533 search results for "lgbt"

Social media giant Twitter has updated their terms of service to allow their users to discuss adult attraction to minors as well as share artistic depictions of nude children. The updated policy states: “Discussions related to child sexual exploitation as a phenomenon or attraction towards minors are permitted, provided they don’t promote or glorify child sexual exploitation in any way.” Follow Caldron Pool on Facebook, Twitter, and Parler! Twitter went on to allow for nude depictions of minors in certain instances, stating: “Artistic depictions of nude minors in a non-sexualized context or setting may be permitted in a limited number of scenarios e.g., works…

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An anti-Christian LGBT group from Spokane, Washington, have reenacted an antebellum, chattel slavery auction, using cut-outs of outspoken Christian leaders, who are actively opposed to abortion and Drag Queen Story Time. The LGBT group, Spokane United Against Religious Extremism and the Church, targeted 500 Mom Strong founder, Anna Bohach and pastors from ‘The Church at Planned Parenthood’ in an October fundraising event for the industrial abortion platform, Planned Parenthood. According to Anna Bohach  (an activist against the sexualization and exploitation of children), the black slavery-era mock auction took place during a ‘Halloween themed drag show.’ Recounting the event in an…

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A 25-year-old lead actress in the UK has been fired from a stage production after being accused of posting “homophobic” remarks on Facebook five years ago. Seyi Omooba was sacked by a theatre company in Leicester after she was cast as the lead role in the stage version of The Color Purple. The sacking came after Hamilton actor Aaron Lee Lambert called out Ms Omooba on Twitter for “homophobic” comments she posted on Facebook back in September 2014. Lambert took offence to Ms Omooba being cast as Celie, a central character in the story because some like to view the character as being…

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The line between inciting hate or violence and informing others about that hate and violence is being blurred. Facebook’s recent heavy-handed actions against Caldron Pool, and Caldron Pool contributor, Evelyn Rae, suggest that the social media platform is happy to unfairly conflate reporting or fair criticism of an event with endorsement of that event. There is a difference between advocacy and commentary. If we apply descriptive and prescriptive linguistics to how newsworthy events or commentary are presented, we can see that companies like Facebook will inevitably hurt their customer base, because they continue to blur the descriptive and the prescriptive,…

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The lead actress in a stage production has been fired after it was revealed she had quoted the Bible on Facebook five years earlier. Seyi Omooba was sacked by the theatre company in Leicester just days after she was cast as the lead role in the stage version of The Color Purple. The sacking came after Hamilton actor Aaron Lee Lambert shared a screenshot of the five-year-old “homophobic” comment Ms Omooba posted on Facebook. In September 2014, the 25-year-old actress posted to social media saying: “Some Christians have completely misconceived the issue of homosexuality. They have begun to twist the word of…

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Toymaker Mattel announced on Wednesday their plans to launch a new gender-fluid line of dolls, claiming “kids don’t want their toys dictated by gender norms.” The gender-bending dolls will be part of the Creatable World line, which will include six different doll kits available in a variety of skin tones. The kits will include one gender-neutral doll, short and long hairstyles and different clothing options. “Toys are a reflection of culture and as the world continues to celebrate the positive impact of inclusivity, we felt it was time to create a doll line free of labels,” Kim Culmone, Senior Vice…

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A US-based women’s clothing brand has been banned from Etsy after posting a Bible verse on their store profile. After 12-years of selling on the e-commerce platform, Etsy accused Garlands of Grace of violating their Anti-Discrimination policy. The brand, which provides uniquely designed and handcrafted headwraps, head coverings, and accessories, was informed by Etsy that their store will not be reinstated unless they immediately remove the offending content. Garlands of Grace’s profile said that the company stands for traditional, biblical marriage, and included a quote from 1 Corinthians 6:9, which reads: Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit…

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A Finnish politician is under police investigation after posting a Bible verse on her Facebook page. In June 2019, Christian Democratic MP Päivi Räsänen shared a section from Paul’s letter to the Romans along with criticism of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland over their decision to endorse Helsinki LGBT Pride 2019 event. Finnish Police launched the investigation against Ms Räsänen on suspected incitement against sexual and gender minorities. It has also been reported that authorities have additionally charged Ms Räsänen with “agitation against an ethnic group.” In an interview with Faith Wire, Ms Räsänen said, “Already the fact that…

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Dave Chappelle’s new Netflix Special ‘Sticks and Stones’ could offend just about everybody. There are racist stereotypes, homophobic and transphobic punchlines, cracks at Michael Jackson’s accusers… the works. Predictably, he’s come under fire. A few critics of Chappelle’s new special have claimed that their objections aren’t born from being ‘triggered’ but simply from Chappelle missing the mark. Interestingly, Rotten Tomatoes review system demonstrates just how out of touch many media critics are with the demos. Whilst receiving a score of only 38% from 8 verified critics on the Tomatometer, it received north of 99% from more than 5,000 user ratings. The…

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Sonia Hornery MP launched an extraordinary attack on a local church this week when the evangelism they’ve been doing most weekends for several years coincided with an LGBTIQAX+ Pride Festival. The state MP for Wallsend, just West of Newcastle, NSW, accused the church of “hate speech” because they were preaching the Gospel to people attending the festival. Last weekend, Newcastle celebrated diversity at the Newcastle Pride Group Page Festival. Unfortunately, members of a local church thought it appropriate to put out hate flyers targeting people attending the festival. These flyers were handed out to people attending the Festival and placed all over cars parked…

