
YouTube Censors Podcast Discussing Big Tech Censorship

If Big Media and Big Tech aren’t protecting an approved globalist narrative, why would Reuters not allow an accomplished, high-profile doctor the right to balance out an attack on his character, and his medical views?

A Podcast episode I had contributed to last week has been cancelled by YouTube.

The Prepare Defend Lead podcast, ‘A Brave New World,’ was removed by the Silicon Valley technocrats after a review of its content.

Podcast host, Joe Prim posted the short violation notice to his Instagram page.

YouTube claims the conversation breached their ‘medical misinformation policy.’

This is despite no medical advice being given, nor prescribed. The claim is false.

Joe invited me onto his show to give his American audience an insight into the rampant, random use of lockdowns against the people, in the government’s “fight against COVID-19” in Australia. I did just that.

Our conversation also covered censorship, such as the gagging of COVID treatment advocates Dr. Simone Gold, and Dr. Perrie Kody; along with COVaxx dissenters, including mRNA inventor Dr. Robert Malone, Dr. Peter McCullough, and evolutionary biologist, Bret Weinstein.

Recall that Bret Weinstein was demonetised by YouTube last month.

This was because the evolutionary biologist gave a voice to medical professionals who haven’t been afraid to confront inept government, inconsistency, double standards, and totalitarian health bureaucrats alike.

More information on that can be found on the Caldron Pool website here, here, and here. The first and last in this list are articles Twitter banned, suspending Caldron Pool’s Twitter account for seven days.

Additionally, there’s an obvious misinformation campaign against Dr. Robert Malone. He’s been accused of inventing the title “inventor of mRNA vaccines.”

Malone and Weinstein were also the targets of a “fact-checking” operation initiated by Reuters. The news organisation challenged Malone’s assertions that COVID-19 “vaccines” were Cytotoxic.

Reuters “fact-checkers” never bothered to check the facts with him.

Put another way, big media fact-checked medical information, without consulting the medical professional who first provided it.

There is no recourse for an opposing point of view that would dispute Reuters defending an approved narrative.

Protecting the narrative displaces individual rights. Namely habeas corpus, and the right to due process.

If legacy media “fact-checkers” say Dr. Malone is guilty of spreading ‘medical misinformation’, he’s guilty.

In another sampling of censorship, an official GBN video featuring a 4-minute reasoned argument against the COVaxxing of children didn’t last a week.

YouTube removed Neil Oliver’s astute opposition. Justifying the cancelation as tenable, declaring GBN to be guilty of ‘violating community standards. I.e.: ‘spreading medical misinformation.’

If Big Media and Big Tech aren’t protecting an approved globalist narrative, why would Reuters not allow an accomplished, high-profile doctor the right to balance out an attack on his character, and his medical views?

Why else would YouTube ban all content that ‘contradicts the World Health Organisation’s medical information about COVID-19; or local authorities’ – in other words the pseudo-theoslogos of health bureaucrats?

As is plainly stated in YT’s policy information:

Even if content doesn’t contradict the COVID party-line, commentary on views that do, is still a “gaolable” offence.

Oliver’s video has since been reinstated. It’s unlikely Joe Prim’s Podcast episode will be treated the same.

Rather than gag justifiable dissent, all forms of questioning and debate, the over-Lords running the show should turn their sites on government propaganda.

Lies that have no basis in fact. Like this ‘disgusting’ example from Australia:

Governments and their enablers, don’t seem to realise how much their use of the stick entrenches opposition to their dodgy “vaccine.”

I’m less inclined than ever to recommend anyone get it; let alone advise family to do so.

Fact: emotional manipulation is psychological abuse.

For all of the achievements of the modern era humanity remains conditioned by the corruption of the human heart.

Society hasn’t progressed all that far from Antiquity.

The Ancient Near East: “You not worshipping this idol, is the reason for all these disasters. If you care about others, you’ll bow down to it!”

2021: “You not worshipping the COVaxx, is the reason for all these lockdowns. If you care about others, you’ll bow down to it!”

Same thing, different costume.

The Caldron Pool Show

The Caldron Pool Show: #10 – Dr Jereth Kok
The Caldron Pool Show: #2 – Elijah Schaffer
The Caldron Pool Show: #30 – Genesis and the Exodus – Fact or Fiction? (with David Rohl)
The Caldron Pool Show: #19 – Ian Miles Cheong


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