601 search results for "free speech"

The middle-aged leftist was drunk at the time of the incident and claimed that the young slain conservative was a “part of a Republican extremist group”.

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“The last time I looked, a government that takes away individuals’ liberty to choose how they want to live work, and raise families, was called a communist dictatorship. A political system that my family and I escaped from, and many other refugees escaped from, especially the Vietnamese Australian community.”

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“As hopeful as Dutton’s election is for centre-right Christians and classical liberals, until they see proof of the new LNP leader’s resolve, and effectiveness, Dutton’s election will mean diddly squat.”

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Sherwood’s alleged blasphemy against the LGBTQ+ political religion was simply reading from 2,000+ years of Biblical Christian teaching.

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“It is not for the district court to interpret biblical concepts,” the judges ruled.

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“Our democracy is one that should be from the people up, not from the globalists down.”

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There is one thing that will always be with us: those who want to tyrannically rule over others. But there is also this: those who will resist such tyranny. 

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“Whether we talk about Columbus, or the Pilgrim Fathers, or the First Thanksgiving, or the American Revolution, it seemed like God’s guiding hand was upon this nation.”

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“No jab, no job,” is the equivalent of “any dissent against the state, equals no food for you and your kid’s plate.”

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“…if the State can force you to take a vaccine against your will, they can make you do anything: to be sterilised; to be forced to give up an organ on demand; to be rounded up in internment camps; to be euthanised; and so on.”

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“Important principles were established, and this case was always about principles. So, we lost on some legal technicalities, but won the moral and strategic ground.”

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Seeing protests against medical mandates happening within New York, a large, and long-held Democrat stronghold, isn’t just encouraging, it’s illustrative of the widening gap between the people, COVID cultism, and CCP-19 propaganda.

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“We demand that our freedoms be restored and I demand that peaceful protesters patriotic freedom-loving men and women never ever be fired upon in this country ever again.”

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“Davies, and her diverse, but like-minded supporters within the ranks, are putting themselves and their careers between the public and the rise of totalitarianism.”

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“What we should never accept is the systematic removal of our freedoms based on zero-risk health advice from a bunch of unelected medical bureaucrats. Open society back up! Restore our freedoms! End this madness!”

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“I’ve covered most lockdown protests in Melbourne and this was the biggest one I’ve ever seen,” Avi Yemini of Rebel News told Caldron Pool.

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“Dr. Ridd, a marine scientist with extensive experience on the Great Barrier Reef, was dismissed by Cook University for questioning the popular view that the Great Barrier Reef is endangered.”

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“Should a scientist with over 30 years working on the Great Barrier Reef be able to say that work coming from other reef science organisations was subject to insufficient quality assurance, and was thus not trustworthy? Or should he be fired because it was discourteous and disrespectful?”

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“We’re not going to have some like yoga mat of solar panels added to our already heavy pack, just to make you feel good about green energy.”

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Communism is the new black, and it’s finding its latest iteration in the West through the leftist agenda of sexual identity politics. But as with every other form of socialism, it is already manifesting the underlying totalitarian tendencies.

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