440 search results for "islam"

LGBTQI+ advocacy group Equality Australia has released a video on social media, essentially warning the public that the Coalition’s ‘Religious Discrimination Bill’ will give people a licence to express a Christian view of sexuality, leaving LGBTQ people vulnerable to diverse ideas. The video, featuring an LGBTQ activist who said he sometimes wonders if he’d “hate-f*ck all the anti-gay MPs in parliament” just to get the “homophobia out of their system,” warns the bill will “take away your rights at work, at school, and in hospitals…” How will the bill accomplish this? According to the video, your “rights” will be taken…

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You will often, particularly online, hear people say something like this; the African slave trade was a ‘racist, white, patriarchal colonialist institution’, it was the white man’s hatred of the black man that fuelled the slave trade. Now, putting aside the fact that the word ‘slave’ developed from ‘Slav’, the white eastern Europeans who were taken as slaves so often their names became synonymous with the institution of slavery in Europe, this idea that the African slave trade was a ‘white, patriarchal, colonial institution’ is both ahistorical and ridiculous. Did Colonialists engage in it? Yes. Did racists engage in it?…

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Scottish Pastor, Richard Cameron, was suspended by church officials this week, until further notice, after “heckling” openly socialist, U.K. Labour leader, Jeremy Corbyn. Corbyn, who has the potential of becoming the U.K’s next Prime Minister in the December election, was day two into his campaign trail in Glasgow, when according to The Scottish Sun, Cameron, a 60-year-old Church of Scotland minister, approached the Labour leader. Referring to Corbyn’s tartan scarf and his criticism of the United States actions against the late ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, Cameron stated: I thought you’d be wearing an Islamic jihad scarf. Do you think…

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The story goes that a student of philosophy was asked in an exam to prove a chair which had been placed where everyone could see it at the front of the exam hall did not exist. Students were expected to discuss the 20th-century philosophers who posited ideas about subjective human existence and questioned our relationship with reality. But this two word complete response, if the urban legend is to be believed, received top marks for its reflection of the possibility the chair was an illusion of the examiner’s mind. If you’re a person who tends to vote right of centre…

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Australian retailer Bonds is using the Christmas season to launch their latest campaign, featuring a sexual image of near-naked men sharing a homosexual kiss. Bonds Australia posted the image on their social media accounts on Monday, as part of their “it’s the Bonds that make the season” campaign. The graphic was shared with a caption that reads, “It’s the little moments that make the Christmas season so special.” I’m sorry, what? A homosexual kiss shared between two mostly naked men is what makes the Christmas season “so special”? CHRIST-mas is, and always has been, a Christian holiday marking the birth of…

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The line between inciting hate or violence and informing others about that hate and violence is being blurred. Facebook’s recent heavy-handed actions against Caldron Pool, and Caldron Pool contributor, Evelyn Rae, suggest that the social media platform is happy to unfairly conflate reporting or fair criticism of an event with endorsement of that event. There is a difference between advocacy and commentary. If we apply descriptive and prescriptive linguistics to how newsworthy events or commentary are presented, we can see that companies like Facebook will inevitably hurt their customer base, because they continue to blur the descriptive and the prescriptive,…

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If you haven’t seen Caldron Pool appearing in your News Feed lately, it’s not because we’ve gone MIA. Facebook is censoring us after falsely accusing our page of violating Community Standards. On Saturday, the social media platform falsely claimed an article highlighting the plight of Christians in Nigeria “praised or supported” the Islamic terrorist group Boko Haram, who had executed two Christian aid workers. Facebook removed the post and placed restrictions on our page, effectively silencing our posts for a week. Stories from your Page are not being shown in News Feeds. This could be due to activity from your…

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I largely agree with Ben Shapiro’s consistent criticism of Donald Trump’s ‘fly-by-the-seat-of-his-pants’ approach to foreign policy. Trump appears to ride roughshod, giving the impression of impulsiveness, or worse that he hasn’t considered the law of unintended consequences. However, a lot of recent criticism coming from both sides of politics, concerning the Trump administration’s decision to “withdraw” U.S Troops from Syria, ignore the plight of refugees and push aside the fact that Turkey is still an official ally of the United States. As signatories of NATO, they are strategic partners. The recent advance of the Turks into northern Syria wasn’t a…

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Social media and the news media have been awash over the last couple of weeks with Greta Thunberg, the young, self-proclaimed mentally ill, Swedish teenager who has been given a platform to stare down, berate, challenge, and otherwise scold the leaders of the world. A lot has been said about this girl, about her handlers, about how she is being used to try and guilt so-called “climate-deniers” into refusing to challenge her. Though from everything I have seen, she has had the exact opposite effect than what was intended. Most of what I have seen online have this girl memefied…

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Toymaker Mattel announced on Wednesday their plans to launch a new gender-fluid line of dolls, claiming “kids don’t want their toys dictated by gender norms.” The gender-bending dolls will be part of the Creatable World line, which will include six different doll kits available in a variety of skin tones. The kits will include one gender-neutral doll, short and long hairstyles and different clothing options. “Toys are a reflection of culture and as the world continues to celebrate the positive impact of inclusivity, we felt it was time to create a doll line free of labels,” Kim Culmone, Senior Vice…

