541 search results for "free speech"

What makes Leftist media outlets, jumping to the defence of billionaire Bill Gates extraordinary, is the spin these media manipulators are putting on public concerns over the billionaire’s very public reemergence, since COVID-19 burst onto the global scene. Author, and popular podcast host, Alley Stuckey gave this sharp relief when she asked, “Is it not weird that the same people who think billionaires are evil seem to trust and adore Bill Gates?” Is it not weird that the same people who think billionaires are evil seem to trust and adore Bill Gates? — Allie Beth Stuckey (@conservmillen) April 15, 2020…

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As we’ve seen in recent weeks, the Australian Greens, the American Democrats, Extinction Rebellion and the Chinese Communist regime have attached their self-proclaimed sinless benevolence to the coronavirus crisis. Ignoring the fact that they waved dim-witted “you can’t do that, it’s racist” flags all over the media in response to early anti-coronavirus measures, sharp-witted governments put in place to stop the coronavirus. False accusations of racism which targeted travel bans top this list. Comparing the devastating toll in Italy with the relatively low impact of COVID-19 on Japan’s population, Mark Powell was right to note that Italy was invaded, and…

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There’s a thin line between governments waging a war against a crisis, and governments waging a war against people caught up in that crisis. It’s the crossing of this line; the potential, and perhaps eventual, overreaction through disproportionate measures, that have sparked an increasing number of centrist and conservative thinkers to question these heavy-handed measures, along with anything, and everything, labelled “the new normal”. The more we learn about the coronavirus, the more important it is to question whether the heavy-handed measures being taken against the coronavirus are proportionate to the fight against it. Peter Hitchens was the first to…

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The UK Government is continuing its war on words and they’re now setting its sights on those who verbally insult other people for the way they look. UK Home Office shared a minute-long video on social media on Friday saying it is now a “hate crime” to insult someone’s appearance. “No one should be abused and insulted because of the way they look,” Home Office tweeted. “If you are – it’s a hate crime.” The video features a number of individuals with facial birthmarks, scarring and deformities recounting negative comments they’ve received because of their appearance. “Every day we get…

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Australia’s ASIO security chief, Mike Burgess presented the Director-General’s Annual Threat Assessment on Monday. The assessment laid out ASIO’s “principle concerns” about national security, and the issues it views as threats to Australians both internally and externally. Burgess didn’t mess around, stating from the start that he wanted “to move beyond the bureaucratic language of annual reports and help everyone understand the significant threats we see directed at Australia and Australians.” The director spoke pointedly about the increasing challenges technology posed to the organization’s ability to do what it does successfully. Adding that ASIO seeks to find a balance between…

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The closing remark from The Australian’s Janet Albrechtsen, in writing on the Australian Securities & Investments Commission’s (ASIC) quest for more judicial power through “new fairness laws”, made a pointed case about the danger of being ruled by fiat and whim of the bureaucratic caste. Citing NSW Chief Justice Tom Bathurst, Albrechtsen argued that vague edicts – based on ill-defined and poorly understood laws that we imagine reflect “the moral conscience of society” – mean “we will be ruled by lawyers not the rule of law.’ In other words, the danger before us is a society enslaved to an interpreter’s…

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Avi Yemini was arrested by Victorian Police on Sunday after being mobbed by protesters at an anti-Australia Day rally. Yemini attended the Melbourne “Invasion Day” protest to cover the rally for TR News and interview anyone “willing to engage peacefully.” However, things took a turn when a mob of loud and angry protesters surrounded Yemini as he attempted to conduct interviews. In a bizarre move, nearby police officers handcuffed Yemini, claiming he was being arrested for his own safety. Yemini was then escorted from the rally and questioned by police. Despite mainstream media suggesting Yemini was arrested after “interrupting a…

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From a post of mine from 2017 when I first engaged with Scruton on a serious level. His passing this week is a monumental loss, but his legacy, bravado and inspiration, will continue on. It is my hope that this post will exemplify why. In the video below, conservative philosopher Roger Scruton is interviewed for an hour and a half by Dutch journalist Wim Kayzer, as part of a series called, ‘Of Beauty and Consolation‘. The whole interview is worth watching. Since it is quite lengthy, my purpose here will be to share some of the more stand-out points. What this…

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There are those amongst us who present themselves as heroes, often view themselves as heroes, and expect others to account them as heroes. Movies are made about these people. News articles talk about them as if they were the great liberators of the modern age. Actors and Actresses in Hollywood lionize these people. Who are they really though? They are the intersectional “heroes”. Tearers-down of power structures and they are obsessed with power politics. What do I mean by this? Intersectional thought is a realm of discourse that deals with people’s intersecting identities and ranks people’s access to power and…

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A pastor in China has been sentenced to nine years in prison after being accused of ‘inciting subversion of state power’ and ‘illegally operating a business.’ Pastor Wang Yi was arrested in December 2018 along with dozens of churchgoers and leaders of the Early Rain Covenant Church, one of China’s largest unregistered protestant “house” churches. China’s constitution guarantees religious freedom, but since President Xi Jinping took office six years ago, the government has tightened restrictions on religions seen as a challenge to the authority of the ruling Communist Party, Reuter’s reports. According to a statement from the church, which was…

