EU Fines France for Violating Feminist’s ‘Rights’ Over Kill Christmas: Abort-Jesus Stunt
“Kitted out with ox livers to illustrate the termination of a baby’s life in the womb, Bouton then urinated on the floor in full view of the congregation.”
NT Anti-Discrimination Amendments Set to Abolish Religious Freedom
“Should a Drag Queen, or member of the ‘Church’ of Satan decide to teach in a Christian school, there would be no solid legal ground for that Christian school to reasonably refuse employment.”
Anti-Musk Feds to Investigate the Billionaire’s Twitter Deal ‘Conduct’
“The buyout also spurred an array of typical tantrums from the Left, with the Daily Mail alleging in May, that ‘George Soros, Clinton, and Obama staffers, as well as European governments,’ were behind a ‘campaign’ to stop Musk’s Twitter deal.”
Are Communists More Welcome Than Christians in Today’s Australia?
“It is no longer normal and acceptable to hold mainstream Christian religious beliefs and doing so is now a disqualifier from holding any prominent public position in corporate Australia.”
PayPal Backtracks After $2,500 “Misinformation” Fine Backlash
“…deliberations [would have been] made at the sole discretion of PayPal and [might have] subjected the user to damages — including the removal of $2,500 debited directly from your PayPal account per offense.”
This Is About One Thing Only: Rabid Christophobia
“So why are the AFL and Dan Andrews and all the media tarts not seeking to force HER out, publicly shame and humiliate her, and make a lesson out of her? Oh, that’s right: Islam good, Christianity evil.”
Liberal Left Faction MP Calls Christians “Reactionary Extremists”
“Reactionary extremists” with a “menacing agenda of hatred, repression, exclusion, division and opposition to hard-won women’s rights.”
84-Year-Old Pro-life Volunteer SHOT Over Abortion Bill That Could Protect Paedophiles and Exploit Women
The elderly volunteer received a ‘gunshot wound to the back/shoulder while leaving a residence during a heated conversation.’
Giorgia Meloni and Hope for Italy
“Above all I say the embarrassing ones are not us. The embarrassing ones are those who support practices like surrogacy, abortion at nine months, and blocking the development of children with drugs at eleven years of age. That is embarrassing.”
FBI SWAT Raids Home of Pro-Life Father of Seven
“The continued weaponization of the FBI and persecution of Biden’s DOJ against ordinary Americans is an outrage…”
The Left’s Domestic Terrorism Double Standard
ANTIFA gets a free ride, just don’t fly the American flag, or you might end up being raided by the FBI.
Professors Call For Blacklisting of A-Grade Mexican Psychology Grad Who Backed Biological Science
“Pérez’s alleged social sin? He defended life from conception, marriage between man and woman, and was critical of gender indoctrination in schools.”
What Is the God Over Government Frankfurt Declaration?
“The COVID years simply made Caesar’s strategy undeniably obvious. Government restrictions required churches to refrain from gathering while casinos and massage parlours were allowed to operate. Officials looked the other way when leftist protestors were given free rein to gather and even riot, but those same officials relentlessly worked to keep churches closed.”
A Tremendous Legal Win After Eight-Year Legal Battle
“…imagine going through eight years of hell and being the subject of 41 legal complaints by a serial litigant and hater.”
Breitbart to Distribute New Hunter Biden Laptop Biopic
“For those who don’t know about the potential Biden/Harris 2020 election killing discovery, a new film presented by Breitbart hopes to fill in any gaping holes left open by the political Left’s gagging of the subject.”
Free Speech and Its Limits
“Free speech is really vital, but there will always be some limits.”
Lawyers Fear Californian Trans Bill Could Enable Kidnappers and Predators
“Effectively, the state of California would be able to deny a parent’s rights by stopping a concerned father or mother from contacting, speaking to, or intervening in their alleged ‘trans’ child’s ‘gender reassignment’ surgery.”
DeSantis to Biden: End the CCP-19 Medical Mandates for the U.S. Military
“Why should people choose between a job they need and a shot they don’t want?”
Now They Want to Sexualise and Politicise Our Dead War Heroes
“There is no neutral territory here. The homosexual behemoth is crushing all in its wake as it demands total submission and complete endorsement and compliance.”
Claws Out: Labor Terrified by Liberal’s Up and Coming Star
“As is often the case, emotional reasoning tramples facts, and the very people exhibiting hate are those who say they’re fighting against it.”