1334 search results for "Trans"

Twitter has permanently suspended President Donald Trump, citing “risk of further incitement of violence.”

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It was a year for the history books. Each of us has a story to tell about how the events of 2020 impacted us.

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Last week, a Chinese citizen journalist was sentenced to four years in jail. Her crime: reporting on the coronavirus outbreak that began in her city of Wuhan.

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While Socialism might masquerade as a social force for good, it stalks through the world devouring the most important, sacred parts of civilisation.

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A family doctor who was suspended from practice over a series of posts on social media has doubled down on his “controversial” views in a recent interview.

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An international Christian watchdog organization for persecuted Christians worldwide has said the persecution of Christians in China is set to rise 2021.

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Californians have been told they must wear face coverings in public or high-risk settings, including while shopping, taking public transit or seeking medical care.

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“This birth represents heteronormative oppression. We must rally people to take up arms against it. He who says that God became man is guilty of hatred towards women.”

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The Cartoon Network is ‘normalizing’ gender pronouns with young children, and warning them not to assume a person’s gender based on their appearance.

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After the events of 2020, many Westerners are feeling confused and disoriented.

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The implementation of authoritarian rule starts with laws demanding proof of an oath, party membership, “approved” melanin, or “approved” ethnicity.

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A family doctor has been suspended from medical practice in Australia after sharing his Christian beliefs online.

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Children under the age of 16 are unlikely to be able to give informed consent to the use of puberty-blocking drugs, three High Court judges in the UK ruled on Tuesday.

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Should we inject Australian children with the COVID vaccine?

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Has anybody told Daniel Andrews about the three terrible bigots across the pond who are trying to suppress the gender identity of ‘transgender’ minors?

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If a woman with an orientation towards other women can become a male with an orientation toward women, then doesn’t that suggest, in some sense, that orientation is not fixed?

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Perfect equality, like its concomitant perfect liberty, can only exist when each individual lives alone in a desert, where it is meaningless.

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I wrote part one of this series on equality months ago and have taken my time in writing part two.

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Numerous jurisdictions in the Western world are going down the road of banning “conversion therapies” or “conversion practices”.

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A Christian woman in New Jersey has been fired by Starbucks after refusing to wear a pro-LGBTQ t-shirt, a lawsuit claims.

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