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A long-time Pellowe Talk Partner messaged me about a week ago to ask, “What do you make of all this hysteria now enveloping the Anglican Church?” Accompanying that question he sent a PDF statement by the Anglican Church of Australia’s “Public Affairs Commission” endorsing the call for a National Day of Climate Action and encouraging Anglicans to participate. The second paragraph explained, “The Marks of Mission of the Anglican Church commit the Church to striving to safeguard the integrity of creation, and to sustaining and renewing the life of the earth.” This is Biblical. In the first chapter of the…

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The South Australian butcher accused of vilifying Muslims with a “Non-Halal Certified” sign has refused to remove the signage from the shopfront window. The Advertising Standards Community Panel ruled earlier this month that the Adelaide-based business breached the Advertisers Code of Ethics by informing customers that their food products were not halal certified. According to the Ad Standards Panel, the sign incites hatred and contempt of Muslims and would have been less likely to breach advertising standards if the message said, “Unfortunately, non Halal.” The panel also took issue with the fact that the wording was accompanied by imagery of…

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Burger King in South Africa is removing the word “ham” from “hamburgers” in an effort to accommodate Muslim customers and “be more respectful” of Islamic beliefs. According to Business Insider: “On Friday the chain confirmed it has changed the names of three of its products. What was previously known as a ‘Double Spicy Hamburger’ will now just be a ‘Double Spicy Burger’; the ‘Triple Hamburger with Cheese’ becomes the ‘Triple Burger with Cheese’, and ‘Hamburger King Jr’ on the kid’s menu will now be just a ‘Kids Burger’.” Despite the fact that hamburgers don’t actually contain pork products, the chain…

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A butcher in South Australia has breached the Advertisers Code of Ethics by marking non-halal approved food products as “Non-Halal Certified,” according to the Advertising Standards Community Panel. The panel was in agreement with a complaint that argued the sign, which appeared on the shopfront window, “pokes fun” at Muslims and “perpetuates a culture of vilification towards religious minorities, that results in harm towards them.” The Adelaide-based business said the sticker was not intended to offend, but to inform shoppers that their food products are not halal certified. Responding to the complaint, the business said: “The sign is only stating…

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Examine some older texts on philosophy, some Freudian psychology, even some theology, and you’ll come across the term proton-pseudos. Proton-pseudos is described by the International Dictionary of Psychoanalysis as ‘the link between false premises and false conclusions.’ Sigmund Freud borrowed the term from Aristotle and applied to it to the category of hysteria. In short, the Proton-pseudos is the ‘original error’. The proton-pseudos sits behind and within the lies, we tell ourselves, or the lies we’ve been taught to believe about ourselves, society, politics, theology and a whole range of other areas. The proton-pseudos is the outworking of a negative…

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Covington student, Nicholas Sandermann’s $250 million defamation case against The Washington Post was dismissed late last month, after a federal judge ruled that the Washington Post hadn’t slandered Sandermann in its reporting of the infamous, so-called “standoff” between himself and Native American, Nathan Phillips on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. Saurabh Sharma of the Dailycaller said the “judge threw out the case” saying that The Washington Post didn’t defame the Covington students, but were irresponsible with their use of “loose, figurative,” and “rhetorical hyperbole”. [i] This is despite The Washington Post, along with some Twitter users and others within…

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It’s said that bias isn’t what you put in, it’s what you choose to leave out. Kristina Keneally has demonstrated at best a factual ignorance, and at worst, a deliberate attempt to use US tragedy’s as a means to score political points. In the past week, two mass-shootings, one in Dayton Ohio, the other in El-Paso Texas, rocked the United States. The Labor Senator and Home Affairs spokeswoman in a Sydney Morning Herald op-ed titled, We can’t bury our heads when it comes to right-wing extremism wrote: On Sunday a wave of sadness consumed me as I saw Dayton, Ohio…

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A man shouting “Allahu Akbar” has reportedly pushed a New York Times illustrator onto the tracks of a Manhattan subway. The 30-year-old victim, whose identity was not revealed, was taken to hospital after suffering cuts and a fractured hip during the attack. The incident, which occurred last Thursday during the morning rush hour, ended with the arrest of the 41-year-old attacker after he was subdued by a group of commuters. Video obtained exclusively by the New York Post, shows a group of men surrounding the attacker. At one point the man is seen trying to escape before being knocked to…

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Kristina Keneally is hopelessly muddled about how freedom works, specifically freedom of speech and freedom of religion. I’m sure she’s had it explained to her before, but inexplicably comprehension yet eludes her – an alarming observation to make of a Federal Senator. I think leftists are often so mired in the prejudice of their anti-freedom propaganda they often end up shadow boxing, fighting against things no serious person believes. Take, for example, yesterday’s eleven-part Twitter challenge to the Prime Minister doubling down on her insistence that someone who tweeted something vile he then regretted, deleted and apologised for three years…

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Democratic Candidate Tulsi Gabbard has been the victim of yet another deep state hit job, this time with Google suspending her campaign’s advertising account for six hours immediately after June 28th’s presidential debate. Her performance lead to a surge in internet traffic, with potential voters keen to hear more from the anti-interventionist war veteran. She grilled front-runner Kamala Harris, an alleged warrior for social justice, on her incredibly poor record as a California prosecutor, including locking up more than 1,500 individuals (disproportionately ethnic minorities) for marijuana-related convictions, and also refusing to release evidence that would exonerate an innocent man on…

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