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Government-owned postal organisation Australia Post has announced it will release a series of LGBTQ-themed postal stamps to celebrate the legalisation of same-sex ‘marriage’ in Australia. The stamps will feature the phrase, “Love is Love”, along with LGBTQ rainbows and homosexual couples embracing and kissing each other. According to the Stamp Bulletin, “The stamp designs are celebratory, showing the highly recognisable rainbow colours and slogans synonymous with the Marriage Equality campaign.” The postal organisation has good reason to celebrate the 2017 Australian Marriage Law Postal Survey too. The taxpayer-funded mail-out reportedly created a $26.3 million revenue surge for the snail-mail business…

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Covington student, Nicholas Sandermann’s $250 million defamation case against The Washington Post was dismissed late last month, after a federal judge ruled that the Washington Post hadn’t slandered Sandermann in its reporting of the infamous, so-called “standoff” between himself and Native American, Nathan Phillips on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. Saurabh Sharma of the Dailycaller said the “judge threw out the case” saying that The Washington Post didn’t defame the Covington students, but were irresponsible with their use of “loose, figurative,” and “rhetorical hyperbole”. [i] This is despite The Washington Post, along with some Twitter users and others within…

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It’s said that bias isn’t what you put in, it’s what you choose to leave out. Kristina Keneally has demonstrated at best a factual ignorance, and at worst, a deliberate attempt to use US tragedy’s as a means to score political points. In the past week, two mass-shootings, one in Dayton Ohio, the other in El-Paso Texas, rocked the United States. The Labor Senator and Home Affairs spokeswoman in a Sydney Morning Herald op-ed titled, We can’t bury our heads when it comes to right-wing extremism wrote: On Sunday a wave of sadness consumed me as I saw Dayton, Ohio…

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The Disney Channel has “made history” after featuring their first homosexual teenage couple in the final instalment of Andi Mack. The episode saw 13-year-old Cyrus Goodman confess his feelings for his classmate TJ Kippen, before the pair held hands as the camera panned away. Also included in the episode was a scene that featured a singalong to Lady Gaga’s LGBTQ anthem “Born This Way.” Joshua Rush, who plays Cyrus, tweeted: “guys, gals, and nb pals, i can now tell you: tyrus endgame canon and confirmed.” guys, gals, and nb pals, i can now tell you: tyrus endgame canon and confirmed…

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World swimming body FINA has levered podium protests at its Gwangju world championships as an opportunity to ban religious expression by competitors at all future FINA events. The new Code of Conduct provision entitled “rules of conduct during the competition” was enacted after an alleged drug cheat was snubbed at two official FINA medal ceremonies. The two new clauses, which could breach international human rights (ICCPR Article 18), effectively ban religious statements or behaviour “during competition” and appear to apply to all modes of communication, including social media. The new code of conduct, according to News.com.au, reads: “The competitors shall…

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Lawmakers in Ohio are attempting to put an end to child drag performances after footage emerged of a nine-year-old “drag queen” accepting money from adults as he danced for their entertainment. Republican state representative Tim Schaffer has introduced a new bill that would make drag performances illegal for “a child under eighteen years of age or a mentally or physically handicapped child twenty-one years of age. The bill would update Ohio’s current child endangerment laws to prohibit parents from putting on performances with their kids that “appeal to prurient interest.” If the bill is passed, offending parents of children performing…

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The transgender activist who is suing ‘transphobic’ beauticians for refusing to wax his male genitalia is now organizing a parent-free topless swim session for children as young as 12-years-old. Jonathan Yaniv, now known as Jessica, made headlines recently after filing multiple complaints with the Human Rights Council in British Columbia, accusing numerous female-only beauticians of discrimination after they refused to provide him with a ‘Brazillian wax.’ Yaniv, last week, shared the ‘Youth All-Bodies Swim event for LGBTQ2S+ Youth and Their Allies,’ tweeting, “I’m going to get this party RESTARTED.” The event, which allows girls as young as 12-years-old to go…

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A Canadian transgender activist has accused more than a dozen female-only beauticians of discrimination after they refused to wax his male genitals. Jessica Yaniv, born Jonathan Yaniv, has reportedly filed multiple complaints with the Human Rights Council (HRC) in British Columbia accusing the women of denying him service based on his gender identity, The Post Millennial reports. “The people that discriminated against me are forcing their beliefs on society,” Yaniv claimed during the tribunal hearing, who also equated the denial of service to neo-Nazism. Two of the women who refused to touch Yaniv’s genitals have already been forced out of…

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The American Psychological Association (APA) is forming a task force to “promote awareness and inclusivity” of people who engage in sexual relationships with multiple partners, such as people who practice polyamory and swinging. According to the website for Division 44 of the APA, the task force is designed to address the needs of those who wish to practice polyamory “including their intersecting marginalized identities” without the social and medical stigmatization. “These include but are not limited to: people who practice polyamory, open relationships, swinging, relationship anarchy and other types of ethical, non-monogamous relationships,” the website states. The task force’s stated…

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Last month was Pride Month, so it’s a fitting time to reflect on the last decade and what made it such a revolutionary period in Australia’s history.  Consider just a few of the radical things that have happened… 2016-17 — The Safe-Schools fiasco 2017 — Same-sex marriage is legalised 2019 — The Australian Human Rights Commission releases its ‘Guidelines for the inclusion of transgender and gender diverse people’ When you look back, it is unthinkable that same-sex marriage would have been legalised even ten years ago! In fact, just read this 2010 statement from Labor Party’s Penny Wong: The party’s…

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