The Agreement That Robbed Our Country
You were robbed.
Major US Election Win: DeSantis Routs Democrat Abortion and Marijuana Population Control Power Grab
“This is a HUGE victory.”
When So-Called Christians Turn On the Faithful
“With a handful of exceptions, the Australian Church is starved of real leadership.”
“Christians” Disowning Christ
“Here we have a ‘Christian’ university apologising for having a strong Catholic giving a strong Catholic speech. Um, what would they prefer?”
Is Russophobia Justified?
“Like many Americans, most Russians believe in their nation’s uniqueness and rich Christian heritage. This is something that deeply infuriates the Western woke elite, hence their naturally Russophobic feelings.”
There Has Always Been a Voice for the Voiceless
“Melania and others like her are standing on the wrong side of history…”
John Kerry Claims Free Speech Stands in the Way of the Elite’s Plan to Control the Narrative
“They’re all singing from the same song sheet here: it is a dangerous thing to allow ordinary men and women the right to free speech.”
Can America Be Saved or Is It Too Late?
“Just as Christianity has its rituals and practices, so too do the new pagan cults. Chief among them are the satanic sacraments of abortion and euthanasia.”
Can Common Values Hold in Australia?
“Values cannot be held in common if beliefs are too far apart.”
The West Is Quickly Descending Into Totalitarianism
A Review of ‘The Total State: How Liberal Democracies Become Tyrannies,’ by Auron Macintyre.
Far-Left UK PM’s Fearmongering About the Far-Right Is Marxist Misdirection
“This all portrays a Leftwing movement with no real idea how to respond to the crocodile they’ve politely fed for decades, hoping it’d never eat them.”
President Trump, Prayer, and Politics
“The truth is, the hardcore secular left, including too many Democrats, have been spouting off hatred and even violence-inducing talk concerning Trump for years now.”
The Faith of Vladimir Putin and Russia’s Exceptionalism
“The Orthodox faith… is considered a key element of what Putin calls ‘Russia’s moral foundations.’ These key elements are patriotism and Orthodox Christianity. These are, according to him, the moral foundations of Russia’s identity…”
UK Nurses Fight to Remove Faux Females From Female-Only Change Rooms
“Adding insult to injury, the biological male identifying as a female, apparently offered to properly school the University educated women as part of their re-education process…”
Coddling Islamism in the Name of Anti-Israel Activism Is Cultural Suicide
“Over 100 organisations are behind importing the HAMAS-Israel conflict, most of them… harbour pro-HAMAS messaging and ties.”
An Important Early Document on How Christians Might Deal with Tyrants
“As this globalist statism is likely to only get worse in the days ahead, returning to these older documents becomes more needful than ever.”
The Global Oligarchs’ Neo-Fascist Agenda: You Must Fight Against It Before It’s Too Late!
“The withdrawal of personal freedoms in our present time has been sold to the populace as a positive thing and a means of protecting them from any perceived threat. Slavery to the State has been presented as the gateway to health and prosperity.”
Turning the Trans Tide
“The Cass Review underscores the importance of adopting a more holistic approach to gender care, rather than rushing vulnerable young people into medical interventions with unknown long-term effects.”
What to Make of Trump’s Position on Abortion
“Not without irony, the ‘most pro-life president ever,’ seems to believe the United States cannot be saved without child sacrifice.”