When the Country Is Destabilized, Then the Crisis Will Come
Indeed, a kingdom divided cannot stand, but it’s also true that a public divided cannot resist. Those who want to conquer kingdoms divide power, but those who want to increase power over the public divide the people.
YouTube Censors Podcast Discussing Big Tech Censorship
If Big Media and Big Tech aren’t protecting an approved globalist narrative, why would Reuters not allow an accomplished, high-profile doctor the right to balance out an attack on his character, and his medical views?
France Mandates Vaccine Pass, Hints at Forced Vaccinations
Macron also hinted at the possibility of forced vaccinations of those who refuse to take the vaccine, “depending on the situation.”
Petition Opposing Mandatory Vaccinations Gathers Over 260k Signatures
While social media “fact-checkers” have dismissed the claim that compulsory vaccinations against the virus would violate the Code, the petition sends a loud message to politicians that a large number of Australians will not accept mandatory vaccines.
“Absolutely Disgusting”: Australian Government Slammed Over “Scaremongering” Campaign
The Chief Medical Officers said the ads clear purpose is to urge people to stay home, get tested, and book in for a vaccination.
Two Months Ago Berejiklian Boasted: “It Is Possible to Manage an Outbreak and Not Shut Down a City”
“I hope we’ve demonstrated to other states that it is possible to manage an outbreak and not shut down a city, and not stop businesses, and not stop people being employed, and not stop people having a relatively normal existence.”
“It’s Our Turn” to Influence Your Kids: SF Gay Men’s Chorus Responds to Backlash
The Chorus also went on to claim “it’s our turn” to influence your children, because “for decades” kids have been “indoctrinated and taught intolerance” using the Bible.
Sources Back Claims the NSA Spied on Tucker Carlson
The lingering questions are, did the NSA have permission, and if so, did they have just cause for concern?
Eight Police Crowd Into Restaurant Head Office, Arrest Owner for Alleged Mask Violations
“The footage shows eight officers enter the building and surround the receptionist at the front desk. The young female staff member behind the counter then appears to suffer a panic attack, shaking uncontrollably before falling faint to the ground.”
“We’re Coming For Your Children”: San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus
“We’ll convert your children – happens bit by bit, quietly and subtly and you will barely notice it.”
Churches Are Being Vandalized, Burned to the Ground in Canada
Pastor Thai Nguyen, a Vietnamese refugee who fled to Canada for safety, said it may now be safer for Christians in Vietnam.
Craig Kelly Says Vaccine Program Must Be Halted: “Informed Consent Is Not Occurring”
“…with mass brainwashing ‘informed consent’ is not occurring,” Kelly said.
Scott Morrison Pushes For A Divided Australia: “You Get Vaccinated and All This Changes”
“Australia gets vaccinated, Australia is able to live differently,” Morrison said.
WATCH: Food Store Owners Who Banned Masks Over Hygiene Concerns Violently Arrested
“Mask wearers constantly touch them,” the store owner said. “Are they 3-min, 3-days or 3-months old! We are an open food store. Not appropriate.”
Whistleblower Tells Tucker Carlson the NSA Is Spying on Him
Carlson pointed out that while the NSA has publicly denied having any surveillance on him, they’ve refused to deny, or rule out whether “the Biden administration had read his personal emails.”
Underreported: Deaths After Vaccine Outnumber COVID Deaths, Australian Stats From Jan-June 2021 Reveal
As of June 28, 2021, there are 272 dead following the vaccines, only 1 dead from COVID-19.
Could Voter Fraud Swing Australian Elections?
“If we don’t have confidence in Australia’s elections, we cannot be sure that the government in power was duly elected by the people and is actually representing the interests of Australia’s citizens.”
Is the Rainbow-Wash Wearing Off
It’s been dubbed “Rainbow Capitalism,” and an increasing number of folks, even within the LGBTQ+ community, are beginning to recognize it for the disingenuous, virtue signalling, money-grab that it is.
Netflix Launches ‘Sexy Beasts’: Reality Dating Show For Couples Dressed Like Animals
Chalk this up as just another reason to #CancelNetflix.
Censoring Medical Professionals Is Lunacy Over Logic: There’s No Uninstall Button
When censorship devours in the name of narrative, not news, to follow the science, may mean following the silence.