U.K. Tribunal Finds Anti-racist Diversity Officer Guilty of Racial Discrimination
“I have never felt oppressed in my life and I think it is wrong for this person to assume because of the colour of my skin I have, without even knowing anything of my background ethnicity or upbringing.”
UK Veteran Arrested for Posting Meme Criticising LGBTQ+ Lawfare
“If you criticise the new woke ideology, you criticise the Pride movement, you end up in cuffs. Know that citizens of Great Britain; whether you have served this country and have long medals for distinction and good service, you will end up in cuffs for expressing a perfectly legal view,” Fox said.
Fired for Being a Christian
“It is disturbing how Christian beliefs on marriage, which have been held and expressed for thousands of years, are being silenced and treated with such hostility and disdain.”
Victoria Police Apologise To Rebel News Journalist After False Arrests
“Why is the media so uninterested in what seems to be another example of the brutal authoritarianism of the Victorian Labor Government and its minions?”
The Injured Are Crying Out, Pastors Heed Their Call
“The sad truth is that, for whatever reason, many who were injured by the vaccines are being either ignored, or actively shunned and mocked by some churches and much of society right now.”
Triathlon Bans All Transgender Women From Female Events
Under the new policy, trans athletes will be prohibited from entering female events at both an elite and grassroots level from the age of 12 and over.
Imprisoned for “Spreading Fake News”: Egypt’s False Arrest Pandemic
“Fake news false arrests, arbitrary detention, and imprisonment without trial continue to be significant cause for alarm here in the West, given the Leftist penchant for cancelling anyone who criticises, or chooses to remain unaffiliated, with the modern Left’s woke doctrines.”
Biden Administration Announces “Ministry of Truth 2.0”
“It’s apparent that the Biden administration isn’t serious about solving real societal problems. They seem happy enough instead to coddle distractions because treating the symptoms keeps the masses dependent on the Daddy Government drug.”
Where Is the Humble Apology?
“Here we are, two years later, listening to politicians, medical experts, and the media now echoing the very thing you would have heard from the stage at almost any of the ‘infamous’ anti-mandate rallies.”
1989: One of the Most Incredible Years of Political Upheaval
“The Revolution of 1989, an expression of this revolution of the spirit, was a reminder that there are still surprises left in history, and that the good guys do indeed sometimes win.”
Who Is Peter Dutton, and Will He Fight for Freedom and Reclaim the Line?
“As hopeful as Dutton’s election is for centre-right Christians and classical liberals, until they see proof of the new LNP leader’s resolve, and effectiveness, Dutton’s election will mean diddly squat.”
Orwellian Version of Mary Poppins Quits as “Ministry of Truth” Head After Biden’s New Department of Disinformation Is Halted for Review
“If truth is purely subjective, morality fluid, then there is no concrete basis on which leftists can declare anything to be either misinformation or disinformation.”
The Stage Is Set for a Showdown
“The legacy media and political and professional classes have traded off the terror created by this manufactured crisis and they should be held to account for its devastating consequences.”
Churches Attacked as Abortion Anarchists Ramp up Their “Defend Roe” Death Marches
“They burned churches in Canada for the alleged murder of children. Now they’re burning churches for the ‘right’ to murder children.”
Dems Create “Ministry of Truth” Department in Fight Against Arbitrarily Defined Disinformation and Domestic Terror
“The unsurprising news highlights greater concern about who polices the thought police in a world where subjectivism replaces truth, and feelings replace facts.”
BLM’s “Defund the Police” Burdens Black Americans With Record Crime
“Since George Floyd’s death… African-Americans have been ‘disproportionally affected by a 43% increase in murders compared to the previous 10-year average.’”
Christians Arrested in Egypt on Terrorism Charges After Peaceful Protests
“Each protester was blindfolded, handcuffed, then interrogated without lawyers being present, while their families were denied information about their fate or whereabouts.”
What Does The Bible Say About Alliances?
“We are at ease like fattened calves enjoying the ride on the trailer to the slaughterhouse.”
George Christensen’s Final Scorching Speech to the Federal Parliament
“Our democracy is one that should be from the people up, not from the globalists down.”
Daily Wire Steps up to Compete With Disney LGBTQ+ Inc.
“If corporations decide to go woke, there must be competitors who assure that they will go broke. And we hope to fill that gap. We only hope others will follow our lead.”