61 search results for "lawfare"

“A clear majority of Americans consider the Biden administration to be taking the country in the wrong direction.”

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“The viral story fed online trolls, who used the article to defame Farage as a liar and a Russian puppet.”

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“What El Dorado County did by backing down was grant power to dishonest critics and left-wing bullies.”

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“Rodrigo Ivan Cortes and Gabriel Quadri were accused, tried, and convicted of ‘gender-based political violence’ after criticising transgenderism online.”

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“By all appearances, this new indictment is about crushing political opponents, not balancing the scales of justice.”

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“Christians in the West need to wake up. You’ve got to understand what’s going on, and what’s happening. This is an absolute strategy designed to take away rights, and the outlawing of Christians would be the end product.”

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“Once again, laws brought in under the guise of ‘anti-intimidation’ will be used to intimidate, terrorize, frighten, and threaten anyone who rejects the new state religion with its new moral law code.”

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“If they de-bank me, they can do it to you too.”

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“Their lack of response is cause for concern. Particularly considering the importance of the event and the issues discussed.”

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“Our society is legislating away the reality of biological sex, redefining women to include biological men; encoding legal fictions into law, and punishing those who refuse to comply.”

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“Sutcliffe praised a group of students during a maths lesson, stating, ‘Well done, girls.'”

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“I am 51, with a busted knee, and have never been violent in my life! It is not violence to speak the truth!”

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“Never before have we been frogmarched into changing the constitution like this.”

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“The street preacher was found guilty by a Magistrates court, then made to pay a £620 fine and complete 80 hours of community service.”

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“So, when news broke that an LGBTQ activist group planned on turning up for the sole purpose of disrupting an event hosted by the church, the neighbourhood was naturally alarmed.”

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“The U.K. government’s counter-terror program also red-flagged The Dam Busters, Bridge over the River Kwai, and the Complete Works of Shakespeare, as ‘key texts’ for ‘Right-Wing Extremists.'”

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“Opponents of religious freedom know if they can tear down freedom of religion, they are removing the vanguard of conscience, thought, faith, and family.”

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“As India’s experience exemplifies, the inevitable consequence of anti-conversion laws in the West, will make Christians outlaws.”

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“In 2009, six Christians were burned alive, 140 houses were destroyed, and hundreds of Christians have been displaced by mobs after an insult to Muhammad was perceived.”

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The outcome of Peterson’s “people’s court” trial will either see reason and conscience liberated or purged into oblivion.

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