Non-leftist Employees Appeal for Neutrality After Disney Is Shanghaied Into Joining the LGBTQ+ Activist Army
“We watch quietly as our beliefs come under attack from our own employer, and we frequently see those who share our opinions condemned as villains by our own leadership.”
Disney CEO Apologises for Not Being “Woke” Enough, Vows to Include More LGBTQA+ Content
“How can Disney claim to support ‘family values’ if it rejects the objective biological basics which give life and meaning to the very word, family?”
DeSantis Set to Sign Off on Bill Banning LGBTQ+ Ideology in Grades K-3
“We’re going to make sure that parents are able to send their kid to kindergarten without having some of this stuff injected into their school curriculum,” DeSantis said.
Leftists Lecture Hungary About Right and Wrong After Christian Country Bans Promotion of LGBTQ Ideology to Children
Of course, all the usual suspects have voiced their outrage at Hungary’s “homophobic” and “transphobic” move.
City Pays $35k in Damages to Christian Ministry For Cancelling Event Because Speaker Refused to Affirm LGBTQ Ideology
When faced with the full hearing of a lawsuit, however, the City of Edinburgh Council folded on their decision and apologized to the ministry, admitting they were wrong to cancel the event based on the beliefs of the keynote speaker.
Council Cracks Down On Free Speech, Forces Employees to Fly LGBTQ Flags
“I don’t know what to do,” one council employee told Caldron Pool. “I feel like I’m being forced to do something that is not related to my role. It’s not that I don’t like gay people (it’s sad I need to clarify that), but social issues shouldn’t be forced through work channels that have nothing to do with the job.”
LGBTQ Activists Protested An Event They Knew Nothing About
“Aside from the ABC falsely reporting on the evening and protesters misreading and stirring up unnecessary fear about the event, local MP Rebecca Stephens was quick to be critical of the event without knowing its contents.”
Blue’s Clues Features Drag Queen, Transgender Beavers, Lesbian Crocodiles in LGBT Animal Pride Parade
The video introduces different kinds of LGBT ‘families,’ including lesbian crocodile mommies, homosexual bear daddies, non-binary dolphins, and transgender beavers.
Kellogg’s Releases LGBTQ-Cereal With Room for Kids to Write Their Pronouns on the Box
“Leave the boxes for cereal,” Kellogg’s said.. “You’re too awesome to fit into a box.”
Activists Plan To Protest Church Event Because Christian Speakers Are Former LGBTQ
The aim of these particular activists and their sympathisers is to permit no one to air opinions different to their own.
Virtue Signalling LEGO Unveils LGBTQ Set, Angers Fans By Marking It 18+
“Is there a particular reason this set is labelled as 18+?” a fan tweeted. “Pretty sure there’s no ‘mature content’ in the pride theme set.”
School Reports Chaplain to Anti-Terror Unit for Telling Students They Can Disagree With LGBT Ideology
According to The Mail on Sunday, the program urged teachers to chant “Smash heteronormativity” during a training session; required students to adopt gender-neutral uniforms; and discouraged pupils from referring to each other as “boys” and “girls.”
Schools Urged to Avoid Using ‘Mum’ and ‘Dad’ to Improve Inclusivity for LGBTQ+ School Children
The organisation has warned about the dangers of using gendered language in the classroom to describe individuals, such as mum, dad, husband, and wife.
WNBA Player Says She Was Bullied From the Game Because She Didn’t Identify As LGBTQ
“Me being heterosexual and straight, and being vocal in my identity as a straight woman was huge.”
Victoria’s Apostasy Laws: It’s Now Illegal to Help LGBTQ People Who Want to Change
Those found to have engaged in forbidden practices, such as counselling and offering prayer, could face up to 10 years in prison or up-to $10,000 in fines.
Understanding Why Christians Will Never Affirm LGBTQ Ideology
We’ve witnessed a rise in anti-Christian hostility in recent months, particularly when it relates to the Christian view of sexuality.
Starbucks Fires Christian Barista For Refusing To Wear Pro-LGBTQ Shirt, Lawsuit Claims
A Christian woman in New Jersey has been fired by Starbucks after refusing to wear a pro-LGBTQ t-shirt, a lawsuit claims.
LGBTQ Musical Cancelled After Backlash for Casting Cisgender Actor as Trans Character: “Trans Is Not A Costume”
An Australian stage show has been cancelled after LGBTQIA+ activists slammed the producers for casting a cisgender actor to play a trans character.
Christian School Secretary FIRED for Private Facebook Post Expressing Concern About Mandatory LGBT Classes for Children
A school secretary in the UK has been fired after sharing concerns on her private Facebook page about mandatory LGBTQ lessons at her son’s primary school.
Police Warn Pastor Not to Offend LGBT Mob Threatening to Burn Down Church and Violently Assault Congregation
Police warned Pastor Williamson to keep his views in a ‘safe environment’…