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It’s been a busy year at Caldron Pool. This year alone, we’ve had well over 6.5-million views on our website. So, as 2019 comes to an end, we thought we’d share a list of the top 20 most-read articles over the past 12 months. We hope you all have a great New Year’s. Many blessings for 2020! Top 20 Most Read Articles in 2019 1. Female athletes take a stand after transgender athletes dominate track event: ‘We’re facing the end of women’s sports’ 2. LGBTQ activist transforming schools admits: “We’re training school teachers to completely smash heteronormativity” 3. Where is…

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Former Greens leader Christine Milne has urged Australians to “stand up for separation of Church and State”, suggesting Christian politicians are “dangerous” and have no place in politics. In a tweet posted on Boxing Day, the Global Greens Ambassador said: “Australians need to stand up for separation of Church and State. A PM whose worldview is dominated by The Rapture is dangerous.” Australians need to stand up for separation of Church and State. A PM whose worldview is dominated by The Rapture is dangerous. #auspol — Christine Milne (@ChristineMilne) December 26, 2019 Is Milne suggesting that Australia has violated the…

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The ABC employee who said he wonders if he would “hate f*ck” Christian MP’s who opposed same-sex marriage, has offered us yet again another lesson in civility. Benjamin Law, champion of tolerance and acceptance, on Sunday, tweeted: “Back at home and discussing politics with Mum. Given English is her second language, she’s now asking me why she’s heard so many people call the prime minister a ‘sh*tc*nt’ lately.” Calls the PM a sh*tc*nt while his hand is out for taxpayer funding. This foul mouthed grub is paid by the ABC. If it wasn't for low standards the ABC would have…

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The belief that people cannot change their biological sex is “not worthy of respect in a democratic society”, an employment tribunal has ruled. Maya Forstater, a researcher at the Centre for Global Development, was fired from her job after she was accused of using “offensive and exclusionary” language on Twitter. Ms Forstater had taken to social media to question government proposals to reform the Gender Recognition Act to allow people to self-identify as the opposite sex. In October 2018, Ms Forstater tweeted: “What I am so surprised at is that smart people who I admire, who are absolutely pro-science in…

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From the day Donald Trump announced his candidacy in 2015, I was sceptical. He was a mogul from liberal New York, unfaithful in marriage, divorced twice, and verbally ruthless towards his opponents. None of that has changed. And while there is still lots to dislike about Trump’s persona, his performance has surprised me. I’ve lived in America for the last six months. I’ve heard lots of perspectives on Trump, and I’ve kept a close eye on the media. I’ve explored Washington DC, visited the Capitol Building, and I even got to see Trump speak at a live event. For a…

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Following the news that an LGBTQ activist was suing Israel Folau for $100,000 over his “controversial” Instagram post back in April, Caldron Pool received a comment we thought worth republishing. The comment was posted by Nicholas Butler, a “bisexual man on the left” and a law student at Monash University. While we obviously don’t agree with everything said, Nicholas offers an interesting perspective on anti-vilification complaints that folks on the Left would do well to consider. Nicholas’ comment was titled, ‘Why I, a bisexual man on the left, don’t support the anti-vilification complaint against Israel Folau’: While what he said…

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Scottish Pastor, Richard Cameron, was suspended by church officials this week, until further notice, after “heckling” openly socialist, U.K. Labour leader, Jeremy Corbyn. Corbyn, who has the potential of becoming the U.K’s next Prime Minister in the December election, was day two into his campaign trail in Glasgow, when according to The Scottish Sun, Cameron, a 60-year-old Church of Scotland minister, approached the Labour leader. Referring to Corbyn’s tartan scarf and his criticism of the United States actions against the late ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, Cameron stated: I thought you’d be wearing an Islamic jihad scarf. Do you think…

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Last week, Ellie Goulding, an award-winning British singer, decided to rethink a scheduled performance in support of The Salvation Army’s “Red Kettle Kickoff”, at an American Thanksgiving Day NFL Show. The decision was made in response to an Instagram follower falsely accusing The Salvation Army of discriminating against the LGBT community – claiming that the organization was employing passive euthanasia against the homeless: So sad to see Ellie supporting them :// they’re extremely homo/transphobic, literally to the point of letting queer homeless ppl die. Wish she had done some research beforehand or something.” @angelsporch The comment was a reaction to…

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The best and brightest of those registered with the American Gospel Music Association recently celebrated the 50th annual GMA, Dove Awards. The Gospel Music Association began in 1964, with the purpose of ‘serving as the face and voice of the Gospel/Christian music community, dedicating itself to exposing, promoting and celebrating the Gospel through the music of all styles.’ The first Dove Awards ceremony was held in 1969. The awards showcase G.M.A talent and provide a window into the world of Christian music for the broader culture. There are 5 divisions catering for 38 categories, all helping G.M.A ‘accomplish its mission…

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If you own a screen, chances are you’ve heard about this week’s climate strikes in a city near you. Chances are you were also recently introduced to a 16-year-old called Greta Thunberg. So what’s all the hype about? The protests have been organised by Extinction Rebellion (XR), whose website states: We are facing an unprecedented global emergency. Life on Earth is in crisis: scientists agree we have entered a period of abrupt climate breakdown, and we are in the midst of a mass extinction of our own making. Greta Thunberg, a Swedish school student, spoke at the group’s ‘Declaration of Rebellion’ held in London…

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