301 search results for "donald trump"

Many on the Left are so far up their own version of racial purity, and “moral superiority”, that they can’t grasp the fact that they are creating the very thing their anti-white racism fears the most. Then again, perhaps that’s the plan? Manufacture an enemy, and exaggerate the threat, in order to maintain political power, and social relevance?

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Racism, Stoker said, ‘is completely unacceptable in modern Australia, but ideas like Critical Race Theory, only lead to greater racial division.’

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This overthrow of elected representatives raises some important questions about where we go from here.

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There’s no room for self-reflection in a room full of self-righteous romantic revolutionaries.

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Even if you despise alternative media, at the very least, surely we can all agree that it provides some necessary balance to provoke questions and help see through what we might have otherwise accepted without thinking twice.

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Despite the SBC’s flaws, it’s not Beth Moore’s theology that’s outgrown them, it’s her apparent compromise with the zeitgeist, allowing the post-Christian culture, not Christ to determine the way forward for the Church.

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You’ve almost certainly encountered Critical Race Theory over the last year, even if those words aren’t familiar.

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World Council of “Churches” (WCC) Commission moderator of International Affairs, Frank Chikane, equated Israel with demons in a recent online address.

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Without a doubt, interference in the United States election was a four-year long campaign to manufacture the 2020 election result, on a ‘whatever it takes’ to payback Trump for dethroning Hilary Clinton basis.

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Quality control at GQ, must be on COVID-19 Wuhan Virus sabbatical.

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Healthy competition has its place, but when that competition compromises cooperation, we’re no longer talking about teamwork, we’re talking about friendly fire and causalities of war.

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A viral video on social media is calling for the formation of a citizen army to “fight back” against “radical extreme conservatives,” labeling them “domestic terrorists.”

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Parler CEO John Matze and his family have been forced into hiding after receiving death threats and security breaches, a court filing from Parler’s legal team has revealed.

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Salvatore Babiones’ 2018 book ‘The New Authoritarianism’ is an exposition on how tyranny and fascism are spawned by the exaltation of civil rights over against civil liberties.

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It’s worth pondering: Why would technocrats silence dissent, analysis, free and open debate, if the alleged Democrat “win” was legal?

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Australians have united in bipartisan condemnation of CCP propaganda after one of its “wolf warrior” diplomats posted anti-Australian propaganda to China’s Foreign Ministry Twitter account.

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As if 2020 couldn’t get any scarier, or more bizarre, there is an increasing body of credible evidence of voter fraud in the recent U.S. election.

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As America determines the outcome of the election, it’s a good time for the modern right to engage in some much-needed self-reflection.

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Revelations from late September of Biden campaign electoral fraud have resurfaced online.

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Regardless of who finally wins the US Presidential election, one thing is for sure, the polls got it wrong. Again! Or, did they?

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