health Reform Bill 2019, as it’s euphemistically named, passed in the NSW parliament last month, overturning a century-old law, after the state’s health minister, Brad Hazzard, urged his colleagues to “right a wrong enacted into law 119 years ago”. Hazzard supported the bill, which has essentially legalised abortion on demand up to 22-weeks. After 22 weeks, Hazzard said, a woman…

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March for The Babies is marking the 10th anniversary of their continuing stand against the Victorian Abortion Law Reform Act 2008. Victoria’s abortion law passed 11 years ago. It defines abortion as ‘intentionally causing the termination of a woman’s pregnancy by – using an instrument; drug, combination of drugs or any other means.’ The law allows for this violent interruption of a pregnancy up to 24 weeks without question. It also allows for abortions past 24 weeks, if a Doctor ‘reasonably believes that the abortion is appropriate and has consulted at least one other medical practitioner who agrees’ with the…

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The issue of babies being born alive, and not provided life-saving care is one that many find horrifying. I addressed this issue in this article and a table detailing the statistics of this in Victoria is available here. The figures are taken from original government reports which are compiled here for ease of reference. What seems to be misunderstood in some of the media reporting is the way in which this occurs and the intentionality of it, with some journalists and those they interview describing such events as ‘mistakes’. In some cases, this may be true, but for the most…

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ABC Fact Check, in this article, have decided that information regarding a 39% increase in late-term abortions in the years since 2008 is WRONG, although the data they sourced from our website at Real Choices Australia was demonstrated to be correct with only one year, 2000 being queried. I received this query a few days ago in an email from Ms Fact Checker, in which she let me know that all the figures in this table had been cross-referenced with the CCOPPMM reports and found to be correct except for the year 2000, which Ms Fact Checker was having difficulty…

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Jane Caro is one of those feminists who seem to have been dared to say something increasingly stupid or evil every day, and still isn’t finding that hard. I’m personally grateful for the many authentic revelations she offers into the toxic cult which is feminism. Today is a day ending in /y/, and yet again we can observe the perverse post-truth abomination which feminism has become over the last few generations. Untold trillions of potential humans have never been born. They neither noticed nor cared, nor did we. — Jane Caro (@JaneCaro) September 16, 2019 Feminists might not care, but…

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Sometimes you’ll hear a federal politician claim abortion is just a state issue. Yet in the lead up to this year’s federal election, the federal Labor Party announced a national abortion policy that sought to make abortion easier and completely tax-payer subsidised. They threatened state health funding if abortion wasn’t available in all public hospitals, promised to build an abortion facility in Tasmania, and “encouraged” NSW to liberalise abortion laws. Although Coalition politicians refused to be drawn on the controversial issue, the Australian Christian Lobby and Cherish Life campaigned against Labor’s policy. Labor lost the election, and Labor MP Ed Husic…

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